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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. ”
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEsLEymqLnU&list=UUYoKOLp7YSJtt5UVujx4iXA&index=5&feature=plcp Saw this performance last summer of a 12 year old kid jamming with Buddy Guy. Joe Bonnamassa was playing with some blues legends at 12 too though he is in his 30s now. The point is valid that the young talent around today is nothing compared to all the legends emerging all over the place back in the 60s/70s but the good news is all hope is not lost. You just need to look harder these days as main stream music is mostly loaded with over produced tween crap.
  3. Any current drummers list is incomplete without Danny Carey from Tool. http://youtu.be/ojastIWl9sA
  4. Doesn't this dollar amount seem a little high? Lucas Oil Stadium cost 720 million, estimated 777 million today for inflation according to wikipedia, and that also is a retractable roof. The stadium has a smaller capacity but it doesn't seem right to me that 10 thousand more seats and a sports museum would double the cost...
  5. Every time one of these "should have drafted" threads start everyone seems to forget the most important part.... Everyone who comes to Buffalo is worst than they would have been somewhere else. Swap Marcell for Von Miller or AJ Green and we are having the same discussion about how we should have drafted Marcell because he is tearing up the league.
  6. Think for yourself and question authority. It may sound juvenile to some but to me it speaks to the only philosophy that can allow for progress and for a society to advance.
  7. So when does it become stealing versus sharing? Let's say I don't have cable but my girlfriend does. She pays for all the content but I go to her house to watch it all for free. Or she has one of those old VCR machines and records a tape full of my favorite shows which she passes to me so I can watch them all in my own living room for free. Or she is tech savvy and digitally records these shows for me and then transfers them to a network drive that only the two of us can access and from there I can watch them in the comfort of my own home for free. Or she is not my girlfriend and just some stranger who uploads them to a site where I can download them and watch them in my own home for free. I think Dr. nailed it... This is all a lot less black and white than some of these arguments are trying to make it and it has been around forever. For all of you guys so adamantly against it... can you all honestly say you never dubbed a cassette or record back in the day? And don't say the new technology somehow makes it more illegal, that's BS because the piracy level is exactly the same.
  8. It isn't stealing, it is lending/borrowing. No different than if I loan my copy of a DVD to a buddy who may then loan it to his cousin.... Only difference is you are borrowing from strangers and it is a lot easier to exchange stuff without having to be physically present.
  9. Ha, I see what you did there. Where are the youtube videos? I find it hard to believe in today's world no one had an iPhone, or its equivelent, rolling from the time he got to 2nd base.
  10. http://youtu.be/V3iaxt7a16g Sound could be a little better but some of the stuff they do with their formations on the field is pretty impressive even if you don't appreciate the video game references.
  11. I have a lot of friends who are Braves fans saying the same thing and rightly so because their team would have been in the divisional series no matter what last year. However ask the Cards and Os players/fans and I'm sure they'll all say they love it because if it was last season they would be sitting at home right now instead of still playing for a championship.
  12. They have to win one extra game, 12 versus 11 for a championship. But on top of that and maybe more importantly they lose the advantage of setting their line-up to make sure they get their number 1 starter more turns in short series. Unless they want to gamble and not play their best pitcher in that one game play-off but that would seem too risky to me. I get the argument about hating making the season last longer, but how is having more teams in the hunt later a bad thing for baseball fans?
  13. Unless they were in your division then it didn't matter because they wouldn't let division opponents face off in the first round for some reason.... In any case like I said I think the difference here is how much harder we all believe it should be for the WC team to win it all. And you'll get no argument from me about the 2-3... that is insane. Oakland is facing elimination now and they haven't even gotten to play at home yet. What kind of higher seeded advantage is that? Total crap.
  14. I get all of this. I guess the differing of opinion is should the wild card team have a harder road to a championship. To me it should and just having to play an extra road game in a 5 or 7 game series isn't all that hard to overcome in baseball unlike in football where winning three straight road games to make the Super Bowl is definitely a taller order than winning a couple at home.
  15. Exactly. This season NY and Baltimore clinched play-off spots with a weeks worth of games to go. Last season they would have just packed it in not really caring about that extra home game all that much. This year they both had to play it out right down to the very last game.
  16. There needs to be some kind of deterrent to the wild card that makes winning the division more important. Not being able to set your line-up for the divisional series and having to be in a play-in game seems to be fair to me. This way if you can win the world series as a wild card you really accomplished something. Not to mention keeping the season more exciting for longer. I like the idea of scheduling a double header or two a month someone put out there. Playing baseball in November and even late October is ridiculous.
  17. Come on doubters, how can you give up so soon? We waited all summer for the season to get here and now after some terrible losses people are ready to get to the draft after only 5 games? I am as disappointed as anyone, especially after the high expectations that came with the off season moves, but with still almost 3/4 of the season to go I can't possibly justify pulling the plug and looking forward to it being over. The ride might be another terrible one, definitely looking that way now, but sit back and take it as it comes to the very end before passing judgement. The off season will be here again soon enough.
  18. Just play your back-ups, that's what they're for. Sounds like you are in a good position in that after this week the byes won't affect you as much so if you lose one week because of a completely depleted team it is a small price to pay to have the majority of your starters active the rest of the way.
  19. I was out there for a Sunday night game in 01 and the stadium/parking was terrible then. Sounds like it hasn't gotten any better. Agree with most of the posters here about the 49ers fans being cool to Bills fans. That was a 35-0 beat down during the Rob Johnson days though so it may have been that they just felt sorry for us.
  20. So... the UFO people were actually working with the US government to allow 9/11 to happen thus giving us the excuse to go in there and help recover their spaceship which is all part of the plan to use their time traveling technology to go back in time and see if Lincoln really did hunt vampires. Thank god that it all finally makes sense now.
  21. Try here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/150213-cleveland-tailgating-help/
  22. Some people were talking about this a couple of days ago: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/150213-cleveland-tailgating-help/ I'm sure there is some good info in there.
  23. Pretty much what I was getting at. You're definitely preaching some truth. Ha, great observation. "Reason" and "female" should probably never be used together in one post, or applied in unison out in the real world... like pop-rocks and soda... bad things man.
  24. Maybe in the majority of life's ordeals but in my experience every female brings an entirely new set of rules with her. If you have been able to find a correlation in the way women think then you are a much smarter man than I and should market that into a few hundred million dollars in book sales for yourself.
  25. It is a real fine line between not chasing after a girl enough, or pursuing her too much. Tough thing is if it doesn't work out you'll always be wondering which side you fell on but sounds like you got the hindsight thing down. Every girl/situation is different too so you can't even learn from past mistakes. Only advice is to do your best at reading the situation as it unfolds and follow your gut.
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