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Everything posted by billykaykay

  1. Yup. Four paragraphs and I agree with everything you said.
  2. You're correct. Watch the film & you will see that Clay was moving to the right and the pass was at his left ear instead of a perfect throw. Big deal . Catch the damn ball. Clay had a couple of nice plays but overall his game was below his usual standard. IMO.
  3. Whew! According to you, I just missed being an idiot. I'm 76.
  4. Agreed. I was all for signing Boldin. After watching him in the pre season game, I just thought that he looked slow & overweight. If it were possible to receive a low draft pick for him, do it. He won't be much help to the Pats.
  5. I know you're kidding but we actually did that in the 60's with Marlon Briscoe -- and it worked.
  6. Since I am a Florida Snowbird, I called to make sure my Sunday Ticket wasn't going to start & have me billed automatically. So I called about a month ago & they offered me a $45/month credit. I called Customer Retention on their direct number and asked about the Ticket. The girl laughingly asked who my team was. When I said the Bills, she said for Bills fans the Ticket is free. She was kidding of course about the Bills fan part, but it was for free. She then said that she would knock off another $10/mo & gave me a choice of 4 months free Showtime or 6 months free HBO. All this and I never asked for anything, just schmoozed them by being polite and asking if my FL Ticket was still active in Bflo. For those who don't have it, the Retention direct number is 866-431-8482. Good luck.
  7. We have a couple of young free agent WR's that have looked good. I say - let them play.
  8. Re: Expanding the roster, why not just increase the Practice Squad to about 15. While they're at it, they could solve the lack of QBs by designating one spot on the PS as untouchable. This would enable teams to draft & spend time developing a QB.
  9. Relax SoCal, the players are adults. Also, the players can see better than anyone how good Reilly & Shorts have been looking. I was all for the Boldin signing but wow did he look slow & overweight last game. We shall see.
  10. IMO we should be sticking with Reilly & Shorts. Perhaps one makes it & the other goes to the PS.
  11. I'd really like to see them go with the young guys like Shorts. I guess they will wind up on the Practice squad.
  12. Also, I read that the Vikes blitzed over 60% of the time. That's a lot to put on the plate of a QB playing for the very 1st time. I think that all the "weak arm" talk knocked him down in the draft. We shall see.
  13. Yep. On the last drive, Minny rushed 6 on one down.
  14. It looked to me that Ragland could lose 10-12 lbs.
  15. Yeah, there are fans who are "oblivious to that". Many fans are women who enjoy watching football & have no idea what a five step drop is.
  16. Throwing with anticipation is not rocket science. It's probably 90% confidence or lack thereof. Fear of int's is a direct result of a lack of confidence. The old adage that "practice makes perfect" is true because to a large extent lots of reps tend to give a QB that elusive confidence. Any QB at the NFL level has the ability to throw a WR open. The will to do it when he is tightly covered is another issue. We shall see with Tyrod.
  17. The perfect 3rd & 4 WR. Strong, smart, & good hands.
  18. He has been catching/dropping passes since he was 14 years old. Why hasn't he concentrated during this time ? Nothing is going to change. I think that coaches just like his size.
  19. I thought that the Syracuse QB looked good last year. He has poise, accuracy, & he is mobile - not like TT - but mobile. What are your thoughts about him. Sorry, his name escapes me.
  20. Jim Brown was: 1st team All American in football. 1st team All American in Lacrosse Started on the Syracuse basketball team Oh - I almost forgot: he was arguably the G.O.A.T. in the NFL. He was the same size as DE's but DB's couldn't catch him.
  21. My guess is that K is probably asking for too much moola. Re: Yates - let's just relax & see what unfolds. BTW we just picked up a QB. Probably just a camp arm but if Yates fails, perhaps we go with two QBs with the new guy on the practice squad.
  22. Where is Jeff, anyway ?
  23. Way to go Gugs. You went up a notch with me.
  24. If he only played on 3rd downs, he would be worth signing. He is a chain mover.
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