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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. they are all right wingers that want oil...
  2. Like it or not joe, idk comes into play which religious people dont want to admit!!!!!
  3. stop making fun of me u ignorant idiot jerk!!!
  4. another person who doesnt understand atheism.... atheism is the lack of belief in a certain truth claim... ie the easter bunny exists. u r an atheist towards this claim, same goes for god, doesnt mean there is no possiblity of god just that there is no evidence for god....idiot!!!!!!!!!!
  5. right wing nuts jobs like to make up this stuff. is that u rush!?!?
  6. WRONG again! ! ! there is no free will with an omniscient god. making up stuff doesnt help ur fairy tail in sky daddy!
  7. the only differnce is it being a adj or noun, the definition doesnt change dctom....lol
  8. thats like saying disproven is different from disprove or disproving...lol omg here let me help u out... http://www.thefreedictionary.com/disprovable
  9. omg r u this dumb, same difference....able doesnt change the word... u r waaaaaaaaaaay behind now dctom, calm down
  10. yes it is with all the insults from people with no argument....
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIO7PAuiEUs&NR=1
  12. ahhh insults when u have no intellectual argument...lol
  13. more absurdity from religion.........
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWIibPNAAI...feature=related the absurdity of religion....
  15. dc tom do u realize we cant disprove the existence of the easter bunny, do u realize we cant disprove the existence of god either, puts them in the same boat. the onus is on u my friend...
  16. the existence of god or the easter bunny is unproven, but we cant disprove their existence either, this is why the onus is on the one making the claim, ie the christian person trying to prove the existence of god.... wrong again dctom.....
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJNsWN-QGW8...feature=related
  19. just because something isnt disprovalbe doesnt give u a reason to believe its true the tooth fairy isnt disprovable for crying out loud. u r missing the point on why the faith is rejected....
  20. sorry but atheism is without content, so u need to try again.... atheism is a lack of belief....the onus is on u to prove that ur god among thousands i might add exists. not the other way around. saying idk is also not hard to admit...lol
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