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Posts posted by TallskiWallski83

  1. Thats simply incredible analysis by that website. Idk who has the time to pull all that data but it was very nicely written. Undeniable that something has been going on with the Pats since 2007. I hope this gets all the way to ESPN, if that happens......man.... the pressure is gonna be ramped up 100x what is right now. people will be calling for belichick and brady to be suspended for the superbowl.

  2. Depends on what is unraveled during the investigation.

    If they get a ball boy to admit that Brady has set up a system where the balls are deflated prior to kickoffs then that is a serious offense. Brady may have been pulling this stunt off for years. IF thats a case and they have the evidence, he must be suspended from the superbowl....maybe even a whole year.

    If you listened to bradys press conference you can tell that he is nervous as hell about this and he is definitely withholding information. He knows what he's done, he just never thought it would be this big of a deal. Even Belichick deflected the problem on to Brady, meaning that hes not going to take the fall for him on it, even if he knows what hes been up to all these years.

    If they cant get anyone to step up then they dont have anything to go off then its anybodys guess.

    Whats clear to me is that Brady and Belichick both know whats been going on but they are keeping their mouths shut. When criminals keep their mouths shut nobody gets in trouble. NFL investigators need a whistleblower otherwise I dont expect too much punishment other than picks or a fine.

  3. BB is in charge of new englands football operation and if they find that it was systemic issue he should ultimately be the one held responsible. We all know that deflated footballs did not change the outcome of the game but the INTENT to steer around the rules in order to gain a favorable outcome was there. Thats all that really matters, the intent.

    If I am Goodell and I determine the Patriots purposely tried to taint the integrity of the game in anyway, the only way I can address this properly is to suspend Bill Belichick for the superbowl and fine the patriots draft picks.

    Either way the Patriots hurt themselves and the NFL with this **** and Im sure the league office is pissed. People already question the validity of all of BB accomplishments since spygate, this only further cements the conspiracy theorys

  4. i ilke all of these,,except safety for a td??? wtf?

    Think about how rare safetys are. Think about how awesome it would be if you had a punter who was good at coffin cornering a punt and putting the opposing team inside their 5 yardline. Why shouldnt the defense be allowed to score a touchdown in that situation? Think about how much more intense these plays would be if you knew that your defense could score if they dont get out of the endzone


    They call it a TOUCH DOWN--- meaning that someone with the ball touches down in the endzone. THat happens on a safety. Why not make it a 6 point play?




  5. The only way to fix the imbalance between the teams WITH franchise QBs and the teams WITHOUT franchise QBs is to change the rules to benefit defense and de-emphasize the passing game.

    Teams like Seattle have proven that you can still win a superbowl with dominant defense and a strong running game in todays NFL, but its a very hard thing to do. Also, you can make an argument that Russel Wilson is the most underrated QB in the league and very much in the conversation for top 5 at his position.

    Jamal Lewis with Baltimore, Deangelo and J Stew in Carolina, Jamal Charles in KC, Willie Parker and Jerome Bettis in Pitt, Fred Taylor and MJD in Jax, Chris Johnson in Tennessee.....these are all examples of teams that made it to the playoffs behind a strong running game. The problem is its hard to be a consistent rushing team year after year due to injury and the physical nature of such an attack. Defenses change every year based on turnovers they force and a lot of stats are situational.

    The only way to remain consistently good is to have a franchise QB with a strong passing attack. A QB can barely be touched in todays NFL and is much less likely to be injured.

    I agree, the difficulty in finding a franchise QB makes the NFL uncompetive. The AFC has had the patriots go to 4 straight championship games in a row. New England, Baltmore, Pittsburgh, Denver, Indy....these are the only teams that have gone to the superbowl in the AFC this century.

    My proposed changes:

    -Illegal contact should not be an automatic first down. It should be a 5 yard penalty and replay of down. No more 3rd and 16 illegal contact first downs.

    -Pass interference inside of 5 yardline should result in a first and goal the 5 yardline. No more terrible calls resulting in 1st and goal on the 1 for a gimme touchdown. Reset to the 5, Defense still has a chance.

    -Narrow goal posts by 4 feet

    -Allow defenses to return blocked extra points or two point conversions for points the other way

    -Safety counts as a touchdown
    -Move kickoffs back to their original location so kickoff special teams becomes important again (Devin Hester helped bring Rex Grossman to a superbowl)

  6. He should go. He is a wildcard in the truest sense of the word. He got to the live the dream of every backup football player who has ever lived. There is nothing he can do to add to his story, his legacy, at Ohio State.

    Go Pro, collect a paycheck, take care of your family and your daughter.

    If Im whaley I give up next years first to secure this guy. I WANT HIM ON THE BILLS.

  7. I think runningbacks should be able to come right out of high school... By the time they are 30, if they even last that long, they are run to the ground. Every other position, especially QB's need a little more time.


    BUT, with all the money floating around, all players and positions have to make it when they can. Urban Meyer made $250,000 for that game alone. Incredible! Like OSU is giving Jones a degree... What a joke!


    Run into the ground and spit 'em out I guess. Just hope they don't get hurt before they can take a payout...



    I was just talking about this with my buddy last night. With the current CBA a 1st round running back wont hit the open market until they are 25-27 years old and only have that one window to land a big deal before they hit the age of 30. Whereas every other NFL position usually will get a 2nd big deal in their early 30's.



    RB's should be exempt from the mandatory 3 year period and instead have it reduced to 1 or 2 years. Zeke Elliott was a man amongst little boys last night and he has to go back and play 1 more year at school. There is no way he is not NFL ready right now.


    It's pretty comical.


    I guess I was watching a different game last night. The one I saw had a RB rush for about 300 yards and a defense shut down the nation's top scoring offense. I missed the one with the dazzling NFL-ready passing display.


    Cam Newton came out of nowhere, won a national championship, and became the #1 overall pick ahead of guys like Dareus, Watt, V Miller, J Jones, P Peterson, AJ Green...


    Would it really be so far fetched for Cardale Jones to get drafted in the 1st round and become a quality starter in the NFL? All the physical talent is there.


    I dont care who you are or what your past is. If you come in and play like Jones did the last 3 games...with his measurables... and ABSOLUTELY TRUCK a nose guard like he did last night. You are going to be playing in the NFL.


    The guy absolutely passes the eye test and that all that matters. If he declares the Bills should be all over it because their is a legit chance he makes it to the 2nd round..


  9. Sign me up.

    If this guy declares for the draft he should be within striking distance for the Bills.

    I dont care about his lack of game film because he blows away with the eye test. Hes huge, he has a rocket arm, hes fast, he runs nose tackles over like it ain't no thing, and he came out of nowhere and played amazing football in the highest of high stakes and helped his team win a national championship. He looked like Cam freaking Newton out there, but stronger.

    Do whatever it takes to get this guy. The price wont be that steep for the BIlls who are stuck with only a 2nd round picl....who knows...maybe he falls to that slot.

    Whaley loved EJ because he loved EJ's measurables. Well Cardale Jones built like EJ, only more athletic and more awareness on the field.

    I hope it happens

  10. We all know what Spiller brings to the table. He was terribly used by the old regime. If Rex can get him the ball in space then hes got plenty of tread left on his tires to be a dynamic playmaker on the offense. Not to mention hes been the consummate teammate and professional throughout his entire career here, including playing WR at one point.

    If he wants to be back I want him back if the price is right.

  11. I hate Dallas and Im thrilled that theyve been eliminated.

    However, it passed the eye test and that was a catch. It does not make sense that you can maintain control like Dez did....then slam into the ground and have that jar the ball lose a little bit and now it becomes an incomplete pass.

    Anyone remember this play?

    Calvin Johnsons 1 handed TD vs the Bears a few years back that got overturned.


    This call made me remember that

    IMO If you maintain control of the ball and your body lands on the ground it should be a catch and anything the ground causes after that should be considered a fumble.

  12. I am usually and advocate for the BIlls to sign their pending UFA's most years but this years group of guys, headlined by Hughes do not concern me too much. 9.5 sacks playing next to 3 Pro Bowl Players is about as good as its going to get. Hughes is looking to cash in and then fall back into mediocrity. Some team will pay him to be their #1 DE and he is not that guy

    Bills are better off letting him walk and using the $ to resign core guys like Dareus, Gilmore etc.

    Better yet, if we think we can tag him and then trade do that and get a 1st or 2nd round pick out him.

  13. Im glad.


    Polian has a great history but hes an old man now and the game has moved beyond him. He got incredibly lucky with having TWO franchise HOF QBs falling into his lap. The year Peyton Manning had his neck injury and missed the season really exposed how talent deficient the colts really were all those years.


    Manning carried those teams and he should have more than 1 superbowl win to his name.

  14. You could also go to the reverse with Chandlers miracle 4th down catch against Minnesota and Chris Hogans catch at the 1 yard line. We SHOULD have lost that game but we didnt.


    Also we got lucky with a drop by Brandon Marshall week 1 vs the Bears.


    Or Jordy Nelsons drop of a sure thing 93 yard TD..




    Its a game of inches. One play can change anything so these what if scenarios are pointless. What happened happened.

  15. Seantrel Henderson will become the first 7th round pick to start all 16 games of his rookie season since 2004


    Watkins and Woods are the first WR duo under the age of 23 in NFL history to tally 60+ receptions in the same season


    Watkins will be 1 of only 9 players on the Bills to play in all 16 games this year


    Watkins needs 75 yds Sunday to get to 1000 on the season.


    Preston Brown leads the team in snaps and tackles this season


    That stat is amazing. Woods is awesome but there have been so many times where hes been a complete afterthought in games....Then he shows up with some amazing catches and you remember how hes actually pretty damn good.



    Man do we need a QB

  16. Ive been saying this for weeks:


    Orton pre-determines where he is going with the football 95% of the time before it is even snapped. The guy has very limited mobility and combined with our terrible blocking decides where his best shot is on the field before the play begins.


    Often times this leads him to either A: Snapping and gunning an inaccurate throw like you see above B. Lack of plays where he stands in the pocket and assesses the field for his 2nd or 3rd read.


    Anybody notice on Sammys TD play (One of the only ones we executed all season) a perfect pocket formed for Orton and he went to his 3rd or 4th progression?


    The guy is capable but its a combination of him being limited skillset wise and bad Oline play that makes our offense so bad. If you gave orton a wall I bet he would be a lot better than he is right now.


    The problem is and always will be is that Ortons play will deteriorate when his pocket collaspes and he gets pressured, and I dont think he'll ever be able to to overcome that like the best franchise QBs do.



    Which means that he may be an adequate starter for next year if he works his butt off in the offseason and improves his mobility, but we still need to find a new guy.

  17. Yes, he is still having a pro bowl caliber season statistically BUT...


    Look at these stats the last few games:


    Miami 28/35 257 yards 7.3 Avg 4 TDs 0 INTS

    KC 17/24 179 yards 5.3 Avg 2 TDs 0 INTS

    BUF 14/20 173 yards 8.7 Avg 0 TDS 2 INTS

    SD 14/20 233 yards 11.7 Avg 1 TD 0 INTS

    CIN 28/44 311 yards 7.1 Avg 2 TDS 4 INTS



    Manning has arm strength has noticeably regressed in the month of December and the broncos have been forced to rely upon CJ Anderson and defense to stay in games. I remember Manning appearing noodle armed two years ago in the Divsional playoff matchup vs Baltimore, but that was in January. It appears to me that he is hitting the physical wall a full month earlier than he has the last two years.


    He is still better than 2/3s of all the QBs in the league, but I feel like this year more than others the talent around Manning is carrying him more than the other way around.



    Do you think think he is quietly playing his last season?

  18. He would be my number one choice, but there's two things that say it's not going to happen:


    1. Marrone isn't getting fired.

    2. We wouldn't be his number 1. Might not even be in his top 5.


    I think your logic for #2 applies to every other bills team of the last 15 years but not to this team.... There are a couple attractive things we have now:

    1. Stable Ownership (most important factor)

    2. May be willing to offer him full control over personell

    3. Talented defense with depth and plenty of young talent

    4. Pegula can afford to pay him

    5. He would be a god in this town the day he signed.

  19. If Kim and Terry are truly determined to deliver us a winning franchise there is no reason why going after Harbaugh shouldnt be in the fold.


    Jim Harbaugh may be a jerk and an obnoxious guy to watch on the sidelines but you cannot argue with his success and his philosophy for building a team through strong defense and running game. Its not very often you get a coach of his caliber hitting the open market and IMO there is no reason why the Bills shouldnt make every effort available to court him to our town.




    You cannot argue with 3 straight NFC championship appearences and 1 play away from a superbowl title.



  20. Even if San Fran doesnt win this over week SD, doesnt that just mean that we need KC to beat them at home the following week? I dont see why the San Fran-SD game is that big of a deal?


    Because then you are counting on the chiefs beating the chargers week 17 to get in. If San Fran, Pitt and Denver win then our odds go up dramatically.

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