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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. That's my thought too and what I am getting at with the show maybe providing spoilers for future book story lines by cluing us in to what may not be of any importance. Could be just they don't have the time to get into it. Kind of like how in season 2 they skipped the entire thing with Stannis surrounding Stormsend and possibly laying siege to it so he could get a hold of one of Robert's bastards. That kid is in play a lot until Davos secretly ships him off. Maybe doesn't serve much more overall purpose than to show Davos has a heart and is one of the good guys but I always thought that kid might come back into play in the books.
  2. Promise there was no bragging as I am sitting at work right now... though not to say none of this hasn't been contemplated in the past in such states. thanks for the call out. Fixed the original Exactly.
  3. I hope so, I have seen the negative consequences in multiple planet of the apes films... even the remakes continue to warn against this. We'd be stupid to ignore Hollywood in this even if one of the remakes had Marky Mark in it.
  4. This is hilarious. Talk about throwing a wrench into the religion machinery. "Sorry folks... turns out we are all a result of a bunch of alien dudes desperate to get off. Thanks for playing though."
  5. Seems somewhat plausible to me. I think of something like a pig farmer and his pigs. How much do the pigs really understand about this entity that delivers them food daily and then eventually comes and takes one of them away for no reason they can come up with. I realize our intelligence is many orders higher than that of a pig but the thought is maybe some other life form is as much, if not much more, advanced than we are. Maybe in some weird pig thought they have the same "everything happens for a purpose" mentality some humans do and this purpose is so we can have bacon. I know it's far out there, and no I am not hitting a bong right now.
  6. Or how about have always been a part of our world but we just don't have the senses needed to perceive them?
  7. Maybe not the ultimate God, as in "creator and caretaker of all", but like you said as our creators they would fit the role in some respect which would blow a lot of people's mind. But what I'm kind of getting at is that it shouldn't really blow their minds in that if you really believe in another intelligent entity being responsible for us then whatever God actually is, universal spirit or not, to us lowly humans God is alien. I guess it is a philosophical distinction between God and creator but I would think any life we eventually create as humans would make us God to them. In a sense we are practically Gods to any lower intelligent life we care for now like pets or livestock.
  8. I like this theory. In this scenario wouldn't the intelligent life that performed this experiment essentially be God then? I don't think it would be a far stretch to say that God is an alien seeing that by definition whatever type of being God is would definitely be alien to humans. Expanding on this could even fit the peace on earth scenario in that it would prove the existence of God.... then again it could cause chaos and complete destruction of anything civilized too.... Like Chef said "Who the !@#$ knows".... It is fun to talk about though.
  9. Was she definitely pregnant? I kind of recall it being hinted at but didn't know if it was actually confirmed at any point. Seems like based on these small changes the show could be a spoiler of sorts for the books assuming they both share the same ultimate ending goal. For instance now we might have a heads up that Rob's wife wasn't supposed to play much of a part, if any, to future story developments.
  10. I honestly didn't think they were paid at all other than for promotional appearances. I always thought they did it to try and self promote for modelling or something along those lines if not just for fun. IIRC during the Superbowl years the team or league didn't even pay for them to go and they had to fund raise to be able to be there with the team.
  11. This is a great topic. The Fermi Paradox can really be debated or discussed endlessly. For me it is hard to believe that traversing the galaxy is prohibitive based on our science seeing that what we understand about science on a universal scale has to equate to handful of sand on a ten mile beach. The idea that we wouldn't want contact because it would mean annihilation is a scary thought but based on our history when one civilization meets another it usually ends badly for one of them. That could work the other way too where first contact would be avoided because there would be no way to predict how our civilization would respond. Personally I believe that some knowledge probably does exist in our world for someone but on a large scale our development is probably too insignificant for the majority of extra terrestrial life to take any interest in us.
  12. I'm not sure why the show thought they needed to veer so drastically in this.... All that time spent trying to redeem Jaime, which I believe has been what Martin has been working at through the books, is completely ruined by this. Also kind of ruins Cersai a bit by taking her down a peg from her position of power over everyone. I can't really see any good reason to stray from the source material in this.
  13. My sister had a student in her class last year named Kal-El.... ...which I guess is actually kind of cool depending on who you ask and if they are comic book fans.
  14. Just as a quick side note after browsing through this thread... 1. I'm not sure why everyone thinks viewing is so much better on the Canadian side. The US side is definitely a hole in every other possible way but I think the view is very debatable. You can get right next to the american and horseshoe falls on the US side and there are a lot of different views available on goat island that make for great photos. I'd take the US side just for viewing over Canada every time. 2. Where does all of this Niagara Falls being one of the 7 wonders talk originate from? I definitely remember always hearing that as a kid growing up in the Buffalo area but after doing some googling yesterday I can't find any 7 Wonders list with Niagara Falls on it.
  15. No pigs? IIRC that was one of the main catalysts for Tyrion to start verbally sparring. And it definitely does raise the question about one of those characters down the road.
  16. I was talking with a friend about this last week. 17 different options ordered exactly would be 17! if I remember my stats correctly. That comes out to over 300 trillion different combinations. You could trim some of those combinations off taking into account where the bye can't be and odd combos like 8 home games followed by 8 away games and factoring in some of the supposed leaked info... but it would still be significantly harder than winning the mega millions or power ball.
  17. True, that one unfortunately touches on a hot button subject that is never translated well. I was more talking about the "guaranteeing wins" aspect of the other tweets but fair point that the third was an entirely different animal.
  18. I saw BillsMafia retweet this just a few minutes before this thread popped up. The media always likes to take anything like this from an athlete and spin it all up into something major but I didn't think much of it. To me it seemed like he was just saying he is looking forward to going up against them and I'd rather have a player saying I can't wait to beat you guys than to say I can't wait for you guys to beat the hell out of us like you usually do.
  19. This is the kind of scenario that has me the most concerned. LA seems unlikely but I can see some big money guys thinking this would be a good idea and that it would retain most of the fans. I for one would be done with the Bills and most likely the league. If it takes Trump to keep the Bills playing 8 games a year somewhere in Erie county I'll sign up for that.
  20. It's hard for me to answer definitively seeing I can't really watch it without the prior knowledge I already have. I think with any translation though you are always going to miss something because there is no way you can accurately put to screen the glimpse into the inner working of a character's mind that you get while reading the books. I would say based on the show's immense popularity that they are doing a good job in translation though even if it isn't 100% spot on. I'm not that far in the show yet but now I'm interested now to see what twist the show put on it.
  21. Book 5 is out, it is 6 we're waiting on. In any case rumor has it that Martin has shared the general direction the story is to follow post book 5 and his basic vision for the ending so in the event the show catches up to the books before he is finished writing the show creators could end it. The timing isn't as bad as you're thinking because some of the seasons run more than 1 book. Like right now season 4 is actually the second half of the third book and I think that will happen a couple of more times for sure but with Martin's writing pace it still seems likely the show will eventually catch up before the last book is out and if they do allow the show to pass the writings it would be horrible imho. I have watched some of the show... it is pretty good but not great comparably. For the people who have read the books and know all of all the moving pieces and undercurrents that the show simply can't cover it would be a travesty for the climactic finish to be revealed (spoiled) without all of the details it will surely have on the written page.
  22. I always thought this was the case but the Carrier Dome is on the Syracuse campus and I have purchased many a beer there for football and basketball games. Not sure how they are exempt.
  23. I agree that it was a fantastic ride but overall it was a little unsatisfying at the end for me. They eluded from the start that there would be one big answer that pulled it all together and I guess it just got too big to find a workable solution to every mystery. My personal theory is that originally the island was supposed to be purgatory and everyone was dead from the very start but seeing how just about everyone guessed that after the first season, and the because writers vehemently denied this, creative was forced to come up with something else that never really worked.
  24. Agreed. If Duke wins tomorrow night SU is locked in the second seed. Hopefully that happens then they can rest Grant the whole game and after everyone else gets a bit of a warm up let the walk-ons get their time in.
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