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It's in My Blood

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Everything posted by It's in My Blood

  1. http://sinfl.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/jim-harbaugh.jpg His antics and overblown emotional outbursts this whole year are embarrassing. Glad he lost.
  2. I'd go all in on Boldin. His play yesterday and throughout the playoffs was MVP-like.
  3. Ok. Byrd is a near consensus top 3 free safety. He has eclipsed his rookie year, IMO.
  4. Best prospect IMO. If Nix thinks he's the guy, he'll have to trade up to get him. I don't see him falling past Arizona. The Chiefs may even take him #1 overall.
  5. I don't know much about his game other than the big hits against the Pats. Is he any good in coverage? Can he rush the passer? I'd take him solely based on his history with the Pats. What a nightmare for hoody to face the Patsykiller twice a year.
  6. I saw pure passion in Ray Lewis' pre and poas game antics. A little over the top though.
  7. I think in 10-15 years, the Patriots legacy of the 2000's will be remembered much differently. I can totally see then-retired coaches and players coming forward to really expose spygate with first hand accounts of how and when the cheating occured. Yea, im bitter we get our asses beat each year by the Pats, but if it were any other team, I'd feel the same way.
  8. There must be reasons why Trestman is continuously overlooked as a HC. His name is always floated out during the offseason each year and never lands the big job.
  9. Show me the baby. I'll believe we are a top tier team when we field a top tier team, not a minute before. btw....why are your off season additions in your signature colored?
  10. Agree. The rule changes in the NFL have made it a somewhat easier transition for a rookie qb to play well and gain confidence fast. When we draft our qb this year, there is no way I want to see a stop gap like Alex Smith or Vick start while our rook rides the pine. It just isn't your daddy's NFL anymore.
  11. Just a hunch, but I predict he goes to NYJ in 2014 after Rex is canned. Imagine that..facing Chan Gailey's offense twice a year (licking my chops).
  12. I guess you didn't read this http://www.csnphilly.com/football-philadelphia-eagles/eagles-talk/Vick-throws-everybody-under-the-bus?blockID=818839&feedID=704
  13. Agree. But remember the Eagles also have Desean Jackson and and Lesean McCoy. Equally enticing pieces to an NFL version of Chip's offense. I hope we land him.
  14. The Bills are going all in on Chip Kelly tomorrow. If he's not our new coach by Saturday, Lovie will be by Monday, imo.
  15. He did a hell of a job this year stepping in for Pagano. That said, it is hard for me to give him the credit alot of people do in regards to him "developing or molding" Peyton Manning, Big Ben, and Andrew Luck. They would have been great with or without Bruce Arians. Chip Kelly/Lovie Smith is who the Bills should hire. Kelly brings the unknown factor but his offense is the most innovative system to possibly hit the NFL since maybe the induction of the spread offense, while Lovie has an established record as a winning coach and is a great leader. The others are for the birds, for the Bills at this stage. The others would be a let down and Russ Brandon wants to make a splash, which I think he will.
  16. At first I was excited to hear the Ralph ceded power to a younger professional who is eager to make his mark on the Bills as well as the rest of the NFL. Then I realized that, wait a minute, Ralph is 94 and by all accounts a new owner will be in place who most likely will bring in his own people to run the show. So what is the point of Ralph stepping down and propping Russ Brandon up as the new caesar? Unless he is leaving the Bills to Brandon in his will, this doesn't really make sense. Ralph should have just sold the team if he didn't want the burden and responsibility of being "the guy". I like Ralph and appreciate everything he's done for the Bills and Buffalo area, but does he think he is going to live forever? Or maybe this was a plot designed by the new owners (perhaps a Jim Kelly led group) to soften the perception of the Bills and create a new image that is more coach friendly. With all due respect to Ralph, when he passes,which could be any day at his age, Russ's vision and leadership of the Bills most likely ends. It just seems odd to me. Thoughts?
  17. After last year's off season, I think anything is possible in regards to attracting high profile coaching candidates and players. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lovie Smith or Gruden sign on. Lovie and Rod Marinelli would have a blast with our defense while Gruden would automatically give credibility to the Bills and would send a major statement to the league that the Bills are serious once again about winning.
  18. Blow it up..im done posting for this year..its a waste of time. I have never been more ashamed of a head coach in my life. Horrible, just horrible. Gailey has got to go.
  19. Tom Brady didn't have a pass over 25 yards against us last week. So if you watched that game, then you indeed did see a NFL QB not hit one deep pass in a game. Just sayin'.
  20. Scratch Kelsay and give Anderson a few games to get back into playing form.
  21. Seriously, get a life. I just ordered the book, well kinda. I put it on my xmas list. Cant wait to read it, although Im sure to be pissed, ill get a certain sense of satisfaction that makes it easier to dust off the past 12 years of domination the Pats have had over the Bills, knowing they're cheaters.
  22. To be frank, why even !@#$ing start a thread then? Just something more to B word about?
  23. Next week is huge. If we win, the playoffs are a great possibility. Lets pray our D is born-again and demolish Luck and co. Disagree. A 9-7 AFC playoff team is very possible, perhaps even an 8-8 team will sneak in.
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