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    Fairport, NY

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  1. Have you ever seen Bill Burr do his bit about "No doesn't mean no." Seeing the words typed out doesn't equate to understanding the situation, the relationship that lead to those words. All the nuance is lost, and we just have the words.
  2. Name and shame
  3. There are plenty of other ways to gamble on football. I'll leave the Bills out of it. Also, emotions shouldn't ever get involved in betting.
  4. Merry Christmas! Go Bills!
  5. The early 90s teams, Jimbo, Bruce, Thurman, Tally et. al., has been my jam for decades. Josh Allen is my favorite Bills player now.
  6. As I get older, I've been less and less inclined to go to games, especially night games. I've seen a lot over the years. I was there the day two people were having sex in the upper deck. I was there for a knife verses fists fight just outside a stairway. Beer poured in people. Normal fights in the stands. I've seen it all. It gets really old (like me).
  7. I was prepared for this kind of answer. I still feel stupid for asking in the first place. I have some dermatitis myself, and I was thinking that was the reason. I'm almost sorry I brought it up. I would use some cosmetics if it was me.
  8. I try to watch some of One Bills Live during the week. Eric Wood has a spot he does each week. I liked him a lot as a player, and enjoy his analysis. I don't listen to the radio, so there's that. I can't help but notice on television he has an extremely red nose. Today, it is especially pronounced. What's the deal? Does he have a skin condition? I know this is stupid, but my curiosity is getting the better of me.
  9. Plus, it tells other potential free agents that the Bills will treat them fairly.
  10. As Linc Hayes would say, "Solid."
  11. This is the way.
  12. My Mets! Oh, no!!!
  13. Wow - no Giants yet. I can't get over Wide Right. That second half drive that took 10 minutes off the clock lives in my nightmares. I always root against the Giants. What did the Eagles do to you?
  14. So a lot like Simon. I can see it.
  15. I've been a Bills fan for decades, since the 60s. I was reading a post about rooting interests in the Baltimore-Dallas game got me thinking about past grievances and rooting for today's best interest saying that they were rooting for Dallas but throwing up in their mouths while doing it. Remembering the 90s Superbowls, the 0 for the Seventies Miami run, and more recently, the Patriots dominating the Bills and cheating their asses off, when do we let the past go? I understand that a Dallas win is better for the Bills this week, but I just can't get there. I remember the pain of those two Super Bowl losses too much. Am I living too much in the past?
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