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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. I don't think I saw The Adventures Ford Fairlane mentioned. I loved that movie, but to be fair I'm not sure that I've seen it in 20 years and my perspective on a lot of films doesn't age all that well.
  2. I think it helped on this one a lot with my expectations. I didn't see it until it was out and video and had already heard nothing but terrible things about it. With those thoughts going in I came away pleasantly surprised and will still stay tuned today if I come across it while flipping around. Another example of the low expectations was Batman and Robin. Don't get me wrong I still think the movie is bad, and no question the worst Batman movie ever made, but after watching it on video for the first time I didn't loathe it as much as I expected to. Plus I always kind of had a thing for Alicia Silverstone so that helps I'm sure.
  3. I enjoyed and still enjoy Armageddon though I'm pretty sure most people think it is crap.
  4. My family has had season tickets for almost 50 years. My earliest child hood memories from going to Bills games come from about 10 years old or so and I distinctly remember that watching a few fights with my binoculars each trip was always part of the tradition. With that said it's probably safe to see drunken idiocy has always had a strong presence at the games. I was too young to really remember the severity of the drunkenness going on around me back then so I couldn't say for sure if people were passing out, puking, or pissing themselves with the same frequency. I'd like to think that this aspect has gotten significantly worse just because kids these days can't hold their booze like us old timers could back in the day, or still can, but there had to have been sloppy drunks around since booze was invented. Can't speak to the security because I haven't noticed a difference there personally but seems pretty standard that authority breeds a-holes. Like someone else said before it is probably just a lot more in the limelight these days with everyone carrying cameras, video recorders, and blogging about everything real-time.
  5. I'm really curious about this. I went to the new Giants stadium a few years ago for the Bills game and was really impressed with all the stuff they have going on outside of the stadium once you actually pass through the ticket gates. There were bands playing and all sorts of fan activities. Something along those lines would definitely pull me in a little earlier than usual and if I could buy a beer I likely would. I don't think I've ever looked forward to a preseason game like I am for the 23rd just to be able to get the first look at all of this stuff.
  6. Ha, not sure how I missed that. Guess my enthusiasm for getting beer very early before a game hasn't been what it was in a long time. Strange that they would change the law for buying beer in the stores but not buying beer from a stadium or bar?
  7. It seems like I would forget about this stupid law every September in my early twenties. I would get out to the grocery store in the morning to gear up on munchies and beer all excited for opening day of football to start only to be crushed when the checkout girl would remind me that she couldn't sell me beer for a couple more hours. Definitely antiquated and ridiculous as a law can be. As for the Bills if they have as much going on outside in the new concourse area as they have been advertising it makes good sense to be able to sell beer a little earlier in there too. I don't see anything wrong with them trying to draw people inside a little earlier than usual.
  8. Kick-off returns? I didn't even realize the NFL still had those.
  9. Wow... ...also linked from one of those articles was breaking news about the Washington Redskins changing their name to the Washington Natives. Big news day in the NFL it would seem.
  10. Lots of great movies listed here in this thread that are high on my lists too. American History X Godfather 1&2 (it's 2 by a nose for me) Shawshank Se7en LA Confidential American Beauty Goodfellas and more I'm sure I'm forgetting after 7 pages.... It is impossible for me to pick 1 overall or even 1 per genre but just to add to the mix on here for unmentioned greats I would throw The Prestige and Gattaca into the ring. Even with the Batman movies being as good as they are I still think Prestige is Nolan's best work to date and Gattaca is a fantastic sci-fi film with good social commentary that doesn't get talked about much. Speaking of sci-fi I also have to throw Forbidden Planet out there as an amazing classic movie that was WAY ahead of its time.
  11. Shooting aside, that girl should go to jail just for her massive overuse of the stupid duck face in all of her FB pictures.
  12. I think the issue the show writers are getting to is that they are reaching a point in the books for some characters where they disappear for a while and that doesn't work well for viewers. Bran is close to the point where we last see him in book 5 so my guess is they have to create more stories for him, and maybe some other characters upcoming, to delay catching up to the books too soon.
  13. I don't recall Bran coming across Craster at all but I am certain he wasn't captured by him. I didn't watch the episode but I read that the show is straying way off script in a number of ways so I'm not going to assume anything new is a book spoiler for certain.
  14. Basically it is hard for me to get behind them when former Jills I know and all of their old teammates aren't on board even though they were subjected to the same treatment. Their basic opinion is that they knew the facts going in and ultimately had no complaints, also that these girls are just upset because they got cut from the team after a season or two. Then again women usually don't like each other so who knows. Obviously they have a case seeing other NFL cheerleading squads have won similar lawsuits, I just find it hard to find sympathy for situations like this. It will be interesting to see if these lawsuits end NFL cheerleaders for most teams all together.
  15. Yeah, the CBS website is showing it on Fox too. That's strange, but with them throwing the whole AFC/NFC rotation for networks out the window for Thanksgiving maybe the network split will be slowly becoming a thing of the past?
  16. Can someone point me to the part of the lawsuit where they were water-boarded until agreeing to sign it? I know this is pretty out there for some people, to each their own, but personally I make it a rule to read things before I sign them.
  17. This is true but you would still be able to go out somewhere that has the NFL ticket and watch them unlike when there is a home black out. Though wouldn't Buffalo @ Detroit be a CBS game... I thought they networks split the games based on the visiting team?
  18. I couldn't get it to print of their site either. My solution was to save it as a PDF and then open it in adobe for printing. That did the trick.
  19. That's why I gave up early on. Especially once Security's LAMPs about job importance and superior intelligence popped up. There's no way anyone could seriously and honestly post stuff like that while knowing that with the anonymity of a message board you have no idea who you are trying to measure up against or even really talking to, and no way to prove anything you say about yourself anyway. Just plain stupid.
  20. I've been waiting for you to show your face yall. I couldn't imagine a video game thread/debate happening without you poking around in it.
  21. I was thinking this too when the rumors about a MNF game as the opener were floating around. I think it would be great but a MNF game against anyone any time of the year would sell out so putting it as the opener which is another guaranteed sell out is kind of a waste. Also... How often have the Bills been flexed at home or even at all? I can only remember one time offhand. I think it was in 2007 against the Pats* in that game where Moss had like 4 or 5 tds in the first half.
  22. If this isn't true the world should end in a fabulously violent way shortly seeing GTA 5, ( the latest in probably the most violent and controversial series of games there are), had sales over 1 billion dollars in only 3 days this past fall which equates to a whole lot of insanity that should be unleashed any minute now.
  23. Sounds like you are referring to the GTA series but this isn't how it works. Killing random people gets the cops after you. The more you do it the more cops are gunning for you and the harder it is to escape. Anyway seeing I've been playing video games for almost 30 years, especially the violent ones, I'm not sure how I have resisted the urge to run down random people with my car, pimp out hos, or any number of other sex/violence acts simulated in a virtual world. This isn't even including all the rated R movies I have seen. Guess I am one of the lucky ones.
  24. I know a few girls that were on the Jills in the mid to late 90s. One of them I graduated with and I noticed this morning she posted an article about this on facebook yesterday. She had a ton of comments on it from a bunch of girls who from the sound of it were her team mates along the way. Not sure if this will be surprising to anyone on this thread but of the 7 or 8 women commenting none appeared to be behind these girls and this lawsuit. Every one of them was of the opinion that they knew the deal going in and that these girls should have too. Found that kind of interesting so just thought I'd share.
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