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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Didn't Bruschi rescue 20 kids from a burning building, single handily foil 20 terrorist plots on his way to finding Osama, write all of Lady Gaga and Aerosmith's hit singles, help 40 underprivileged teens get off of alcohol and drugs, and solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 30 seconds without removing stickers or taking it apart? And all on top of being the best defender to ever play in the NFL. I am certain these are just a few of the things I heard about him on ESPN so maybe the guy knows what he is talking about...
  2. I'll second Requiem For A Dream. Also for me Leaving Las Vegas is right there with it.
  3. The Dark Tower story was wrapped up in book 7 back in 2004 however there is another volume by King coming out next year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Tower:_The_Wind_Through_the_Keyhole
  4. To me it isn't as much about patience as life expectancy.... of the author or myself. If another Dark Tower like series started tomorrow, and took as long to complete, I could very well not be alive to see it finished.
  5. Were those the first four volumes of Wild Cards MadCap? Or maybe you were talking Ice and Fire... because I can't seem to find any of the old Wild Card books anywhere besides eBay except the the reprint of volume 1. Agreed on Philip K. Dick. Loved Ubik.
  6. I have been wanting to read those. A lot of the earlier novels are out of print now and pretty tough to locate. The copies I found on eBay always seem to be going for more money than I would want to pay for a paperback book. The first one was recently republished though so hopefully they continue to do that with the following books.
  7. Ross Tucker put the Bills at 18 in his power rankings on his ESPN podcast today.
  8. I agree. Loved him as a player, but as an announcer he needs a lot of work.
  9. My father found an old Bills calendar of mine back home from 1994 earlier this year and it turns out it works for this year. So since January I have been using this calendar in my office and last month I wrote the opponents for this years schedule in on each weekend of the season. I'd like to think that the 2011 schedule in proximity to Bills legends is helping with their on the field performance.
  10. This has been on my list for a long time. I have to wait on it though now because of a self-imposed rule. I got into Robert Jordan's series The Wheel of Time in around 94 and now almost 20 years later the series has still not been completed and won't even be by the original author seeing he passed away before he could finish it. However even before Robert Jordan died I promised myself I wouldn't start any long fantasy series until it was completed just because of the insanely long amount of time some of these authors take between books. Martin seems to be in this group seeing it was 5 years between book 4 and 5. On a side note if you like epic fantasy I have been hearing a lot of positive buzz about The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
  11. I'd add The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Forget all the crappy Hollywood translations, this is a perfectly crafted but very intricate revenge novel that movies could never do justice.
  12. I read a lot but I hesitated for a while to jump on the Kindle bandwagon thinking I would miss the feel of a book. I broke down and bought one earlier this year and I love it. I still have a lot of real books in my collection to read so I have been switching back and forth but it seems like I read a lot faster on my Kindle. It is hard for me to pick a favorite author because I have enjoyed so many and like music it depends on my mood. Favorite book though has to be The Stand by Stephen King.
  13. I guess the KC fans saying this didn't watch the game last year. Despite the Bills actually having the worst run defense in the league last season, and giving up over 200 yards on the ground that day, the Chiefs still needed one of those cheap "last second before the FG kick time-outs" to avoid losing in OT.
  14. I listened to this yesterday too. Ross Tucker is usually very pro Bills so I think this criticism holds water. It is pretty obvious the Bills have had a lot of disfunction in the running of their team for some time now and it doesn't surprise me that TD would push to keep picks that weren't NFL caliber to save face because the guy had a huge ego. Comments like this help to show how the Bills got themselves into this current terrible mess in the first place. Nix and company really have their work cut out for them. My hope is that the Bills finally have something healthy in place and that the team is making progress digging out of the hole the front office has dug themselves into the last 10 years.
  15. I never could figure this one out.... Even if she was unhappy in her marriage you would think a girl like this would have no problem getting something going on the side that wouldn't lead to losing your career. Hell, even ashleymaddison.com would have been a better choice for her.
  16. Really hard to pick one.... First thing that came to mind was AEnema by Tool. Awesome cover but I'd still take the Sabbath version.
  17. Leave it to bottom line people to ruin something good.... This seems to lend support to your opinion: http://io9.com/5830082/amcs-crazy-ideas-for-cutting-costs-on-the-walking-dead
  18. That could very well be what ends up happening but my thought was that maybe this would eventually drive the crazier tailgating to alternate lots. I am not arguing for this policy, just saying that IF that was the side effect of this then it might not be a bad thing. Though I don't attend all the games anymore since I moved out of town, I do sympathize with the issue of not always having your tailgate be in the same spot. Sure you can meet up before going in but that doesn't help all the walk-overs we always seemed to have every week. The satellite lots should definitely profit a little from this. I'm sure that is what we would have done 10 years ago when I still had seasons.
  19. I hated this idea at first but the more I am hearing it debated the more I am coming around to agreeing with the opinion above. If this policy can somehow lead to the more "hardcore parties" being segregated from the more "family friendly" people then I don't see how that is a terrible thing for either side.
  20. They did talk about the Bills moving possibility but Kelly didn't offer any additional information beyond anything we have ever heard him say before. Basically just that he would do everything he could to help keep them in the area.
  21. An FYI to anyone that might be interested.... Jim Kelly was interviewed on Rich Eisen's Podcast that released today on iTunes. He talked about old Bills and new Bills in an interview around 20 minutes long. Nothing too earth shaking from what Jimbo is usually saying but still enjoyable for a Bills fan I thought. Also, Kelly is the very first guest so you don't have to go far into the hour+ podcast to get to him.
  22. No question on Beadle. Amy K Nelson is really cute too.
  23. A couple guys here at work were saying the exact same thing as this about Jacksonville. The Sunday night schedule looks pretty good. It is almost like Monday and Sunday traded quality of games this year. September 8 New Orleans Saints @ Green Bay Packers September 11 Dallas Cowboys @ New York Jets September 18 Philadelphia Eagles @ Atlanta Falcons September 25 Pittsburgh Steelers @ Indianapolis Colts October 2 New York Jets @ Baltimore Ravens October 9 Green Bay Packers @ Atlanta Falcons October 16 Minnesota Vikings @ Chicago Bears October 23 Indianapolis Colts @ New Orleans Saints October 30 Dallas Cowboys @ Philadelphia Eagles November 6 Baltimore Ravens @ Pittsburgh Steelers November 13 New England Patriots @ New York Jets November 20 Philadelphia Eagles @ New York Giants November 27 Pittsburgh Steelers @ Kansas City Chiefs December 4 Indianapolis Colts @ New England Patriots December 11 New York Giants @ Dallas Cowboys December 18 Baltimore Ravens @ San Diego Chargers December 25 Chicago Bears @ Green Bay Packers
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