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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Definitely. Crazy is hot.
  2. 2007? I guess that game 1 of the first round I attended against the Bruins in 2010 was my imagination. It has to be the Bills though. The Sabres have had some good to great seasons since 2000 including two somewhat recent trips to the eastern conference finals. The Bills haven't played for the conference championship in almost 20 years.
  3. I'm a Yankees fan and more closely follow the AL every year but I would be for the DH rule going too. It makes the strategy for managing in late games a lot more interesting. I know the player's union would never go for it but maybe they could add a designated base runner for if/when pitchers actually end up on base to counter the lost roster position and to help keep the pitchers healthier.
  4. Or adjust the schedule so that the superbowl is always on President's Day weekend then a lot of people already would have Monday off. Not saying add another waiting weekend but maybe an extra bye week or something along those lines. EDIT: The MLK day idea is even better.
  5. Unfortunate. The season ticket holders really get boned by this deal especially now that they took away the preseason games going up there too.
  6. Loved it too. It was funnier than I expected, the hoods scene had me rolling. Shoot outs were a little over the top but that is a Tarantino trademark.
  7. Too sexy? I'm not familiar with such a thing.
  8. Order I'll be rooting for due to numerous reasons that wouldn't make sense to most: 1. San Francisco 2. Denver 3. Atlanta 4. Houston 5. Minnesota 6. Baltimore 7. Cincy 8. Indy 9. Washington 10. Green Bay 11. Seattle 12. Super Bowl gets cancelled for many a variety of possible reasons. ... 1000. Pats*
  9. I didn't think his comments were trying to say that the reason they lose there is because the atmoshpere sucks. I think it was more along the lines of comparing the atmosphere to the Ralph regardless of how the team is. Jacksonville had a small crowd with the same terrible Bills team and still was 10x as loud. Maybe if the Bills were good the Toronto reaction would be a little bit better but it still wouldn't even be close to the noise in Ralph Wilson Stadium late December with a 10-2 Bills team fighting for a play-off spot.
  10. Actually the defense had been playing pretty well up to that point. They allowed no points in the first half and had only given up that one TD drive so in a low scoring battle a two FG lead seems like the smart play. I'm not defending Chan. He has made a mountain of monumental idiotic decisions this season. I just don't think that one specific decision was incorrect at the time. It would have been even smarter to protect what could have been a two field goal lead by controlling the ball with lots of touches for Spiller but that is a completely different argument.
  11. I'm pretty sure the article was talking about this past weekends loss to the Rams and not going for 2 after the Bills scored their only TD mid 3rd quarter and not the Titans game.
  12. I agree with everything in that article except for the going for 2 argument. No coach in the entire league would go for 2 at that point in the game. Especially with a low scoring one like the Bills were in. You would much rather be up by two field goals than take the risk. Obviously in retrospect it seems like a bad call but I can't hammer Gailey on that choice... though it would be easy to pile on seeing just about every other decision he made that day was wrong.
  13. Ok, for you guys who read the book I have a question.... I'll spoiler it just in case: I realize it is all open to interpretation but I'm curious to hear some well thought out ideas.
  14. For 50 she looks pretty damn good. Hell yes.
  15. To me it is simple.... NFL is a dangerous game, however you know this ahead of time, you are not forced to play in it, and you are well compensated for this risk. Coal miners and ocean fisherman have jobs at least 10 times as dangerous and I have no doubt they don't receive nearly as much compensation and are certainly not showered with hot women and other amenities that come along with the god status of an NFL star. Basically if you're worried about being paralyzed or killed don't play the f'ing game.
  16. Not to mention the increased probability of penalties allowing the scoring team to keep the ball therefore allowing the refs even more power to significantly affect the outcome of a game. Seems like a pretty bad idea to me.
  17. I definitely plan on reading the book. I always found movies to be a poorly organized cliff notes version of the book most of the time, especially for something like this, so I look forward to the additional detail.
  18. I am curious for what anyone who has seen this movie thought of it. I think it was mentioned a couple of times in Vadar's November film thread but I didn't want to hijack it with discussion on this particular movie especially seeing there seems to be a lot that could be talked about. I didn't read the book so I can't compare it to that. However a couple of weeks ago my gf really wanted to go see it for whatever reason so I went along not really knowing what to expect. I came out of the theater really impressed by it and enjoyed the ride quite a bit, even the 3D which is saying a lot because I usually am pretty against this 3D movement in films today. Another mark of a good movie for me is how long after I think about it and this one has really stuck in my head and I find myself contemplating meaning even a couple weeks later. There are tons of metaphors in it, and I'm sure many different ways to interpret them, so I'd like to hear what other people got out of the movie and maybe be able to generate some discussion on what some of the content may have meant to them. Definitely recommend it to anyone who likes thought provoking films.
  19. That's an interesting divisional realignment theory. I could see the KC move out but I would think they would move Cleveland instead to the East as to not break up the Pitt/Bal rivalry which is one of the best in football right now. Definitely makes for good discussion though I obviously don't want to see how it would play out.
  20. I thought it was kind of funny. Granted I'm Italian and not Mexican but I can say with 100% certainty if it was a photo of hot girls all dressed up like traditional Italian sterotypes with signs talking about the mafia and spaghetti I would be equally amused. People in our society definitely need to chill the f' out and see things like this for the silliness they truly are.
  21. Yeah, I understand how the anitquated rules affect that far away. I did a ton of digging when I first moved out to Syracuse about 8 years ago because I couldn't believe I was still in the black out area and that it went so far east. I also agree that if the FCC, or whatever group needs to, reexamined how far Syracuse CBS could reach now they would see the digital signal doesn't come close to eastern Rochester anymore but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. It just annoys me for some reason that whenever any media outlet talks about the black out radius they always mention the 75 miles when in reality it is much farther than that.
  22. I love how they always throw in the 75 miles radius thing when talking about the black out... even though it blacks out as far east as Utica which last time I checked was a little over 200 miles away. Also, he must have purchased some inventory already if he is giving them away.
  23. Well to be fair as far as the league is concerned the tickets were all sold and it goes on the record as a sell out. What a local businessman decides to do with the tickets afterwards shouldn't really be a concern.
  24. Evidently he is just giving them away at Russell's right now. I just got off the phone with my sister and she was given 4 tickets to the game by just showing up and asking for them. She didn't even have to spend any money. I would have expected you to have to at least buy a gift certificate or something but I guess my brother in law heard on the radio they were giving them away so he had my sister run over and check seeing they live right down the street, I don't live in the area but figured I'd pass the word to any locals who want to go to the game. I think she said the seats she was given were 337.
  25. I don't understand this opinion but it seems to be frequently posted the last few days. Giants snuck into the play-offs last year and frequently the teams with the best records and bye weeks lose their first game. I'm not saying the Bills could win the super bowl if they snuck in but once the play-offs start anything can happen so why on earth would anyone hope for the Bills NOT to make it this year regardless of what their record for getting in happened to be?
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