of course the value can change, it depends on the situation.... this isnt moral relativism, its still based on a foundation of happiness and suffering... its subjective but not moral relativism... again at least i have a foundation that wraps around on itself. happiness is conducive towards more happiness...
belief that morals come from god imply that what god does is moral, no matter what action, this is moral relativism...there is no value system here or utility...
i believe something is right because its conducive towards well being. a theist believes something is right because god said so... this is moral relatvism
the consequentialist has a moral foundation is which to place value. a moral relativist has no foundation...
your premise that because i place value on life and that this value can change says nothing about what is moral or not , it just says that the values themselves can change depending on the situtation...
ur equating change with moral relativism. that is where u r wrong