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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. dan rather is a dispicable person... he LIES!
  2. how can we establish if this is a true statemen??
  3. lets do something else... lets say that .... lets say that the president is barack obama.. ok... now how do we know this is true?
  4. ok show me how belief in god and belief in zeus are not the same, does gods existence have more ground to stand on?
  5. dc tom do u want to have a legitimate debate or are u so frustrated that u must insult someone every ten minutes... its not cool man....
  6. all the theist can do is say " the atheist cant disprove god" but all the atheist can say is " the atheist cant disprove the easter bunny" they are in the same category... reality is not, why? because we are forced to deal with gravity or math... faith is not forcing us to do anything... it has no ground to stand on...
  7. this is why a person is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty unitl proven innocent... whoever is making the truth claim (x person commited murder) then the onus is to prove that to be so. u cant prove a negative.... this is why atheism is not making any claims... theism is... atheism is saying give me a reason to believe ur truth claim.... the theist cant say well u havent proven it not to be true, that may be the case but that speaks towards the atheists side of the argument not the theist...
  8. the point is i have a reason to have a belief in reality.... its called rationality or being forced to deal with your experience. reality cant be proven, but there are reasons to believe its true.... this is why we have (burden of proof) or reasoning, like in a courst system can u prove the man didnt commit the murder, not the right question, its impossible to prove someone didnt do something. the right question is can we prove the man did commit the murder.... the onus is on the the person making the truth claim , not the other way around...
  9. its called metaphysical claims, like life after death, god hates homos, creationism. they are all rejected because they have no evidence... u dont accept them because they are unprovable ....
  10. faith in god and faith in zeus are in the same category... its called bull ****....
  11. And 20 pages and u still dont understand that the easter bunny's existence is also unprovable. sorry but that is a win for the non-astrologers... in order to believe something there needs to be evidence. its not a win for the christians when they say god is unprovable therefore i have a reason to believe its true....that makes no sense
  12. actually no. u need to prove there is a christian god, u havent....
  13. Sorry but christian right wing retard arguments dont count.... sorry hannity...
  14. still no argument
  15. more insults no argument....
  16. then u must not be able to understand... tell me how god can change his mind and still be omniscient?
  17. its not an opinion, its a fact. they contradict each other...
  18. because if god changes his mind, he is not omniscient. if he is all powerful then he is not omniscient, if he is omniscient then he is not all powerful... how is god omnipresent, what is god?
  19. Do u want to have a reasonable debate or are u this frustrated that u must insult people...??
  20. more insults, no argument...go away sean hannity...
  21. AHH another insult with no argument, go away rush limbaugh!!!!!
  22. also god being omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent all contradicts one another....lol how is one omnipresent? if god know the future does he have the power to change his mind? if he changes his mind then he didnt know the future, if he cant change his mind then he isnt all powerful...lol
  23. Dude if god is making all the decisions how is that not controlling it? its impossible for anyone to have a decision for themselves....
  24. If god already knows every single decision u will make before u make it, its impossible for u to have a different outcome. u dont have a free independent choice outside what god wants... once again ur wrong... all bow down to the flying spaghetti monster...
  25. send me a pic, whats her number
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