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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. This may be too simplistic for a lot of people but for me if there is a song, movie, actor, comedian.... that I don't like then I don't watch/listen to them. There are definitely artists who rub me the wrong way that tons of people love and lots of shows/movies that give me negative reactions. In those cases I just avoid them going forward but in no way do I see a benefit in making everyone give them up to suit my personal preferences.
  2. I agree. I just can't imagine his call on a potential Super Bowl win will move the needle at all as far as improving the moment.
  3. I have been thinking about this lately. For all of us that lived through the 90s team run Van Miller is forever etched into our memories for his epic calls of legendary Bills games/moments. It is so strong that for me, and I assume most, Van is the official voice of that era. That being said, in 20 years or so will Murph really cut it as the official voice of the Bills era we are just entering? For me I don't think he will ever measure up to the moments, especially if the Bills finally win it all with Allen.
  4. Was actually referencing this: But I wouldn't be surprised if someone got on to your thought as well.... or can even see a call to cancel Tush, Tube Snake Boogie, or Pearl Necklace. Ha, now that I think about it ZZ Top really did have a flair for the sexual innuendo in a lot of their tunes.
  5. Guess ZZ Top better take notice.
  6. We hit one of these locations up when there in 2019: https://hattieb.com/ Definitely lived up to the hype as far as hot chicken goes. I have been hunting that flavor ever since and tried many different NY restaurant's versions of "Nashville Hot Chicken" since that didn't even come close.
  7. You mean other than last season when the Bills played them in OP? 😁
  8. Lots of good ones to choose from but random top of the head stab... Barney Stinson Cosmo Kramer Charlie Kelly Woody Boyd Jack Tripper
  9. It would be nice to go back to a time where there was competition for halftime eyes. No better halftime entertainment than this gem from 1999 for me. (though Prince was pretty awesome)
  10. A page of replies and no one has mentioned Rudy?
  11. Do the players still enjoy seeing the fans there regardless of the importance of the game? I would think their opinion matters the most.
  12. Understood. I realize that there are different media outlets involved which would make something like this difficult. Just putting the desire/hope out there that at some point in the ever changing media streaming/consumption world something like this would be possible.
  13. I like how the broadcast on Prime gives you an option for different announcers. Unfortunately none of the options are great but it gives me hope that maybe some day all broadcasts could have something similar that allows us to choose from the national or home town broadcasting teams.
  14. I will be equal parts disappointed/satisfied regardless of the outcome.
  15. Disappointed to see Miami/NE in my viewing area for the CBS later game. Was looking forward to that Cleveland/KC playoff game rematch.
  16. I like the idea of choosing games that I actually attended and for that the 31-0 beating of the Pats* really sticks out. Regardless of how that season turned out for both teams that year it was still an awesome feeling on that day. However since that one has already been listed a bunch another game that really sticks out to me is a game in 1990 against the Eagles because of one specific play. The Eagles were deep in their own end and on a pass play Bruce looked to have Cunningham wrapped up in the end zone but somehow he shook off the tackle and ended up completing a pass that went for 95 yards and a TD. Not really a good Bills play but that memory has always remained in my mind. Randall Cunningham was one heck of an athlete.
  17. I was at work listening to Howard Stern on the radio at my desk. I remember he was telling a story about possibly having a chance to hook up with Pam Anderson and one of his staff interrupted about a plane hitting the world trade. They didn't think much of it at first thinking it was just a small accident so he continued with his story. However shortly after someone else came into the studio and mentioned being able to see smoke. At this point I mentioned it to my cube neighbor, (who on a side not happened to be Tim Russert's sister), and she brought up CNN which already had a photo of the first plane hitting on the main page. I went back to the radio and believe it or not Howard actually did a really good job of covering all the developments until well past his usual sign off time of 10 or 11am. I don't think much work got done that day though I didn't leave early. Watched a lot of the coverage when I got home and recall just a strange mix of emotions ranging from anger, fear, and patriotism.
  18. That's true. But depending on what you were fired for your eligibility for unemployment benefits could be affected so there is at least some distinction. 😁
  19. Thanks. New album out tomorrow. Early reviews are promising.
  20. Seems like there is some confusion throughout the board over the last several days on which players need to clear waivers and which don't so I thought this refresher could be helpful to some people. NFL Waive Wire Refresher
  21. This is really interesting and as anecdotal support I can confirm the theory from personal experience. Whenever I go to our minor league baseball stadium and they are at or above half capacity the concession lines are out of control so there have been plenty of times where I walk up for something and head right back to my seat after seeing the lines. Now half full shouldn't cause a logjam like that and they need to improve their system somehow but I can see an argument that based on space there is only so much throughput a concession outfit can handle.
  22. Definitely just a guess which is all any of us can really do right now in regards to how they came up with that capacity number. Anything that has to do with maximizing profit though is probably a good guess.
  23. Saw an interesting take on the stadium capacity discussion on the news the other night. Basically the guy was saying that when you start to add extra seating capacity you build up which significantly raises the cost with more structural support needed. However since those are the nose bleed seats you are adding a lot of construction cost for extra capacity at the cheapest seat sales price. Makes sense to me then that above the ~60k range is where they decided the extra cost wasn't worth the extra seat revenue.
  24. I agree and that strategy makes perfect sense. It is just hard for me to envision some of the top guys taking a seat in a meaningful game if they are good enough to go but not 100%.
  25. For sure. I love how Sanderson has a progress bar on his website for his projects. It is a nice change up from Rothfuss getting annoyed anytime someone asks him about the last Kingkiller book or the BS that Martin keeps saying about Winds of Winter being right around the corner for the last 5 years.
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