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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. btw none of this has to do with justifying belief in zeus...
  2. of course the value can change, it depends on the situation.... this isnt moral relativism, its still based on a foundation of happiness and suffering... its subjective but not moral relativism... again at least i have a foundation that wraps around on itself. happiness is conducive towards more happiness... belief that morals come from god imply that what god does is moral, no matter what action, this is moral relativism...there is no value system here or utility... i believe something is right because its conducive towards well being. a theist believes something is right because god said so... this is moral relatvism the consequentialist has a moral foundation is which to place value. a moral relativist has no foundation... your premise that because i place value on life and that this value can change says nothing about what is moral or not , it just says that the values themselves can change depending on the situtation... ur equating change with moral relativism. that is where u r wrong
  3. omg, do u think evolution is true or not, what do u mean in general, what part of evolution do u not agree with?
  4. religion is a delusion!
  5. i guess consequences dont exist lol, u people are ridiculous... nobody has offered rationality for believing in zeus...
  6. interested in your response....
  7. tom we have laws to helps us survive (speed limit) (vaccinations) ( car insurance) ( dont murder) (dont steal) etc... and this comes from our reasoning...which is a product of evolution. the laws are proof that we need order so we can survive, the need to survive comes from evolution, that is if u understand what evolution is. what does this even have to do with god, nobody has given any rational explanation for the christian gods existence...
  8. we have laws and coperation for a reason, what do u think its for? its for our survival in general... the proof is in the pudding, our sense of altruism is the result of evolution, how do we know this, because altruism and fairness help us survive as a species. there is the proof.
  9. evolution is a collection of facts.. thats what a theory is...
  10. u keep saying prove it, i just did...
  11. this is why we invented laws... it so we can adapt to our enviorment and survive.. a great example is the speed limit....we dont allow people to go 200mph on the road, why? because it doesnt help us survive as a species...
  12. i will die, that is a consequence....
  13. ok u realize that evolution has been proven. what is evolution? natural selection through mutation, breeding, enviorment, to help a species survive. through our experience with our enviorment, like with other people and economic systems we have to adapt. we must adapt to other needs and wants to help our own survival. i dont know how much more i can explain it...
  14. lets say there are no laws, what do u think will happen tom?
  15. tom if i jump off a building because i think i can fly, lets say 200 ft high... what will happen?
  16. i still have meaning and it deals with reality.
  17. i love my parents, i can still do this without belief in santa claus...
  18. i just want to see where ur coming from of course i place value on life, what is ur point? ur equating on the idea that if i dont believe in god then life is meaningless, u r forgeting that u must deal with reality...for example u will suffer if u think u can fly... u will hit the ground hard when u jump. reality forces us to make decisions that coincide with our happiness... why is this so hard for u to understand... life has meaning without god, its easy to see.
  19. because it has already been observed that without coperation we will have a harder time with survival... u disagree?
  20. we are forced to deal with reality... that is real enough, again what is the other option?
  21. if i jump off a building i will die , i cannot fly. that is the consequence of believing something that is not real...
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