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Posts posted by billykaykay

  1. some experienced OCs really suck too. Some inexperienced ones are really good. Just sayin. If you don't like Hackett, it may not be due to his inexperience. He just might not be very good.

    I have friends & family in Oakland, NY, D.C., Tampa, & TN. All of them want to kick their OC to the curb. Except for perhaps Eli, all of them have average to below average Quarterbacking. Fans love to play OC during a game & we all want to have a Denver offense. Get a good QB & Hackett will look less like a rookie & more like a fresh young talent.

    Complaining that Hackett keeps calling runs up the middle ignores the possibility that our Guards are unable to pull. Of course they don't really do that great with their straight ahead blocking either.

  2. Beyond the mediocre numbers, when was the last time the Bills surprised any team with a fake punt, fake FG, onsides kick, or any other ST trickeration? The Bills' ST are as vanilla as can be. No apology necessary.

    I was reading somewhere that teams, early in the game, should go for a two point conversion & utilize an obvious pick play. If it is not called, you steal a point. If it is called, you kick the PAT. At the very least, you probably get the opponent to use a time out.
  3. I'm all for a dome as long as it's retractable and open for every game regardless of weather because football is meant to be played outdoors. They can close it for protection from the elements and NCAA Tournament.


    I like Detroits stadium a lot better then the ones in Dallas and Indy. Arizonas is cool simply because the field moves outside

    What does that mean - the field moves outside ?
  4. I've not like RG. He's imature, doesn't read offenses well, his comments about other players really hacked off his coach, using the media against Shanahan, and so on.


    I don't see the Rams as squandering though. If you look at their defensive front, they are pretty darn good, and their line is getting better. They just beat the Broncos. Maybe there is hope for us. Oh, that's right they have Jeff Fisher and we have Meathead Marrone. Sorry, I couldn't resist as my patience after 1.5 years has finally worn out with Marrone.


    He'd better fire Hacket at the end of the year and get a very experienced OC who can do something with our talent.

    What talent??
  5. If I had my way, I'd send a scout to the NBA summer league and to the D-League games. Find the 22 year old power forward who's got the frame for the NFL but not enough game for the NBA. There have to be dozens of guys who at some point chose basketball over football and could make a quick transition back if given a chance at the pro level. With today's rules and spread offenses, you don't have to teach them to block most times, though there are some big boys who would be more than capable.


    I know it sounds nuts, but I'd seriously send a scout or two.

    Absolutely. I said the same thing in a previous thread.

    Find HS football players that decided to play basketball in college. There are probably plenty of very good athletes there that go around 6'5 & 245.

    Look at many of the best TE's now & you will find that they are B.Ball players. Jimmy graham, Julius Thomas, Antonio Gates, & one of the best ever - Gonzalez.

  6. I realize Fred Jackson is trying to come back, but Tate might be an upgrade over Dixon and Brown. I think the Bills should sign him if he clears waivers with teams with poorer records. It always helps to get a guy on your team who's pissed off at his former team, just before you play that former team. Also I understand Marrone has never been happy about Pettine leaving so soon, so this might be a way of poking Pettine in the eye, just a little.

    I watch all the Cleveland games. Trust me - Tate is 3rd best of the three.
  7. No question-- they defy the point of the salary cap every bit as much as the Patriots. Makes me want to puke.

    Just goes to show that it is all about the QB, not the coaches. Look at all the so called genius coaches & see if they had a very good - to great QB. If we had Brady or Manning, no one would be calling Marrone & Hackett bad coaches.

    Perhaps they are bad. I don't know. Fans tend to over evaluate the home team's talent. Except for perhaps Sammy & Glenn, the offensive talent seems quite ordinary. If that is true, then perhaps the coaching is better than we think.

    I often get ticked off that we never seem to go after a Mettenberger type of guy in the middle rounds. Always good to have young competition at that position. I guess they feel that it is more important to get a Duke Williams.

  8. > they liked Marrone because he fit every one of their criterion


    From reading your description, Doug Whaley sounds like a good guy. I like the fact he was open and candid, unpretentious, and that he took time out of his busy schedule to visit with the LA Bills Backers. I imagine that if I got to know Doug, I'd come away with a positive opinion of him as a human being.


    However, there are two things you've written which reinforced my concerns about his ability to be a good general manager. The first is his endorsement of Marrone. A head coach should be very creative and innovative. Bill Belichick and Bill Walsh were two of the best head coaches ever, in large part because they were smarter and more creative than their peers. What you've written leads me to believe that Whaley didn't mention that he was looking for an exceptional level of intelligence or creativity on the part of his next head coaching hire. Marrone/Hackett certainly didn't display those traits during their time together at Syracuse. Marrone may have fit all the criteria they were looking for, but didn't fit all the criteria for which they should have been looking!


    An equally serious concern is the fact Whaley is still high on E.J. Manuel. The two most important factors he should be looking at in a quarterback are throwing accuracy and rapid information processing ability. Manuel displayed neither trait in college. He hasn't displayed those traits in the NFL. Just because a guy has good physical tools and interviews well, doesn't mean you should make him your quarterback of the future!


    On a personal level, I'd hate to see a likable guy get fired. But as a Bills fan, I want what's best for the franchise. If he uses the wrong process to pick head coaches, quarterbacks, and (apparently) second round offensive tackles, he's probably not going to outperform the other GMs around the league. The Bills are extremely unlikely to bring home a Lombardi Trophy until Whaley is replaced.

    Regarding Belichek & Walsh, BB was an under 500% coach in his 4 years at Cleveland. It wasn't until Brady came along that BB became a genius

    The same could be said for Walsh. He had 2 of the best all time QBs.

    They are both good coaches but it was their QBs that made them "geniuses".

  9. Which of the above is playing well right now?

    I'll bet that some of those unsigned Gs had injuries.


    FtD... one of the most entertaining and informative posts in a while. Cool stuff.


    I think any GM would come across as knowledgeable. Good to know Whaley is also likeable and down-to-earth.


    Wonder how much you can infer from omissions. Whaley didn't praise Marrone much... Does that mean he's not enamored with his head coach?


    Also wonder if there was a little hubris involved in the Williams signing. Being that Marrone is an ex OL, maybe he thought he could salvage Williams.

    I think that Williams was a high draft pick. Perhaps they thought that they could coach up that perceived talent.
  10. So you have no idea why Urbik was benched until last week.....yet you "don't understand" how anyone can even think it might be for reasons other than poor performance.


    This makes no sense. Do you really think that Urbik was on the bench because Marrone wasn't really sure he was better than the guards playing ahead of him? Really?? Well, the only other explanation is that he was benched for reasons other than ability--in other words, "to teach him a lesson" or some cliche.


    Same for Williams--do you really think Marrone isn't sure whether Williams is a more gifted and skilled WR than...Hogan?? Of course not. He's in the dog house too.


    I don't know what you don't understand here.

    Coaches, especially coaches on the hot seat, insert the players that give the team the best chance of winning. Why would they put in an inferior player? To think otherwise is just foolishness. Believe what you want but it is just your perception and your theory.

    And also, Hogan is a better WR than Williams imo.

  11. I agree with everything you say. I do think an above average QB should be able to diagnose a breakdown in protection and throw the ball away even if it only happens 1 in 4 times. Could be saving 5-10 yards. With that said, I'm not criticizing his performance. I love his ability to hang in there.

    Isn't a grounding penalty the same as a sack?
  12. Well played, sir.




    Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you and think that Orton is leaps and bounds above geno smith who I can't believe is still playing, but if I had to give each a one line summary it would read similarly (even if the bad of one is way worse than the bad of the other).


    Does that make any sense?


    I do wonder, however if the reason geno is still playing and EJ is benched is his ability to throw downfield (albeit with a ridiculous amount of turnovers). Is it possible that this is what people are talking about when they say the qb is going through his growing pains (picks, bad reads, mistakes) but is flashing signs of potential (great throws, moving the ball with his arm).


    Anyways, I agree, gene sucks right now and I am very happy Orton is our qb and not him.

    Peyton had lots of int's in his rookie year.
  13. Very sad.


    I have had a few concussions in my day and have a difficult time remembering names sometimes and used to have constant headaches until someone figured out what was causing them. Concussions suck

    I had a concussion when I was hit in the head as a kid playing baseball. I have had no problems or after effects.

    Where exactly am I?


    McNabb was the top QB prospect in the 1999 draft.


    Vick's tenure in Philly was a disaster under Reid. 20-20 record as a starter. Got physically destroyed---- injured every year and missed games.


    McNabb was long gone when Foles was drafted. Foles went 1-5 as a starter under Reid. He's gone 13-3 since Reid left.


    Smith was in the NFCC game after one year with Harbaugh. He is 14-8 in 2 years with Reid (losing 9 of their last 14 games).


    Reid with McNabb: 105-56. Reid without McNabb: 27-34.

    Yup. Belicheck with Brady - a "genius". BB without Brady - under 500.
  14. I had no idea there were Bills fans who hated this guy. He was thrilling to watch, played with heart, and won games with a bad offense.


    And the fact that he was the last QB to get us to the playoffs 14 years ago.


    Doesn't seem logical.

    It wasn't logical. Back then, people were listening to that nitwit, Chuck Dickerson, who for some reason always made excuses for Rob J. & made light of any accomplishments of Flutie. The whole " Rob was winning when he left the field stuff" was started by him on his radio show.

    At the end of the day, despite any shortcomings, Flutie was a winner here in Bflo & I would guess that he has the best record since Kelly. He didn't have a great arm, but boy did he know how to move the chains. Rob J looked the part if they were auditioning for QB's in Hollywood, but pure & simple without all the excuses, he was a loser.

    Great show by the way.

  15. Slot guys need to have that combination of athleticism and toughness or to fight off being jammed at the line. So far that's what I like about Hogan. He's got enough size and strength (I don't think Woods does) to get into those seams, and enough athleticism to turn it up field every now and then. Not saying he's great, but a reliable slot guy is critical, particularly with a struggling run game.

    Hogan is better than most of us thought. The coaches to their credit saw this early. He is big, strong, & FAST - very fast. Did I forget - he has good hands.
  16. im guessing they were pretty focused on the catch. by the time the ref actually spotted the ball, we were pretty darn close to snapping it.


    no disrespect taken - im just saying there are a lot of moving pieces in a very small window. i expect some level of error occasionally and in a situation like yesterday ill take it being a poor spot over a slow spot if its going to happen. its not "ok" but in the grand scheme.....




    agreed. thats why i was curious to see the catch vs the spot kind of side by side instead of just going by memory.

    If the ball was spotted on the 1/2 yard line, we might have run & - you know- blew it.
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