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Posts posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. Again, a really stupid comment. Science by definition is the opposite of the supernatural, and therefore cannot prove or disprove its existence. Come on...it really isn't that hard to understand once you take your blinders off.



    what is supernatural, what do u mean? its like saying blalodsfjowdfnoawinf... define what mean and tell me why we should respect any religion if its just a fantasy....

  2. People who are hostile to any possible existence of God are unbalanced extremists soaring on an ego trip. You can't prove or disprove supernatural with science or reason, because by definition the supernatural would be beyond the realm of science and reason.


    I consider jihadists and militant atheists identical twins; mirror reflections of one other from opposite ends of the religious spectrum.



    in order for something to be true, it needs to be proven in reality.... if u want to believe a fantasy like the spaghetti monster in space is a god thats fine, but remeber we cant prove that god isnt the spaghetti monster so therefore its a fantasy that cant be proven or disproven.... bottom line in order to be accepted the onus is on u to prove the existence of god, not the other way around....

  3. People who are hostile to any possible existence of God are unbalanced extremists soaring on an ego trip. You can't prove or disprove supernatural with science or reason, because by definition the supernatural would be beyond the realm of science and reason.


    I consider jihadists and militant atheists identical twins; mirror reflections of one other from opposite ends of the religious spectrum.



    So lets say there is a flying donut in space and he is my god, is this a justified belief is it true?


    u do care that ur religion is true right?

  4. also there are no atheists in foxholes has no bearing on whether there is a god....




    lets say there is a god, someone saying there is one doesnt contribute to proving there is a god.


    also, saying there are no atheists in foxholes is a cultural idea with no content...

    like "holy ****" or "god damn it" ..... its just a saying


    also when one fears the unknown when they die, the only means one thing.............. U DONT KNOW.... DUH

  5. Well let's see... the most vicious and evil people of the last century killed more than all other centuries combined and they were godless seculars who ascribed to evolutionary beliefs in the perfect society. Yeah, it was those crazy religious people.


    Secondly, the other false premise is that you lump all religions together as if you can lump all secularists together (see I did that above using your faulty premise and it sucks doesn't it?). So should I lump all secularists as Hitlers and Stalins with a little Pol Pot on the side?


    You my friend are a dumbass. Give me a Catholic like Mother Teresa over all you guys and the world would be a better place. Rather have one true Christian who really practices the faith than a bunch of morons all about themselves and can only think of how to bash others rather than understand what is best or good. Hell give me a guy like Aristotle over you idiots.



    u fail to mention that secular ideas are not what motivated their violence, dogma did. unjustified belief in the case of hitler about aliens and about the german race.


    stalin and pol pot were motivated by another dogma communism....


    dogma is the problem here, unjustified belief is the problem, the answer to these dogmas is not another one in religion... good try but your argument makes no sense.. also atheism is a word without content, it has no direction, its like being a non-astrologer... so for u to say secularism motivates bad ideas first off makes no sense and has no bearing here...

  6. nelson tweeted that he is fine and will play next week


    butler is out for the year, torn up knee


    schoumans injury is not as serious as people thought, no torn ligaments out 3-4 weeks with a sprained knee


    mckelvin is day to day with a mild ankle sprain

  7. Unfortunately there are nuts and extremists in all the major religions that take things too far. That doesn't mean the tenants of religion are illegitimate, just the crazies. I am not advocating one over another, just that this discussion is for lack of a better word, off base and brings credence to the crazies.



    But isnt it extreme to think that the creator of the universe has written a book, ie the bible.. or what about people rising from the dead... this on its face is extreme and rediculous...


    44% of americans believe a dead person is coming back... this isnt a marginal group here....

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