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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. religion is not merely belief in just a god or higher power, we have the bible, islam, judaism, quran, hadith etc... all these ideas must come under the pressure of rational dialogue
  2. ok... calm down, relax... belief in certain specific ideas about god are unjustified, they are untenable. for example the belief about homosexuality being a sin is a faith based claim with no evidence.... same with the malpractice example , both are unjustified and we pay a price for both, the consequence is suffering.
  3. ok endzone animal what if i was ur doctor would u approve of this? y or n?
  4. this is a good video to bring pause....
  5. when someone has unjustified belief, lets say about medicine. lets say a person has cancer and the doctor says just take advil, it will be fine. this claim has no bearing on reality, it unjustified with no evidence and not only that we pay a price, that person would die... religion is doing the same thing, and the reason it is doing the same thing is because religion gets a free pass when it comes to criticism, its that simple. if someone was a professor and he had another unjustified belief, like kool-aid can heal blindness, he would immediatley pay a price, he would lose his title. the same conversational pressure needs to be brought forth towards religion to end this dogma and end the consequences of dogma like we see in the war on terror, ie war with fundamentalist islam... we are paying a terrible price here, u can see it in this whole thread
  6. because there is no evidence for these specific religious claims i gave u earlier... its unjustified, and therefore delusional
  7. well first off im not making any claims on reality, religious people are...
  8. because people here are saying we should respect peoples beliefs... i disagree we should only respect their reasons, if they are good, not mere delusion... religion is a delusion that people keep believing because we fail to be critical of their dogma
  9. nobody is denying that their are other dogmas.... why does religion (another dogma) get a free pass? these are claims that on there face are rediculous.
  10. why does religion get a free pass, why is it taboo to be critical of religion??
  11. if i said something like kentucky is on the west coast- nobody would respect that belief, that would either think im joking or im nuts so why does religion get a free pass when they cant support their claims with evidence?
  12. and are they coming from within religious doctrines...?
  13. this isnt about left vs right or even about denying a higher power... this is about dogmatism are these claims dogmatic?
  14. I agree not all religious people are bad, duh... we are gettting off track . the question at hand is , are religion claims unjustified belief and are we paying a terrible price for this unjustified claim? ie jew promised land from god homosexuality is a sin life starts at conception competing religious identities ie sunni vs shiite'e rejecting evolution people rising from the dead going to hell if u dont call god the right name. women being abused in the muslim world animals being sacrificed in the muslim world blocking stem cell research god was mad at the immoral behavior in new orleans so he let katrina happen... the inquisition ................... are these claims unjustified in the 21st century? is religion eroding our common sense here?
  15. i mean seriously man, glen beck, sean hannity and laura ingram, michelle malkin, those people are sick...
  16. because fox is a right wing cable network that makes **** up...
  17. should we continue to respect delusion, dogma, unjustified belief... we dont do this in medicine why do we do it when it comes to religion...
  18. epistemology plays a part here, we must come to a conclusion that something is true or not because, fill in the blank... if not then how do we establish truth... btw im not so much against a higher power... of course something started all this, but u and i know thats not what we are talking about. we are talking about specific religious claims. ie jews are promised land from god dont look now but we might have a nuclear exchange if we dont establish what is true and what is not.... there is a great distance from there might be a higher power to kill all homosexuals or dont let them marry.... get my point, we are talking about UNJUSTIFIED belief...
  19. when u say god, what do u mean?
  20. dude relax, no need to insult, lets start over....ok so if something cant be verified by our normal day to day rationality then why believe it...??
  21. so with this definition will u concede it explains nothing, and that the idea of classical religion ie noahs ark is insane...
  22. much of morality is like an equation... a person has to weigh what will make him feel better or make other feel better vs feeling bad or (suffering)...
  23. what part did u not understand respectfully? ie lets say i have to make a decision...like should i walk in traffic... well it might hurt (suffering) and i might burden other people (suffering) so i wont walk in traffic (happiness)
  24. this is the problem with faith, listen carefully....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLeztJkhi4U&feature=related
  25. also we dont need to lie to ourselves in order to be good people.... believing in fantasies has no bearing on making people good....lol
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