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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. to bad its true ...............................
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RyOPTtzTvI&NR=1
  3. rush is a racist as are most white conservatives....
  4. and that is why faith is not justified..
  5. rush has 30 million listeners... mainstream conservatism is racist. always has been and always will be. it was the progressive movement that ended slavery and it was the progressive movement that started the civil rights movement.... conservatives also think poor people are lazy....... there I SAID IT!!!
  6. actually i didnt rush to wrights side..... u my friend are a fool if u think limbaugh is not a racist............
  7. its to bad limbaugh actually is a racist....
  8. No, wrong again. what ive been saying is that god could exist, but until he is proven or manifests himself there is no reason to believe it because it has the same fictional quality as zeus. there is no REASON to believe it.....you can believe god exists, but u dont have any reasons to believe it as so....
  9. Tom is this your family?????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBFU--1No1Q...ature=topvideos
  10. until a metaphysical idea is actually proven or manifests itself then there is no reason to believe it to be true. thats all im saying. religion gets a free pass here
  11. TOM.... santa claus, zeus, apollo and the flying spaghetti moster are all metaphysical ideas/concepts that are not disprovable/provable. there is no reason to believe any of them exist, including (god. ) doesnt mean there is no chance of there being a god, just means there is no reason to believe one exists until proof is seen, ie jesus coming down from the heavens or god literally speaking etc..... there is no reason to believe in any of this until there is a demonstration of proof.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PLRhmC73Ek...feature=related here tom watch this .... maybe this can help u understand that our beliefs need to scale with the evidence........
  13. take another unprovable idea that the jews were promised land from god, are there good reasons to believe this statement, and if we do believe it will it cause ww3 in the middle east... that is the consequence of religion!!!
  14. our beliefs must be in concert with rationality/proof or else we cant function in reality, this is the problem with most religion..... ironically tom this is how a court room works.....
  15. retard, everything requires belief provable or unprovable, doesnt matter. this is why a burden must be established or people could believe and claim anything and we would have to accept it... people are making a claim that god exists. im simply saying prove it... since they cant because its not a provable idea then there is no reason to seriously consider it... it would be like having faith or (unjustified belief in santa claus). santa is not a provable idea, should i believe that? no.
  16. DUMB ASS!!! since its not a provable conjecture its not worth believing , there is no reason to believe it. end of story................................................
  17. Nobody on here has offered proof for god.... u lose!
  18. until we get a real hc and a real qb nothing will change.......................................................................... ................................................................................. ................................................
  19. want to come over for some drinks?
  20. atheism is word without content, its like being a non-astrologer...lol
  21. doesnt justify belief in zeus idiot... see the difference , i guess not
  22. CLAUSEN IS coming out...
  23. well we need a real gm/coach. this team did win with polian and levy.... we need to start by getting a real qb
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