Before last nights blowout of the Pats, I saw us getting a wild card. Now, I see no reason why we don't take the division if Orton plays an Alex Smith type of role.
Overall a poor performance. Loved the EJ scramble/pass to Chandler and Mario's body slam of SD's running back. Gilmore is soft. McCoy out coached us.
That said, the Bills are 2-1 and 1st place in the division. We play Fitz's Texans next week. We'll be 3-1 soon.
Good read. I don't hate Miami as much as I hate the Jets and Pats. I used to be indifferent to the Jets when Herman Edwards was coach but I can't stand Rex Ryan.
I hate the Pats the most for obvious reasons.
34-20 Bills
I think our offense and defense take early advantage of the atmosphere @ the Ralph and we lead by 20 by halftime. Miami scores a couple garbage time TDs.