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Everything posted by fishgrappler

  1. He invisible this season. That’s a failing grade in my book! What do they expect with his size..... he’s not built for that position in the nfl. Our management knows personnel pretty well but Oliver as a DT in the nfl I question. Thank gosh they got Jordan Phillips!
  2. Daboll- is terrible Josh- I want to be good but he is what he is. He does some things well but he’s not a top tier qb. Thankfully we have a weak schedule but it’s so hard to love what we’re seeing this season. Smh
  3. Is Daboll is frustrating or is it just me? Maybe I don’t know football well enough?‍♂️
  4. You’re an example of a “live in the moment “ kind of person. I’m thankful you aren’t our Gm. Bean gets it.... great leaders are ones that plan for longevity and now for the immediate show. Those that live for the moment are people that flame out.
  5. Giancarlo’s..... I know it’s known as high end but they have great TVs and very good service. Highly recommend
  6. I think you need to let it go back seat driver!!!
  7. If he kicked the field goal and we still lost you’d be posting that he’s too conservative....many others would be backseat drivers just like you.
  8. Josh sucked but if you’re already done with him you are irrational.
  9. I wanted to put lee in this but today seemed out of character for him. The other two are shaky
  10. Zay & Yeldon...they try hard but aren’t helping. There are multiple factors for today’s loss but I just feel like those two are missing the “it” factor.
  11. All summer I thought 10-12 wins but after reviewing the schedule I’m at 8-8. I hope I’m wrong.
  12. I hold my breathe everyone we have any kind of kick. We can’t even cover returns well. Special teams right now is a glaring weakness. I wonder what kind of conversations by the coaches are happening behind closed doors!!!
  13. Our defense got smoked by Stafford. I think our defense is good but that was a reality check yesterday. I am less confident in them now.
  14. This is the dumbest thing people bring up. Grow up
  15. Does anyone else feel like Barkley is legit? I want Josh Allen to be our QB but Barkley is hard to ignore. He’s been consistently good.
  16. I just left nashville....it’s a huge production! I can’t imagine how packed and crazy it’ll be. They’re predicting 300,000 people coming into town. It’s already insane without the draft going on. Im sure it’ll be a really cool experience though. I’ll be watching from Buffalo!
  17. I think you're in a "haze," Haze! Lol. You must be kidding me.
  18. I rarely post but I strongly disagree with your perception. They have had to do an awful lot of clean up from the past regimes that were not able to put together a group of athletes that could work together. They've done a lot with very little thus far. They're smart, calculated, and high character leaders. They're preparing for sustained success. I.e. they didn't get caught up in selling the farm for Mack.... Past leadership may have.
  19. Not confirmed yet but That's the breaking news and it makes me wonder what McBeans plans are. We're so desperate for a QB but I fell like we're sitting back. Looks like they have a plan at least. Trust the process?
  20. Tony Romo is about the only good part of the game tonight. This is the exact bills team we have been hoping was in our past. Hopefully they respond after this Game.
  21. This is the worst football thread yet but it is drawing a lot of attention.
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