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Posts posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. The best part is that EJ has nothing to lose at this point. Let the ball fly and just go out there and make plays. When you've been benched and pretty much called a bust by everyone in the league you literally have nowhere to go but up. I expect EJ to play well today


    Why? Because this is buffalo and it would be the most buffalo thing ever for EJ to play lights out and start a qb controversy (even though imo Tyrod should get his job back no matter what)

  2. I would like to add that there seemed to be a huge mentality stift with our defense once Tyrod scored the second touchdown. It seemed like they played with a "you're not winning this game against us" mentality. They absolutely stone walled every titans play at the end and in spite of the terrible call against flag against Graham they came right back and won the game with Gilmore's pick. That's the type of mentality this defense needs to play with going forward...


    It's really hard to put in words but basically I think we've reached aa critical turning point with our defense and the great game winning plays are only starting

  3. Carried this team single handedly on his back and won us the game. 3rd and 23 inside our own 10 yardline, how many times have we seen this script where the QB checks down to the rb and we punt the ball and lose the game. Instead Tyrod pulls it down and makes the most unlikely of plays and keeps us alive when it seemed for sure we were done.

    This is a game we had to win, in spite of everything going against us from injuries to penalties to just plain bad luck. Tyrod saved our season today and that's what franchise qbs do.


    I would also like to add that Tyrod took some really hard hits today. The horse-collar tackle he sustained caused him to roll awkwardly over his already injured ankle. I thought he was seriously hurt, you could tell he was in serious pain, but he gutted it out and played lights out football for the rest of the game.

    Tyrod played with HEART and I think he has won this team over. You could just tell that a switch was flipped mentally with this team. Our D went out there after watching Tyrod sell himself out and literally played like guys on fire for that last titans drive. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a nice run we go on.

    On to Cincinatti...

  4. Really? I saw a young QB who's best talent is his athleticism play through an ankle injury. I saw WR's not running routes past the first down marker. I saw receivers struggling to get open with no Sammy on the field. I saw a young QB making his 4th start battle back in the second half. I saw receivers dropping passes and fumbling. I saw an OL struggle. I saw a young QB have 2 fantastic TD's taken away from him by bad calls from the refs today.


    I also saw a QB who was missing his best OL, best RB, and best WR keep fighting all day.


    To dump on this kid right now is just insane.



    This. This so hard

  5. The way we're playing right now we're a middle of the pick defense. Our secondary is not as good as we all hoped going into the season.


    The biggest thing is penalties..from A Williams, to P Brown to N Bradham, to J Hughes....these guys are lacking discipline and it has now cost us two games we really could have won if you eliminate the bone head plays.


    I don't know what Rex is doing but he is really ignorant of a glaring weakness of this team.


    Also, the clock management at the end of the game was Purtrid. With two minutes left we should have been running to the line and clocking the ball to preserve time. It's inexcusable that we ended up burning our time outs. You go from having the ability of forcing a 3 and out vs relying on the recovery of an onsides kick, a play that is only successful about 15%of the time...

    Even if we scored a touchdown at the end we put ourselves in a losing position

  6. This move is great on so many levels:

    1. Cassel was a consumate pro and competed for the job and hes earned the right to play games this year
    2. Great compensation
    3. Clears a spot so EJ can dress for games and become the #2

    4. Idiot fans can stop clamoring for Cassel to start after Tyrod has 1 game where he doesnt win.

  7. What are you guys smoking?

    Tyrod got sacked 8 times today, threw three picks, and struggled moving the the ball at times


    Taylor is by far the best quarterback the Bills have started since Doug Flutie. If you cant recognize that youre a blind moron. He is mature, composed, has a live arm that can make all the throws, he can hit the deep ball, he has awareness inside and outside of the pocket, he is accurate on the run and he has 4.4 speed that can take the top off a defense if they let him get loose.

    Are you out of your mind?

  8. You must have loved Jauron then...


    I like the emotion

    No I hated Jauron the day we hired him and he was the polar opposite of Rex. All Im saying is that he needs to know when to tone it down a little bit. Keep it professional. You lost a football game and you are a leader of other men. Be an example, focus on getting better, control your emotions and move on to the next game.

  9. When Rex is upset hes an obnoxious jackass. He needs to take a lesson from Pete Carroll when it comes to post game press conferences and losing in general. There is nothing to be gained when the head of your organization spews off profanities. The penalties and lack of discipline this team had today is ENTIRELY on their head coach and needs to do a better job of getting his players emotionally ready to play without putting so much emotion into them that the make stupid mistakes

    In a way im kinda glad this happened early in the season. This team was getting too full of themselves too fast. This was a swift kick in the groin to make them realize the have a lot to work on if they really want to make noise in this league.

  10. Don't blame Sammy blame the bills for not trying to figure out creative ways to get him the ball. Look at Julio Jones in Atlanta, he was lining up all over the field catching bubble screens hooks digs go routes etc. Sammy should never have a game where he registers 0 catches again. Planning on using Sammy as a decoy (which last year's coaches did numerous times, and roman did last week) is a recipe for failure over the long term

  11. I expect Belichick to force Taylor into making decisions and keep him in the pocket much like the patriots did to Russel Wilson in the superbowl. I could see the patriots dropping most of their guys into coverage and leaving their edge rushes as spies to make Tyrod throw. I think the key to the game will be for the Bills to establish the threat of the running game early to protect Taylor. Taylor, due to lack of in game experience, is still raw at reading blitzes and making timely accurate throws in the pocket and I expect that Belichick will force this issue one way or another.

    The Bills need to strike early and strike hard. Sammy Watkins will be needed in this game because Belichicks secondary will be up to the challenge and someone outside is going to need to take the game over for us. I also believe Clay will be a huge asset for us moving the chains on third downs

    As for our defense. I believe Ryan will be hell-bent on making sure Gronk does not register on the stat sheet. If the Bills defense dies because Julian Edelman catches 20 balls over the middle and takes lick after lick and still is able to get up then I think Rex will be OK taking his chances with that. Concussion protocol WILL stop him from playing this time (totally had one in the Superbowl)

    We shall see.

  12. I just think they could have moved him around, thrown him a couple bubble screens etc. Were going to be facing Darrell Revis x2 this year. The idea that he didnt RECORD A SINGLE CATCH is disturbing. The guy has elite speed and shakes, you have to try to get the ball in his hand regardless of who hes running against.

    The bills tell us all the time about Sammys "home run ability" well how can you get a home run if youre never at bat?

  13. Great game by our team and happy with the win. With that said as an OC you should go into a game trying to get the ball into the hands of your best players, regardless of matchup. Watkins was used as a decoy and garded by Davis the whole game, but its simply unacceptable to not even look his way.

  14. Fred got cut. It sucks, I get it.


    But we are fans of the TEAM and not fans of any on particular player. Its time to accept the decision that was made and move on...sitting around pointing fingers, assigning blame etc does no use but to serve a distraction for the remaining 53 guys who make the team

    In the end we all want one thing...playoffs and a superbow. Lets not let 1 player getting released (no matter how much we all liked him) interfere with why we all root for this team.

    Come week 1 everyone will be beyond this.

  15. I think its clearly TT's job to lose. With that said, I think its a safe idea for the Bills to go into the regular season with all 3 QB's on the team. With Tyrods style of play, it is more likely than not that he will be injured at some point and one of the other two will have to step up. I still would prefer EJ starting over Cassel, who offers absolutely no upside or excitement with his play. Keep Cassel as permanent #2 and let him come off the bench in the middle of a game. Let EJ be #3 who gets elevated to #1 for the next weeks opponent so they can gameplan with him.


    Yeah i definitely wrote a goodbye post. and it was definitely titled "goodbye"


    Sounds like you know the website. There have been a lot of melt-downs on that once great website of late. For me, it was just dissapointing to see it reduced to ashes after being such a great place to talk Bills.


    This is all quite interesting to me because i actually kept the same name-sake thinking that people would recognize me and want me here. I understand this is where most of the prior members went after the place got crappy.


    Looking forward to any PMs that might help explain what the issue was but otherwise, let the thing die here and now IMO.


    buff alo range dotcom


    The best thing about that site was the voting system, you would get to see who "liked" or "disliked" your posts so you had an idea of who in the community actually read what you posted.


    THe place hasn't been the same since CoachC (aka Sal Cappacio) left to work at WGR, Merk, Lateralus....those guys were posters I still remember the names of today. The owner Rick is a madman crybaby who cant control his emotions and his ego. The guy would randomly delete thoughtful posts just because he disagreed with their point of view. Argue with him about why he deleted your material? Well that gets you banned for life. He officially "quit" as a Bills fan a few years ago and vowed to never watch another game....guess how long that lasted.



    He's a girl and a giant puss. He can take his ****ty site and shove it up his you know what. Without people like you and me posting our thoughts on there, he has nothing.

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