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Everything posted by RyanC883

  1. Rodgers HUGE contract eats up a ton of cap space. Rodgers has no one to blame but himself, IMO. Watch McCarthy go to Cincy or Cleveland and turn them into a powerhouse.
  2. you changed my point. PIs go uncalled every week. But a combo of a QB getting hit in the head and not called for the 2-3rd time in a game, and THEN a PI being missed with under 2 minutes left has not happened.
  3. why, why bring that up~! we aren't upset enough after this game. Are you an undercover Dolphins fan posting stuff like that!
  4. special teams was terrible today. Not sure why we brought this guy in as a punter, when he is worse than Schmidt and may have had trouble holding for EP and FG.
  5. not in this instance. You have refs making lopsided calls against the Bills, then calling a player a B word. Refs should at least be suspended or barred from future Bills games. These refs are not impartial.
  6. I agree, and it's part of the problem and why NFL officiating is so awful. MCD would not do anything about calling out the Refs, but he should. That's your QB taking head shots, a point of emphasis, and this crew misses it NUMEROUS times!
  7. yeah, or where they missed numerous PI's on a QB. This officiating today was particularly bad.
  8. I have no idea what to take here. Too early for a WR in this draft class. Too early for OL in this class. Hopefully trade back, get the WR or two you want and more OL and DL. Also keep signing Alabama UDFA's.
  9. would have had one if the refs were not asleep and bothered to call PI on the defender covering Jones, or a personal foul on the numerous defenders who took cheap shots at Allen's head.
  10. I'm sure someone would take him. Somewhere. Cut him and it's dead cap. Just find someone to give us a conditional 7th in 2040.
  11. I do watch it. And the refs league-wide are terrible. One reason is that there is zero real accountability. But today's game was the worst game I've seen this year. Name a game where a QB took numerous head shots, including on the final drive, and those were not called. That's been a point of emphasis for YEARS, yet this crew of morons missed it.
  12. no, the refs in this game are TERRIBLE, and calling Hughes a "B word" indicates bias against the Bills. Can't have that.
  13. I generally agree. But this officiating was terrible. Numerous ticky tacky calls on the Bills, while your QB is getting hit in the head REPEATEDLY, and you miss PI on Zay Jones on the final drive. Hughes can say he was supporting player safety by being angry at the refs for not protecting Allen. Really, would have loved to see one of our weak OL do what Hughes did. If they fine players for hits to the head, they need to fine the refs for missing them.
  14. name one. name a game you've watched this year, even a Bills game, with officiating this poor. of course, it could be the NFL gives the terrible crews to the "bad" games, which we play in a lot. This was the only game this year where I've seen such awful officiating.
  15. true, but again, this was a terribly officiated game. Allen, a QB, gets hit numerous times in the head and nothing is called. This simply does not happen, EVER. Today's crew STUNK and should be fined. If the NFL will fine players for head hits, it should fine officials for missing easy head hit calls.
  16. based on today's officiating that seems unlikely. hopefully this crew gets a call from the NFL or the Players Association about the numerous head hits Allen took that were not called.
  17. I'm not sure if it's biased. But it is inconsistent. NFL refs as a whole are TERRIBLE. Today's game was the worst in a long time. At least Walt Coleman is consistently a flag party. Hoc calls ticky tacky personal fouls on the Bills, and then Allen gets hit in the head multiple times, Zay gets PI on the drop, and NOTHING IS CALLED.
  18. that was clearly PI on the defender. No question about it. Another missed call by the idiot crew of Hoc and his idiot crew.
  19. true, but I can't recall a game THIS BAD in a while.
  20. another EASY call that the Refs should have made.
  21. loved Lofton calling out KB. Trade Clay for a 7th rounder of free when the season is over.
  22. that was PI on the play at the end of the game where Zay didn't catch the ball. The DB is all over him PRIOR to the ball arriving and not attempting to catch the ball himself. Classic PI that this idiot ref crew missed. They also missed a hit on Allen's head on the prior play. MCD should rip them in the post game press conference, but he won't. The squay wheel gets the grease. Something like, when asked about penalties on the Bills: "well, Josh got hit in the head a lot and it wasn't called, so penalties and the lack of them were frusturating."
  23. the numerous hits to Allen's head that were not called were awful. And despite the fact that Zay didn't catch the ball, the CB was all over him PRIOR TO the ball arriving. Should have been PI. Another missed call by this terrible officiating crew.
  24. seems like it. I'd say new holder throwing things off perhaps. and he hasn't punted well.
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