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It's in My Blood

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Everything posted by It's in My Blood

  1. Honest, yes, but why go out of your way to insult a city? He's a pompous little B word and I can't wait until he's out of the league.
  2. Fine by me. He was by far, our weakest link at any position last year.
  3. Thats nice, I guess. I for one enjoyed his "antics", though not at the cost of a flag. Stevie did come across as though he will be a Bill next year.
  4. Why the f*** are ppl posting about designer shoes on the TSW!? Really. I work in and around Boca, and the women are mostly middle-aged housewives spending their husbands money on tacky handbags and over priced rags. Yea, you get the occasional looker but for the most part its mainly old yentas waddling around in big sunglasses. Ft. Lauderdale and of course Miami is where you'll find the hotties.
  5. Armando Salgaro of the Miami Herald reported that the Dolphins first priority is to land Manning. Thats where I think he ends up.
  6. I like who he picks the Bills to take a lot. I can definitely see the Browns moving up to take RG3, in fact, I expect it. If Upshaw is gone at 10, I hope we take Mercilus. Don Bank's Mock
  7. You can negotiate w/ your own before free agency begins in March, IIRC.
  8. The just drafted Ponder last year, but Carolina took Cam right after they took Clausen. I think its possible they draft RG3. They'd be stupid not too.Ponder showed flashes but RG3 will be a star.
  9. For a moment I didn't catch the sarcasm. Lindell has been our most consistent player for years (which sucks). He needs to be resigned.
  10. Yet another gem from Dorkington. Stability = Less injuries
  11. By "premier" i'm assuming you mean All-Pro. Can you think of a team that has those types of players at all the positions you've mentioned? I can't.
  12. Yes, and I really do believe we will be in next year.
  13. Yea, I feel pretty bad for him, but more so for Cundiff. Harbaugh should've called his last timeout to give the ST more time to set up. The playclock was around 5 seconds and they were still lining up. Cundiff looked like he rushed the kick. Harbaugh needs to call a timeout there.
  14. I think you named them all. At least as far as televised games go. I start to follow NBA right about now to get me thru to the draft, then hockey playoffs , then it all begins again!
  15. I never said what I was told was nothing more than a rumor. In fact, I even said it was! The only reason I posted what I did was because of who told me and his status. This could take years to develop and as one poster pointed out, who knows how long Ralph will continue to live. So yea, as another poster stated, "its a crock of s****", at least at this point. In response to Matt in KC's snide comment about my job, yes, irrigation and landscape is one aspect of what we provide.
  16. I never post rumors but the credibility of the source is impeccable. I live near Boca Raton and provide estate services to very wealthy clients in Palm Beach county. I was told that Terry Pegula is part of a prospective ownership group that includes Jim Kelly, and that group is a near lock to purchase the Bills once Ralph passes. Yes, it is a virtual rumor, but like I mentioned above, the source is major player and I don't think I was being lied to.
  17. Hightower. More explosive as a pass rusher than Upshaw, IMO.
  18. Per Si.com Would love the Bills to take him at 10. Game changer who potentially would solidify our secondary. Give me him, Reif ,Hightower , or Mercilous and I'd be thrilled.
  19. Right. How can you say "I don't care what thats stats say....." You sound like a damn fool. Its like saying, " I don't care what the facts say, the Packers didn't win the SuperBowl last year"
  20. What a glorious day that would be. Then, we should hire him as our DC.
  21. Me too. I love NFL football, especially the playoffs. But my level of intensity watching the Bills play any game, trumps all.
  22. Please, tell me why you believe he is a "great" OC.
  23. The agenda continues. Sorry but Fitz played very good, almost great through our 5-2 start. Then, our offense became ravaged with injuries. Its hard to peform at a high level when you lose your No. 2 WR,your best playmaker in FJ, your starting center,TE, and LT. Kinda tough when your throwing balls to Naaman Roosevelt and Hagan while your o-line is patch work at best.
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