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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Yeah, I get the first part and I agree with the second. What I think Yall was getting at was a part in the article where an NFL spokesperson talked about some scenario where directTV wouldn't be blacked out but local TV still would be and was using it as an argument against dropping, or for keeping the black out rule. But if the rule went away wouldn't local affiliates be able to show it as well as DTV? :blink: It's just weird that no one called them out on that... or maybe the author of the article used an old quote that was originally just an argument for DTV being blacked out...? That is the only thing that makes sense to me.
  2. You know I thought you might be missing something... but when I went back and re-read the article there wasn't any explanation about the scenario the NFL guy talked about where directTV would show the game in Minnesota but the local Minnesota affiliates could not.... Maybe I am missing something too?
  3. That NBC to CBS move was a long time ago so you'd think this all needs revisiting, especially with the new signals. Like PTR mentioned it is extremely unlikely that the digital signal can come close to those 8 houses anymore but I know it is a long shot for anyone to care enough to check again.... unless somehow CBS can lose the AFC back to NBC, guess we need to hope for that in Syracuse. I've only been out in the CNY area for about 8 years so I can only imagine the frustration for those who have been dealing with it all along. I wouldn't have ever believed Syracuse was blacked out until the first time it happened after I had moved.
  4. These two arguments seem to be the strongest for how the black out rule is completely backwards or at least outdated and in need of revision but no one really seems to talk about it whenever these articles pop up. The digital signal thing really annoys me. I live in Syracuse which is also blacked out because way back in the day some eastern part of Rochester could supposedly receive the Syracuse CBS affiliate. I can't imagine that is true anymore but I don't expect the FCC to revisit it. Also because Rome and Utica get their CBS from Syracuse they also black out. Rome is almost 200 miles away from the stadium.
  5. For any Star Wars nerds out there... here are the first 3 episodes of Course of the Force 2013. They are some silly parodies about a search for a missing light saber leading up to this years comic con. Lots of cameo guest stars. Episode 3 is probably the best one with Michael Rooker (Merle from Walking Dead) as Boba Fett. Enjoy. Episode 1 http://youtu.be/gkCWhB3jT_o Episode II http://youtu.be/uEXs9M_-jM0 Episode III http://youtu.be/mrOqAHKtbMo Episode II http://youtu.be/uEXs9M_-jM0 Sorry the other links didn't come out embedded. Guess I can't have more than one in a post.
  6. On the surface Pacific Rim seems like another bunch of giant robot nonsense but I am kind of excited to see it. Seems exactly like what a big summer action blockbuster is supposed to be. I'm thinking it could be a sleeper hit.
  7. Picked it up last Friday. I have listened to it only once all the way through and about halfway through once again. Most of the songs caught my interest right away so I can only imagine it will be even better the more times I listen to it. I agree that it is a solid Sabbath album. Ozzy sounds surprisingly good and there are some classic Iommi solos. I saw a couple reviewers getting a little down on the lyrics but I couldn't care less about what Ozzy is saying as long as there is a good rhythm and excellent guitar. I caught Black Sabbath with their original line-up at Ozzfest in 2005. Was an amazing show.
  8. Plus everyone knows that "fast zombies" is just a myth.
  9. The steam thought is a good point. If it creates games prices dropping like crazy down the line it would definitely be worth the market change. I'm not banking on it though because something about all of this seems a little greedy of MS. Like they are trying to take a big bite out of the resale pie. I'm with you on the connection. My 360 is always connected too, but isn't it a little annoying to think if for some reason you don't have a connection anymore all of the games you own would eventually become unplayable? Obviously this is a lot of conjecture on the media right now based on a few things MS is actually saying but in the meanwhile it is definitely doing damage to the hype for xboxOne. I have heard from more than a few friends that they are ready to switch to PS4 if half of the rumors are true and these are people who have been hardcore xbox fans since 2001.
  10. From what I read a couple days ago it sounds like you could have multiple accounts shared under one master account but that could only be logged onto 1 xboxOne at a time. Check out the 24 hour mandatory check-in section here: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Xbox-One-Consumer-Policy-Concerns-Guide-56108.html
  11. I have been planning on checking out Florio, I'll download a couple of them and put them into my rotation. I like the WWF history stuff with Stone Cold too, the Shawn Michaels interview was good. I don't think Howard has any podcast but if you were just looking for some of his celebrity interviews a lot of them end up on youtube, especially the recent stuff. I know he is constantly fighting to have them taken down but just as fast as some go down new ones are always popping up. Not looking to turn the thread into a piracy debate, plenty of those out there already, just an FYI.
  12. After a bunch more listens to the Nerdist I get what you're saying. The guests they get lined up are all great but then the actual content is hit or miss. I don't think Hardwick is very good at interviewing at all so it will basically be up to the guest to supply all the entertainment without any prodding. It has been making me appreciate Howard Stern's interviewing skills a lot more. People can say what they want about his type of humor or about his show not being funny anymore but you can't take away his props for his skill to get people to talk about interesting and funny things on his show. I listened to Ross Tucker a lot a couple football seasons ago. Something about it just got old for me though. I have only checked out a couple of Stone Cold's but I thought both of them were pretty funny. Just a redneck guy BS'ing about his life and things that tick him off.
  13. A friend recently suggested Martha Marcy May Marlene to me and I enjoyed it a lot. It is a fictionalized story about cults and the psychological effects from them centering on a girl who escapes from one. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441326/?ref_=sr_2 Also my father recently caught a movie called Five Fingers on cable and suggested I check it out. Not a very long film but an intriguing story about a terrorist kidnapping that keeps you engaged right to the end trying to make sense of it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0428541/?ref_=fn_al_tt_8
  14. I used to work for a company that had some law enforcement contracts and that landed me at a few law enforcement technology conferences. I'll never forget a great presentation done by a NYC detective detailing a huge investigation that brought down a large NYC gang. The vast majority of the information they gathered to build their cases came off of various gang member's social media sites. It was like a free database for them to use tracking all of their movements, activities and linking them to all their associates. Some of them even bragged about crimes on their pages. I find dumb criminals pretty entertaining.
  15. That was awesome. Love the comments for the video too; people arguing about the validity of Star Wars armaments versus Star Trek shield technology. I want to think these people are mostly kidding but part me knows they're not.
  16. I'm with both of you guys on this one too. Have sat through a game in just about every spot possible in RWS over the years and the one time I happened upon front row tickets of the upper deck near mid-field on the visitor's side was easily the best comfort and viewing experience. Now iirc the game was a field goal battle snooze fest against the Texans that the Bills ended up losing... but at least we really enjoyed the seats.
  17. I like to listen to them at work a lot and am always digging for new ones to try out so I will give some of these suggestions a go that I haven't already tried. Recently I have discovered The Nerdist with Chris Hardwick. They mostly talk pop culture stuff leaning towards the more sci-fi or comic book type stuff. However they have had a long run and boast a solid history or a-list celebrity guests so if you check it out make sure to look at all the old ones going back a few years. Just to name a few that I have listened to recently... Mick Foley, Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, John Hamm, Tina Fey, Zach Galifinakis, Stan Lee, JJ Abrhams, Steve Carell.... and a whole lot more. Some of these interviews were kind of older so the context when they talk about recent work is a little off, but still very enjoyable if you are into popular movies and tv shows.
  18. In today's day of CG packed films I believe his stuff still holds up. The original Clash of the Titans is still one of my favorite "monster" flicks of all time.
  19. Very cool photos. Thanks for posting.
  20. The intrigue and cloak and dagger stuff that comes along with all of these conspiracies is kind of fun to think about and interesting to dissect. Especially in today's world of massive and instantaneous information. I don't think anyone can doubt that our government hides things from people, sometimes with good reason and sometimes with bad intentions. However common sense has to dictate that most of the time when a f'd up bombing or f'd up mass murder happens it is just exactly as it appears to everyone watching.... a terrible act carried out by some f'd up people or an f'd up individual. Unless the argument is there are no crazy people in this world. If that is the case then the person making that argument hasn't spent much time on this planet.
  21. Don't any of you guys watch South Park? They had the real truth of it all. The conspiracy theories are in fact themselves a conspiracy perpetrated by the government to trick everyone into thinking the government is this all powerful evil entity that can accomplish heinous covert acts against its own people . The result being that we are all afraid of what they might do next which keeps people in line. It is genius when you think about it. Wake up everyone!
  22. Add me to that list too. I am definitely looking forward to Thursday night but it isn't anywhere near as exciting as it used to be. Basically an entire Saturday spent with your football buddies watching it all unfold while grilling, drinking, and over analyzing everything. The one round prime time on Thursday just doesn't work as well.
  23. I remember one called Raiders Suck to the tune of Radar Love that I didn't see on that link above, also Leader of the Sack was a big one they missed. I do recall almost all of the others listed though. I used to have a cassette with most of these songs on it that I recorded off the radio from the glory years. Loved Respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Jim Kelly pass to Anrdre Reed.
  24. Wore my Kelly jersey to a game in San Fran back in 2001. Those were the GW-Rob Johnson days and the Bills lost 35-0 so it was mostly pity from anyone who made any comments. Had Bills gear on in the Meadowlands for the Giants game a couple of seasons ago. Got a lot of verbal crap, stupid comments about Buffalo being in Canada and silly things like that. Didn't seem like that big of a deal but I did get the feeling if Fitz didn't throw that last second int and the Bills ended up kicking a FG for the win things might have gone down differently. A couple sitting in front of us with their little kid all in Bills gear took off after the half from all the verbal junk they were getting. The drunks made some pretty rude comments and along with the swearing this enticed the husband to look back at them a couple of times which only made it worse. I think like most people mentioned in this thread if you just roll with it and not let the talk bother you then you most likely won't have an incident. Though obviously there will always be the exceptional terrible experience that makes all the fans look bad. Sadly I agree that no opposing fan should wear anything in the Ralph no matter how laid back they are. Our fans are brutal.
  25. Same here. Was hoping for something in the email I registered with because I can't remember exactly what I picked.
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