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Everything posted by billykaykay

  1. The NYG just did the same to NO yesterday.
  2. What exactly does "voidable year" mean ?
  3. You don't think that they really pay at the max, do you ?
  4. Speaking of clock (mis)managenent, has anyone noticed that Rex usually goes into his "prevent" D at the end of the half. He also did this with the Jets. I'd love to know how often teams wind up with 3 or 7 during this soft D.
  5. The elephant in the room is " what the heck does Sully know ". Has he ever played a sport - any sport ? If he hasn't, he ought not be a sports writer. I'm not talking about playing college ball or even HS. Has he even played Little league. It certainly would have given him some perspective on the day to day practices, conditioning, & the day to day socializing of the players & the concpt of team work. He may turn out to be correct in his prediction. That only means that he & my wife agree. We shall see. As they say - that's why they play the game.
  6. When EJ signs with another team as a free agent, we will probably receive a 3rd round compensatory pick ( I think ).
  7. On 3rd &5 he will drop it. Can't count on him.
  8. Dallas ????
  9. You want scary? I discovered a gin from Wisconsin named Death's Door. Rot gut - right ? Well it is the smoothest gin I have ever drank (or is it drunk ). You can't tell just by the name. $32 at Premier.
  10. Maybin would have been better than Mario last year.
  11. Sounds like someone who is running for president.
  12. I realize that he(or anyone else) will have the accuracy of Tom Brady, But I hope he has the accuracy of TT on swing passes to our backs. It really annoys me when these little short passes go sailing over the back's head.
  13. For his frame, he needs to add about 25 lbs. It looks to me that he lines up offsides many times.
  14. Wouldn't it be nice if the NFL allowed each team to designate one player on the Practice Squad that was untouchable. More often than not, that player would be a QB.
  15. Amen Do you really think that it is money that motivates the Pegulas? He has said in the past that if he were interested in making money, he would drill another oil well. Just my opinion of the Pegulas.
  16. It will be difficult to get a conviction with no hard evidence since Williams refused to take the breathalyzer. The only soft evidence is slurred speech, weaving on the road, & his admission that he had one beer.
  17. It has always amazed me that our TV market doesn't include Toronto - especially since our stations that carry the games are on their cable system.
  18. Houston has set the bottom with the $18M for Osweiler. He hasn't done anything that TT hasn't done. $13-$17M is history. If the Bills like TT, sign him. You gotta trust your eyes & your coaches in judging talent. I like TT a lot - reminds me of Russell Wilson but with accuracy. I am not sure if the Bills brass feels the same way. We shall see.
  19. Why are you'all so snarky this morning? Relax, guys.
  20. That stadium is old news. Sorry. I should have read further.
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