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Everything posted by DELLAPELLE JOHN

  1. 1 did we trust italians to leave? 2 our nation allowing has nothing to with why it is right or wrong. why would our nation not want someone to come here and start a life??? 3 again if u make it legal then its not illegal...lol 4 our economy would grow with more people working and opening businesses.... goes both ways. not a suffiecient reason to keep people from coming here. 5 again if it became legal then what is ur point? 6 so where do good mexicans go? u should have the same problem with black people and also italians...lol horrible arguement 7 more people means a bigger tax base and more business....
  2. i hope to god eric wood will be ready for tc
  3. more insults and no argument.... i think we all know who u are, a right wing nut job, a fascist!!!!
  4. while we are at it lets just keep interracial couples from getting married....
  5. im sure there are illegal immigrants that come from canada.... why are we not concerned about them.... i think we all know why...............
  6. why cant i go to america and have a burger? what is so hard about giving a ss number? i mean really... the arguments against amnesty are in reality about racism and nationalism.
  7. DUMBASS, there is more freedom when people can freely go from country to country. it is u who is not the libertarian here.
  8. my fortune cookie says dc tom is a right wing nut!!!!!!!!
  9. until we simply just recognize each other as just human beings we will continue to have nationalism, religion, racism, and fascism
  10. actually make a argument, thats what we are here for , at least i thought....
  11. make them citizens just like everyone else and ur problem is solved... that way they will be paying into the system
  12. whats so hard about giving someone a ss #, why cant someone in mexico come to the us for a burger?
  13. why does it matter if whites are a minority... lol thats like saying people with blue eyes will be the minority in america come 2050....lol
  14. saying people should have rights doest mean i think we should invade countries..wow... also you are going to have crime regardless of lines....next argument...
  15. fill us in on why u want arbitrary lines in the sand?
  16. tom i never defended the war in iraq, although many are happy saddam is gone. the problem in iraq is religion.... back to illegal immigration. what exactly is your argument against having open borders. we already have them, they are called states..... i feel for u bro!
  17. the goal should be to spread the constitution and bill of rights to everyone no matter what race or creed. bottom line, the larger we make the american dream , the less enemies we have....
  18. people should be able to go from country to country with no problem.... open borders along with slowly working towards a world govt will solve many arbitrary problems... there would be no such thing anymore as rival nations.
  19. i have a feeling this has more to do with nationalism and not about really solving the immigration problem....
  20. why do we have a arbitrary border anyway? the problem is solved once u make them legal and have them pay into the system....
  21. if bradford or mallat are there we must take one of them. we have no qb. if u want to win in a qb driven league then u take a qb, but it is hard to argue with the mcclain pick...
  22. we need a new leader to help the young core we already have byrd whitner mckelvin poz harris williams maybin wood levitre incognito nelson evans lynch jackson
  23. qb has to be the first pick, who will play qb? cant be fitz...
  24. 1 qb 2 ot 3 dt 4 de 5 ot
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