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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. So does this mean from here on out all references to said cheating team must now go from Pats* to Pats**?
  2. Anything that gets the crowd more involved in the game can't be a bad thing.
  3. I spend some time today messing around with the espn playoff machine... http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine ...and it looks like winning out would more than likely get them in. Also with only one more loss there is still a decent chance they could make it in if a couple games went their way. Without trying ties there wasn't any scenario I could find where 9-7 would work so if they can win 1 out of the next 2 we can at least be going into the Raiders game thinking playoffs are still there to be had.
  4. I except the D to be able to hang in there and compete for a while. Like others in this thread though I believe the game comes down to how many good drives can the O put together. No matter how good the D is playing they will eventually tire out if the Bills are going 3 and out multiple times in a row and against Denver's offense that could quickly lead to a blow out.
  5. It's hard to compare because the NFL wasn't nearly as popular back then and there wasn't anything even close to the kind of media coverage football gets these days. Back then when it wasn't football season you barely heard anything about the Bills other than around draft time. When the Bills finally do climb back into the NFL limelight it definitely will be interesting to see how or if the Bills fan landscape changes from what we know it as now.
  6. I watched the episode a second time yesterday and I was kind of thinking the same thing. If she could have picked up the rifle she used to launch it out of and kind of aim it I would have felt a little better about it. I remember doing stuff like that as a kid with bottle rockets and toy guns and we were accurate enough to get a rocket to pass through that stream of gas like she did, though at probably half the distance. But like you said suspension of disbelief is a big part of the show. I was just happy to finally see some burning zombies walking around. Any zombie movie or show is incomplete without that.
  7. I would guess they would have been well equipped to handle most big herds of zombies but they had a couple things working against them this time around. First off the guy Carol and Tyrese grabbed and eventually killed was supposed to set off a bunch of fireworks that would have distracted the zombie group and got them headed in a different direction. It looked like a strategy they had employed in the past. Second and most importantly Carol blew a big a55 hole in their fence and main building on top of setting a bunch of stuff on fire. So with the major perimeter breach in zombie defenses, along with chaos caused by the fire and the good guys running around inside their fences capping people, it was more than the Terminus crew could handle when this herd wandered their way.
  8. This is the correct answer.
  9. Definitely wait a bit into the season to see how the Sabres are playing first as someone mentioned above. I went to the game on Thanksgiving eve last season and ended up getting two 75$ tickets for only 50$ total on stubhub a couple of weeks before.
  10. I doubt the Ram's felt like it was cheap when they were winning the Super Bowl with a grocery stock boy.
  11. Not as of this season. Look at the map again. It is for fox.
  12. For all the viewers in the Syracuse area... notice anything odd about this week? In the ten years I have been out in this area any time that the Bills were on fox and played in the same time slot as the Giants it would be the Giants game who won out and got the broadcast. I'm curious as to what might have changed this trend. Only thing I can think is a new agreement with Fox in Syracuse based on the way the networks flex games between each other regardless of conference this season.
  13. For all the Syracuse area Time Warner customers who saw this issue week 1 and week 2 was it fixed for the Chargers game? I was at the game Sunday and am wondering if I am looking at watching the bills in standard def again this week.
  14. Definitely not. Checked CBS on all three TVs with the same result and CBS was the only channel where HD wasn't working. Plus once the Jets game started at 4:25 the HD was working without touching anything not to mention the multiple complaints on TW's help twitter feed from people in the Syracuse issue having the same problem. Making absolute statements like that when you don't have all the facts is kind of amateur hour when problem solving.
  15. I live in a suburb or Syracuse and I had the same issue yesterday and last Sunday. I have a second TV going for the other game usually and having to see the difference between the giants on fox and the bills on cbs was torture. I got onto TW's help twitter account and found some other people in the Syracuse area with the same issue so somehow TW is messing up the CBS feed when they pipe it out to their customers because everyone else I know around here using Fios or Dish had no issues.
  16. Anyone watching on time warner in Syracuse? CBS seems to be having issues with their hd feed again.
  17. I think it's safe to say everyone has personal experience with service industry, whether it be personal or family/close friends so we have all heard personal accounts of crappy tippers. Debating the idea of tipping automatically aside it can't be argued that it is a part of being a civil human being in our society and seeing the workers do depend on it not tipping or tipping some garbage amount is a super jerk move and if you don't think so then you shouldn't go out to eat or go to bars. Was it a douche move to make it viral, probably, but the bigger douche move was McCoy's tip. Whether the service was bad or not he should have at least left 15% and if was terrible enough to warrant 20 cents then don't go there any more. There is no excuse for stiffing on a tip other than just being a failure as a civil and respectful member of our society.
  18. Wow. Everyone who thinks Sully is negative and hateful towards the Bills should read this guy. From this perspective the Bears just lost to the worst team in the league and are looking at a 1-15 year now.
  19. I was able to log into the NFL mobile app season ticket membership area with my account info as well though there isn't any content to view yet obviously. I was a little disappointed to see the tablet version of NFL Mobile didn't seem to have a season ticket benefit option like the app on my phone. It would have been a lot nicer to be able to have RedZone running on the iPad during the game versus my phone.
  20. Have any season ticket holders tried any of the "Membership Club" benefits described here: http://www.nfl.com/qs/themembershipclub/index.jsp I'm mostly interested in the subscription to NFL Redzone on mobile devices. I haven't downloaded the app yet but plan to give it a go tonight and I was looking for any kind of heads up info someone might have who has already tried to go through the process of getting signed up using their season ticket account info.
  21. Sad news. For me he was definitely one of the blues guitarist greats There definitely was one in the old concert area. One hell of a show from what I heard from my father. I unfortunately missed that one even though I grew up right down the street.
  22. She said 12th man during that report. Someone better forward this video to A&M so they can get their lawyers cranking.
  23. Moses and Ramses grew up together?
  24. I know it's old but if you have never read The Stand by Stephen King it is one of my favorites, make sure it is the uncut version. Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) as mentioned earlier is probably the pinnacle of fantasy right now but if you've done that Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind is also very good.
  25. We should go 0-16 11 years in a row, then we can have a first overall pick at every single offensive position and the 33rd overall pick at every defensive position.
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