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  1. I'll bet that Maxwell's Demon could kick the Gravity Gnome's butt any day of the week (unless the gnome was aided by Schroedinger's Cat of course.) http://www.auburn.edu/~smith01/notes/maxdem.htm
  2. I hope you guys are right, but my experience with Fox has been that their schedules are not always accurate and they tend to show mostly NFC games. In Plattsburgh, the Bills are rarely on CBS unless they are playing the Patriots, Jets, and sometimes the Fish and almost never on Fox unless they are playing the Giants. When I checked my cable schedule (which is always accurate) for Fox on Sunday, I found no game specified yet. The broadcast game is often determined at the last minute, so here's hoping that the local Fox affiliate keep to its existing schedule otherwise its sports bar time again.
  3. I've been trying to find examples of other countries that have privatized pre-existing systems. Apparently 20 countries have partially privatized. The best that I could dig up was an edited version of a Wall Street Journal article which cannot be accessed without a subsription. The edited version is linked below. If anyone has a subscription to the online Journal, I would like to know what has been edited out (the author says that the article deals with 7 countries and he only writes about 5). http://www.campaigndesk.org/archives/001284.asp
  4. Looks like Hitchens is an undecided voter. The link is from 5 days later than his Nation column. http://slate.msn.com/id/2108714/ "Christopher Hitchens, Contributor: Kerry I am assuming for now that this is a single-issue election. There is one's subjective vote, one's objective vote, and one's ironic vote. Subjectively, Bush (and Blair) deserve to be re-elected because they called the enemy by its right name and were determined to confront it. Objectively, Bush deserves to be sacked for his flabbergasting failure to prepare for such an essential confrontation. Subjectively, Kerry should be put in the pillory for his inability to hold up on principle under any kind of pressure. Objectively, his election would compel mainstream and liberal Democrats to get real about Iraq." What a friggin' flip-flopper, but strangely enough I agree with his overall assessment.
  5. Thanks for the link Wham Rocks, I'd been looking for the clip since I read the transcript. Great sarcasm too. That stuff about "jewish god of anti-americanism", Bush being the second coming, or kerry the satanic pig has me rolling on the floor. Especially liked the line "your either for righteousness or against it". I'm amazed at the number of people in this thread who seem to take you seriously. With a name like "Wham Rocks" you would think that everyone would realize that this is all a put-on. Hogboy perhaps?
  6. In last nights debate, the VP suggested that anyone who wanted to know the truth about Halliburton should go to factcheck.com. He should have said factcheck.org. Factcheck.com is Gerge Soros' anti Bush website. The header reads "Why we must not re-elect President Bush." Just as funny, when you go to factcheck.org, the first article is about the large number of factual errors by both Edwards and Cheney including the URL confusion.
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