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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Sat next to a couple students from UCONN who made the drive last year to see their team for the first two rounds of the tournament in Buffalo. They seemed like pretty decent down to earth people. They took getting bounced in the first round pretty well and to my surprise still showed up for the second round games. Not a big fan of UCONN but I was happy for those guys at least to be able to experience a championship for their school while actually attending it.
  2. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
  3. Verizon wireless is offering Disney+/Hulu with ads/ESPN+ with some of their unlimited data packages FYI if that is your carrier. My wife switched to one a few months ago, her bill went up around 5$ but still seemed worth it to get those streaming packages included.
  4. I didn't know that. My initial thought would be that he doesn't seem the type to want the coach K send off treatment at every stop but when it comes right down to him making the final call who knows.
  5. Do you guys think Jim is the kind of guy who wants a farewell tour? The answer to that question will tell us if he announces immediate retirement after the season or announces he will have one last season.
  6. This one looks good. Thanks, I will keep an eye out for it.
  7. That's true, it definitely takes a little longer especially with having to dice up veggies and what not. We have been able to speed that up a bit though after time just from a lot of practice with the basic steps and figuring out which things could be multi-tasked.
  8. Wife and I have been using this on and off for the last year. https://www.hellofresh.com/ Pick out some meals and they ship all the ingredients and recipes to you. We have had a couple of duds but the vast majority of them have been delicious and relatively easy to put together.
  9. I will be interested to see how this works out for you. I contacted the Bills for information about club seats early last summer. I was expecting to just put my name on a waiting list for maybe 23 or 24. However he told me that you can't just buy into the club section and that the only way I could get in there was to buy a season ticket in whatever was available in the regular sections for a season and then put in for an upgrade the following spring when maybe some would be available. This path seemed extremely unlikely to work as seniority would be nothing compared to everyone else looking to upgrade. Anyway it made absolutely no sense to me but after some questions and a few back and forth emails he spelled it out exactly the way I described it pretty clearly.
  10. Anyone else have love for the idea of less prime time games this year? I'm thinking the NFL world writing off the Bills as old news is better all around, enough of this Super Bowl favorite talk. In any case we at least all have to be hoping for no more Thanksgiving games after the luck of the last two.
  11. I'm with you on this. Those Boba Fett episodes that were basically Mandalorian episodes should have at the very least been the first few episodes of season 3 so it maybe wouldn't have been as cheap as we'd have seen them apart for a little bit. Something I didn't consider until reading about it recently is how this situation feels to people who didn't watch Boba Fett. Evidently there was quite a backlash after the trailer dropped from this group thinking wtf as season 2 ended with this big send off and then they see them immediately back together in the trailer? That would have annoyed me too.
  12. I remember the turnovers but not that it was AVP playing that game. Probably for the best that my memory of that game is cloudy, and the whole Greg Williams era for that matter. 😀
  13. The way the schedule is lining up it seems like there might be a decent chance that Miami @ NYJ could be win and in, lose and out, for both of those teams. If it plays out that way I can definitely see that one being flexed into a solo slot.
  14. Went from Buffalo to San Francisco in 2001 for a SNF football game and was treated to a 35-0 beat down. The good old Rob Johnson years.
  15. Right, it is going to be interesting how they come up with good games for the Saturday slots that also won't affect any of the teams playing on Sunday. Seems to me that might be tough to work out as all the teams fighting for a spot, or even positioning, can affect each other.
  16. According to this: https://506sports.com/nfl.php?yr=2022&wk=18 There will be 2 Saturday games week 18 this year so OP may be correct.
  17. Problem right now is the Bills don't have the horses to gain yardage on the ground in an obvious run situation. Decent running teams can still get a push and gain a couple yards in this situation so run, run on 1st and 2nd can burn some clock and put them in a decent 3rd down situation where another run or short pass can get it done. When the Bills go run, run in obvious run situations they are typically looking at 3rd and 10 or more. I assume Dorsey knows this as well and is trying to find other ways to get first downs and burn clock. That short pass to Singletary was a good call as you should be able to assume that is a high % chance of completion, but unfortunately he dropped it.
  18. I used a free trial of YouTube Tv for this in the past. FuboTv is also an option with a free 7 day trial.
  19. Let's see if we can figure it out.... PA = 209 9 Wins + 3 Losess = 12 Games 209 / 12 = 17.41 17.41 + 15 points for sarcastic hyperbole = 32.41 You were spot on. 😁😈
  20. A Christmas Story Christmas Vacation Scrooged I'm surprised no one has put Love Actually on here yet.... Not that I'm arguing for it in any way but it seems to make a lot of lists.
  21. I was down on him at the time when he missed that too but after the way things played out I think it might have worked out in the Bills favor. If Detroit was down 4 at the end of that game they would have obviously went for it on 4th down and the way their offense was moving the ball that day I'm not sure the Bills could have stopped them from scoring a TD being in 4 down mode.
  22. From what I understand those were the 5 games that were earmarked when the schedule first came out in the spring to be eligible for the Saturday flex. In other words out of those 5 games 3 would be chosen to fill 3 spots on Saturday, an early afternoon, late afternoon, and a night game. The Sunday flex is outside of this so I'm not sure how that would work in regards to those 5 games. I assume if the Bills game does go to Sunday night then 3 of those remaining 4 would be the games for Saturday but I guess we will have to wait and see on that for sure.
  23. It absolutely is a Christmas movie. As is Die Hard 2 and Gremlins.
  24. We know that three of these five are getting flexed to Saturday: Mia@Buf Bal@Cle Ind@Min Atl@NO NYG@Was It is hard to imagine that Mia@Buf will be one of the two not chosen for that, not to mention the possibility of a Sunday night flex as well. Not sure about only having 5 days in between being a factor.... Teams play on Sunday and then Thursday all season long.
  25. Hahaha, that getting sucked out of the building effect was crazy. However those days are gone now. They put a physical roof on the building a couple of years ago.
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