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Terrell's Toe

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    New York City Lite

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Probation (1/8)



  1. You're right, TE does throw downfield to his WR's - that is, if you consider TE dropping back seven steps and throwing for 5 to Reed behind the line of scrimage downfield. Do you also consider Fred and Marshawn WR's as well??
  2. If you're just looking to catch a replay of the game you can go to the NFL home page and watch it on NFL 'Game Rewind.' For $7.99 you get to watch every game played that Sunday. You can fastforward and rewind to your hearts content. The only kicker is that the games are only BECOME available at 11:59pm Sunday night. You do get the games for a whole week though.
  3. I'm glad to see that we're all on the same page here. Just gotta find the right one...
  4. Her's the kicker...not only was my car Bills gear free but two of the other cars that they hit were owned by Jets fans. These inbreds trashed their own fans!!!
  5. The $$ amount to repair the car is almost as much a the car is worth (electric mirrors). We were trying to sell it and had a potential buyer but had to nix that due to the damage. And..... if we decided to just epoxy the mirrors on it still wouldn't pass inspection.
  6. I was part of the NYC Buffalo Bills Backers tailgate party in the Dirty Jerz on Sunday. Fun was had by all and I mean ALL as there were a number of Jets fans partaking in the festivities and bowling ball shots. There was good natured ribbing going on and only a few a$$es but otherwise a fun and relaxed tailgate. After the game, which will now forever be know as the "Inept Bowl" (it was going to be the "Boring Bowl" but the overtime kinda squashed that). After the game we walked back to my car to find that BOTH side mirrors had been kicked off and were now hanging by various pieces of wire and plastic. Not only that, but Pinto Kenny's driver side mirror had been cracked. My car definitely got the worst of it as we had to duct tape the mirrors onto the body in order to get the car home and not get ticketed. Who the hell does this type of thing?? I'm as diehard as they come but seriously... to damage someone else's property for the sake of a game is BS. We weren't rude to the fans around us; on the contrary we invited them over to tailgate with us. The only thing that makes this somewhat palpable is that the car was old and this was the sacrifice that the gods of the Pigskin needed for our win. I HATE Jets fans.
  7. I was at the game. In the parking lot we were talking about pervious home openers and fly-overs to my friends' brother who had never been to a Bills game. We were talking them up and then Ralph has to pull that cheap a$$ stunt and hire Mike Randel to fly over in the Chanel 7 traffic copter. Nice goin' old man!
  8. Great..so this should be the last time we read yer drivel.
  9. Simplify his reads....are you serious. Perfect idea, give him two reads per pass. The defense will know this, cover both and Trent will have to check down to Fred for a loss of two because of the pop watner B.S. If that's the case Trent's new nickname should be 'Simple Jack'.
  10. You can hear it in his voice that this was not his call. He was comfortable with Turk (why? Who the hell knows)
  11. I also just listened to the presser. You can tell that this was not his choice " was I thinking about firing him two weeks ago....was I thinking about firing him three days ago? No" ( I paraphrased a little) This came down from above and Dick was the trigger man. He also sounds scared. And by God I hope he is. The question is...why WASN'T this his choice? Why was he so comfortable with the play of the OL and Turk up to this point that Ralph had to step in and make the call. Is Dick that oblivious to what is happening around him. He sounds shocked that he had to make this call....
  12. How in the hell will TO's return help if TE can't get him the ball. TE can't throw a ball to save his life.
  13. I'm sensing some artistic sarcasm....
  14. We can do whatever we put our 'minds' to....Yo Jo....I mean...Terrell!
  15. Hey Everyone: I'm just sittin back right now, chillaxin. The big man is getting a rub down and the trainers have me iced down right now. Don't worry..I'll be fine by Monday night!!
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