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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Then you throw a couple commercial breaks in between and it makes for an extremely tedious break in the action. The real change they need to discuss is making kick offs relevant again.
  2. I hope they leave it how it is now simply because Bellicheat** has been one of the loudest voices calling for it to change. That being the case likely means that he has plans for some new method of gaming the system in the works that will almost certainly end up stiffing the Bills in some way as well as the rest of the league.
  3. Boo, I made that joke 15 posts earlier. (Not sure it was even funny then though)
  4. I had serious doubts on this one but that trailer was pretty funny. Hopefully they saved the best jokes for the actual film.
  5. That's a really good point. I'm not sure where that perspective comes from but it isn't just confined to this board. My guess would be that it is more a reflection of how everyone views Goodell and Kraft's relationship.
  6. For Brady, 4 game suspension to be served in the preseason and a 20k fine. In all seriousness though I expect the punishment to end up being very minor just to try and mitigate some of the PR damage. I'd be surprised if Goodell came down hard on the league's golden boy and/or golden franchise.
  7. I could see it too but hopefully he serves some purpose before Martin removes him from the story unlike Doran's son. I'm still not sure what 100 pages or so of Quentyn traveling to Dany just to get bbq'd accomplished. I forgot about the Hound theories. There are so many small details that I'm sure I've forgotten over the last few years. I'm hoping to do a re-read before book 6 comes out but it seems so daunting when you think of a lot of the fluff that comes along for the ride, especially in the last couple books.
  8. The Day the Series Stopped is very good too that I don't think was mentioned. That one is about the earthquake during the 1989 World Series. Also all of the episodes mentioned in this thread so far, along with many other 30 for 30 episodes, are available on Netflix for any subscribers out there.
  9. Right, I guess I thought the discussion was who would be the three heads of the dragon via the books or in general not specifically to the show. This is one of those things that can kind of get muddy for the readers. If they never bother to introduce Aegon in the show then can the reader's assume he has no real bearing on the outcome of the story? My hope is that the show diverges enough where you basically end up with very different resolutions to a lot of things so the readers don't have the story completely spoiled by the end of the show's run which I think we can all assume will be way before the final word of the book series is written.
  10. I always assumed it had to be someone of Targaryen blood riding the dragons so not sure how you guys think Bran would fit. If R+L=J than it would make sense to be Danny and Jon as two. For the third my current guess would be Danny's nephew and Rhaegar's son Aegon.
  11. The girls I know who got too into coke always got fat after they quit not at the height of their usage. Sounds like sugar was her real problem.
  12. Ever consider buying a Brady jersey? (Sammy Morris was awesome by the way)
  13. I've been hearing good things about Nashville for a couple years now so that is the likely spot for me if I make an away game this season.
  14. Wow, I hope this is exaggerated or just not true. In any case Harmon is a good one. As far as this board goes, I don't think I've seen anyone hated on as much as Maybin was. It continued even after he wasn't even on the team anymore.
  15. I believe Forrest Gump nailed this debate on free will versus fate. Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.
  16. If she really thinks her education is what got her ahead in life her brain power definitely matches her hair color. Hot chick sports commentators are plentiful these days, if this doesn't get her quickly replaced a couple years worth of extra wrinkles and pounds inevitably will.
  17. Bad decisions lead to good stories.
  18. Ex Machina would be a good addition to your list. https://youtu.be/XYGzRB4Pnq8 It had a limited release last week and has been getting very good reviews. Supposedly it is planned to have a wide release next week.
  19. Glad to see he tried it from the rubber. Decent toss considering that.
  20. I'm not a fan for change just for the sake of change but if the kick is getting too boring for some I like this idea: Td = 6. 1 extra point awarded for crossing the endzone by pass or run from the 2 yard line ( just like a 2 point conversion now) and 1 point awarded for a defensive return. Option to go for 2 points instead of the 1 by kicking a 50 yard fg.
  21. I guess I get what you're saying. The NCAA punishments, especially those affecting future students, didn't exactly make sense. Maybe the NCAA didn't need to get involved but PSU as an institution needed some kind of punishment for allowing something like that to happen. I don't think I posted or even read any of the PSU thread so I'm not sure who exactly is flip-flopping but I think probably everyone can agree that how the NCAA governs a lot of their rules and doles out their punishment rarely makes much sense at all.
  22. It is a pretty big leap to find an association for hypocrisy in calling for a school to get stiff penalties for turning a blind eye to child molesting and suggesting a school got punished too severely for a student athlete not writing his own papers. Not exactly sure how anyone could not see the difference between the two.
  23. Seems like the idea would be a whole lot cooler if you could text, email, and take calls on it without having to actually have an iPhone for it to work as well. The technology for a fully functioning smart phone on your wrist might be a ways off still but that would likely be the jump I would need to pick something like this up.
  24. This could all very well be true but I think we should all wait until after FA and the draft before we pass judgement on Whaley's current plan of attack. This trade on it's own looks worse if it is the only move they make but if some more pieces fall into place over the next month or so it could end up looking a lot better.
  25. Caught an old episode of walking dead over the weekend with a stupid joke that seems to fit with the rest of these: What is the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts cost $1.79 while deer nuts are under a buck.
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