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Everything posted by first_and_ten

  1. This year we probably will miss him. In the future with a seasoned Wood and Bell, and a very good tight end in Nelson, we may not miss him at all.
  2. The third preseason game usually indicates how good a team is. I sure hope this is not the case for the Bills. If it is an indicator, they are in trouble. Still no pass rush, a horrible no huddle offense, cannot run the ball, stupid penalties, a coach that shows no passion and a Qb that's lost all his confidence. It sure looks like Jauron will be gone by mid season and replaced by April. If that happens, it's too bad Wilson wasted precious time when Jauron could have and should have been gone at the end of last year. As a rabid Bills fan for years, I sure hope they are just fooling us.
  3. I thought he had freedom of speach. Or is that only when he says what you like? Ridiculous to tell someone they need to go spend some time in the middle east. Or maybe you are in favor of mandatory military service. Have we gotten to the point where the treatment of a flag is more important than how we treat people?
  4. The Bills went to the superbowl 4 straight years and looked terrible in preseason. It means nothing. Why is Greenbay showing all this in preseason anyway? If they are actually game planning then of course they are going to kill people. Do you remember when Washington hired Steve Spurrier? They were gangbusters in preseason and sucked during the year. Could Greenbay be good? Sure, but they won't be dominating like that when the season starts, IMO.
  5. Greenbay ran stunts and gimmicks on defense. Edwards said that they did not expect a complicated package to be used against them by GB. We do need to take this under consideration when trying to evaluate a preseason game. That being said, the game did not inspire confidence. I can certainly understand the pessimism but I just don't think preseason games should be weighed too heavily. If I recall correctly, the Bills beat the Steelers last year in the second preseason game. We all know how things turned out for Pittsburgh. I'm not predicting a great year but I think we won't truly know how good the Bills are until the bullets start flying for real.
  6. Obviously this won't happen if Pittsburgh wins, but i think you might get your wish by week 8
  7. Since Jauron has complete control over hiring and firing of coaches, and he is the HEAD coach, then he is more to blame then anyone.
  8. Letting Trent call his own plays at the line won't help either. When Kelly called his own plays he was prepared during the week by the coaches. He knew what he was going to see. He practiced against the defense he would be seeing. The coaches prepared him mentally with a game plan that would be effective. I don't see Edwards getting the same type of preperation from this lousy staff. So we would just have an unprepared quarterback calling his own plays.
  9. I noticed the bull rush also and was wondering if he had lost a step. I hope he turns it up come regular season. Also if I was Kelsay I might wonder if I'm going to be cut. He has under impressed so far. Does anyone think it's a possibility that Kelsay is cut?
  10. The problem with needing a miracle to win a game means they would still be a lousy team. As crazy as it sounds, I'd rather they lose a close, hard fought game where we competed and showed that we can play with the Patriots, than to beat them by some crazy series of flukes and still be a bad team.
  11. I think Jauron will be gone if the Bills start poorly. Ralph will promote April as interim head coach. This way he's not spending on a new coach this year.
  12. I agree, what's the point in geting upset. It's the same at concerts, people stand. To expect fans to sit when you want them to is just not reasonable.
  13. How is he "easily" #1? Last time i checked there were some pretty good coaches in the NFL .
  14. And then get hurt. Thats the usual progression for holdouts.
  15. Our next head coach will be Bobby April..when Dick flops, he will be replaced at mid season.
  16. And then Jauron will lament about all the injuries. Newsflash, injuries happen when guys are not conditioned.
  17. What about the missed interception the play before that touchdown. I believe it was Charles Romes. Correct me if I am wrong.
  18. I did have a problem with that play. Maybe only because I felt like slapping Fisher's face when he was shown laughing about it (lol).But seriously something just felt wrong about that play call. I wondered did I feel this way only because I'm a Bills fan and it happened to our team, but after further consideration, I would have thought that play was wrong even if it was the Titans versus any team. That being said, it is his right to call any play he chooses. I thought it was bush league, but he does have the right to call it. Maybe he did it because he knows these two teams will meet again when it counts. Or maybe it was his huge ego that made him do it. Either way I do hope the Bills learn from it and use it as incentive when they play the Titans for real.
  19. My bad, thanks for correcting that ridiculous sarcastic post Dean. I'm just glad a veteran poster like the chief knows how to wear his panties and not get too sensitive about responses to his "sarcasm". But hey, thanks for the welcome. Coming from you , it means so much. Wow, looks like i'm beginning to get this saracasm thing.
  20. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/rumors/post/Ag...?urn=nfl,181222
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