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Buffalo Bill Cody

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bill Cody

  1. Not trying to sell stuff, but I have a couple Miller Olympic jerseys as well left over I'm tring to get rid of. One Large and One XL along with the Spiller Large jersey. Only looking for $50 for the Millers, just want to get rid of em....
  2. They're right on as far as large sizes go. I usually wear a medium, so when tryiing this on it fit a little big on me...
  3. Hey I ordered a few. I have two Large Navy Spillers let if anyone is interested. Only asking $35 each, which is just a touch more than what I paid. They look really nice. Let me know if someone is interested and I'll send you my e-mail.
  4. I expected a bit better from you.....That was pretty corny....
  5. Like I said chief, I just offer a way to get the jerseys without going through the trouble of buying one and getting it shipped and through customs yourself. I could care less if anyone here buys one for me or not....Just trying to offer up some help to people trying to buy em from DHgate.....
  6. Yep turd, like the ones I'm selling in the trading post. If you dont want to buy one yourself and pay the shipping, $50 is a pretty damn good deal. If you have a problem with it, buy em yourself from DHgate. Unless your going to buy in bulk, $50 including shipping is pretty much what I pay, so I don't see what your problem is....other than the fact your probably a huge weiner.....
  7. What will happen most of the time is they will destroy the jerseys at customs....I know they're cracking down on illegal jerseys coming in from China, but honestly I don't know to what extent. To be honest, I have just heard the "what ifs" and not so much the horror stories......If anyone has at all, please share. If not, I'm going to keep ordering 15 China jerseys for every one Authentic Pro NFL shop jersey I could be ordering.........
  8. The only thing you guys need to be very careful of with ordering jerseys from DHgate is if they don't clear customs and you get a letter in the mail. At that point, they open your product and asess the value of the jerseys: so if you have 3 Large White Throwbacks valued @ $270 a piece your looking at paying the $735 just to get your jerseys released. I have yet to get into any kind of trouble with the jerseys, but just be aware of the downside of DHgate.....
  9. If anyone here is buying a jersey at all on DHGATE especially a White AFL Throwback, only buy from Topmarket. You can search for him in advance search. They have been running out of a lot of the White AFLs and have been telling people they have them in stock, then when you go to pay, after they say they dont have them in stock. They have your money by then, and you have to pick something else. Tell Topmarket Ryan sent you and he will be good to you, I promise.....I have bought upwards of 75 jerseys from him and have only had one problem (One Vanek 3rd Sabres with and upside down name plate on the back). I paid for the shipping to return it and in return, he threw me in a free football jersey. He is good at making sure you dont get sent crap! No matter what you do watch out for the "Sabres Throwbacks" Theyre garbage with a funky jersey and a different colored crest. Horrible looking! The Bills Kelly, Reed, Thomas, and Bruce throwbacks are the way to go! They are Mitchell and Ness. Made of super heavy material, the blue ones sell for $325. They have the 75th anniversary NFL and the Buffalo Bills 35 year patches on em. They're Killer. The whites have the Superbowl 25 logo on the chest. If you have any questions post them here. I have probably purchased over 200 jerseys on DGgate in the last month.
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