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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. For all of the people arguing on the "Take this more seriously" side, what would you suggest people do about this? Not attend NFL or college football games anymore, or just avoid any crowded place at all costs? Seems like there really is no answer that makes sense which is where I believe the "not living my life in fear" crowd is coming from. It is no secret that the world is a dangerous place. You have to evaluate personal risks every day in one way or another and hopefully come out on top more often than not. To me going to a Bills game or to the mall is still an acceptable risk, but I wouldn't judge anyone harshly who disagreed.
  2. This is a good and legit charity. I have sent about 100-150$ worth of stuff the last 5 years. Spending a lot of time in a hospital as a kid is bad enough but I can't imagine how terrible it would be to have to spend the holidays there too. If a few gifts Christmas morning can help make this even a little bit better then the money is well worth it to me. Also it isn't just video games. The Amazon wish-list has DVDs and other things on it as well.
  3. I lived somewhere for five years that didn't have Wegmans and was stuck with crappy Price Chopper. The first thing I did when moving back near one, literally the very first night in the new place, was shop at Wegmans. Honestly shopping had never made me happier. Only people who have experienced the awesomeness that is Wegmans can truly understand.
  4. Well the way that the Dallas offense was able to move the ball on the Bills D pretty easily the entire game it probably wouldn't have made much difference anyway. Nice to dream though.
  5. I doubled checked to make sure I wasn't misremembering. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXVII#Game_summary Looks like the drive Kelly went down in ended in a FG too so 14-10 in the 2nd quarter. Not saying Kelly would have won the game but I for one would have rather had him playing the rest of the game despite Reich's play-off magic a couple weeks before.
  6. When Kelly got hurt in that game the score was only 14-7. Who knows what could have happened had he been able to play the entire game? One thing is for sure, we do know what happened when Reich played in a Superbowl and that should have silenced all the "should have started Reich" crowd.
  7. Let's lose now so maybe we can win later? I can't begin to fathom how people can seriously support that idea. Winning and wanting to win are the only things that make sense to me. It doesn't matter where we draft as much as it matters HOW we draft and the HOW has been the problem the last 10 years not the where.
  8. If the answer isn't 9 then why even bother watching any of the games?
  9. Proposition 19 in California?
  10. I noticed something while looking at the NFL line up this upcoming weekend that has me thinking the Bills game might not get televised in the Syracuse market this weekend. The game is on Fox at 1pm. The Giants are also on Fox this weekend at 4pm, however Fox does not have the double header this week so they will not be able to air both. In previous years living in CNY I have noticed that if both teams are on at the same time on Fox then the Giants game is always the one that wins out. This situation is a little different, but I am thinking the same is going to happen and that Fox will air the 4pm Giants game instead. Anyone have any insight on this? Then again if the game doesn't sell out, and that still counts as a local black-out despite being in Toronto, then I guess this is all moot anyway.
  11. FX has some pretty solid shows. The Shield is excellent and the series ended so you won't be left hanging once you catch up like some of the currently running shows. Rescue Me is good too.
  12. That would be terrible. They would lose out on the number one pick.
  13. I'm guessing he meant these: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/en-us/buy/7/phones.aspx
  14. The Clarence high school football team is ranked in the top five of the state right now and will likely compete for a state championship. I'm certain they could beat UB.
  15. I don't really understand that either Yall. Seems like some criticism towards this article is warranted seeing I am having a hard time finding anything newsworthy about it at all. The Bills are bad and I don't think anyone in the country isn't aware of it, but for some reason it is breaking news to celebrate it with stupid hypothetical situations? Must be a slow day in the sports news world to waste time putting this piece together.
  16. Makes sense to me. I was close enough to the stadium to be able to hear the crowd go crazy from my balcony the night Bonds broke McGuire's HR record and I definitely could feel the excitement surrounding that stadium every day when I passed it. It didn't affect me the same way as you though. Probably because I am one of those evil Yankees fans whose corruption is too deep into my soul to be swayed regardless of living in the exact same environment as you. I did spend a lot of time there though so I at least supported that team with my money. Couldn't get enough of those garlic fries.
  17. They wouldn't start CC on only two days rest. You might see him come out of the bullpen late in the game though if needed.
  18. You picked a good team to switch to, I always thought they had one of the nicest ball parks in the MLB that I have ever been to. I used to live off of The Embarcadero almost right across the street from what was Pac Bell then. Loved being able to walk to games there and might have converted to a Giants fan myself if I didn't hate Barry Bonds so much.
  19. I'm not your friend, buddy! I'm not your buddy, guy!
  20. This has the same feeling as one of the weekly "I am done with the Bills forever" threads. Weak and whine filled. There is something to be said about the continuing pu55ification of the NFL though.
  21. I didn't until now. Guess we lucked out getting to see Dream Theater on what could be his last tour with the band this year.
  22. Definitely a second on Dream Theater. Just started getting into their stuff over the last few years and am liking them more and more. Especially after finally seeing them live in Toronto this past summer.
  23. I suppose it goes without saying that I am going to have to come in here and say Iron Maiden because of my avatar. But I do think that argument can be made. Sure they have been around for a long time, sold tons of records and usually sell out all their shows, but this has all been done with almost no radio play until very recently. Also it seems like anytime I get someone to listen to Maiden for the very first time they come away saying that Maiden's sound was nothing like they expected it to be. Most people seem to prejudge them as being some crazy scream metal that is just random noise and not easy to listen too. Nothing could be farther from the truth. +1 to Clutch and Deftones.
  24. I heard Howard Stern talking about this article from the most recent ESPN The Magazine the other day and I found it online this morning. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/news/story?id=5651802 The topic is a little gross but I thought some of the stories from athletes this had happened too were pretty interesting and funny. *Sorry if this was already posted but I couldn't find it while searching.*
  25. There are a couple Giants fans I know in the Syracuse area, but I work in Rome and that is where the majority of the people I am talking about are coming from. I know Syracuse is considered a Bills town, but the few times I have gone out to bars to watch games it seems like there are more fans of all sorts of other random teams. This could be because Bills fans can just watch the games at home but it is an observation worth noting because going out to watch the games in Buffalo bars is a lot different.
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