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Everything posted by billykaykay

  1. He is in his 4th scheme in 4 years. Wow - the poor guy. It is still football. He is getting beat one on one. I don't know what to say if you can't see that. Yeah, they really struggled to replace him. Just the best damn player in the game.
  2. Mario has always been over rated because he was the #1 overall pick. He must be good - right. Well he is. Good not great. This year he has disappeared. I mentioned this in another post & was rebutted by a so called expert who wondered if I was watching the same game as he was. As I have said previously - next year, he is either cut, traded, or has his contract redone. No way they keep him at his pay level. Watch the DE's of KC this Sunday & tell me who you would rather have. He was only a beast occasionally.
  3. What exactly is a " third down play" ? 3rd & 6 is not exactly a gimmie.
  4. Agree. When you have 2nd & 1, IMO you either go up the gut to try & get the 1st down or you play action & try & make a 10-20 yd play. What did we do? We ran a sweep & lost yards. When you are on your own 29, it would probably be wise to run twice if necessary. We are out thinking ourselves.
  5. Wasn't the long pass to Hogan after the injury ?
  6. What makes you think that either of these two guys is any better than Tyrod ?
  7. BB was under 500 before Brady. I guess he all of a sudden became a genius right about the time Bledsoe got hurt & BB had to turn to Brady. Good solid coach but no genius.
  8. It's not the refs as much as it is the rules. After 5 yds, DB's can't touch a receiver. The rule is stupid. Years ago, DB's could touch the receiver up until the pass was in the air. Too many ticky tack touching penalties. Too many flags. Some bad decisions on what is a catch. Does anyone here actually know when a catch is a catch? Too many reviews. They should use the college rule of one foot inbounds. There would be less replays needed & speedier play. It works fine for the college game. If the rules weren't ticky tacky, the refs wouldn't be throwing yellow after every play. OT's hold DE's almost every passing down. It is often egregious and still not called. I have mentioned before that G's & OT's should have to wear some type of covering on their hand so they would be unable to grip a pass rusher. Something without a thumb would work. Off topic I know, but another rule change ought to be the college rule where the clock is stopped after a first down until the sticks are moved. This would do away with the worst & most boring play in football - the spike. The league wants fantastic finishes - this would do it.
  9. I can't remember them losing recently to Indy ???
  10. In what year did Breese become a good QB ?
  11. Whitner isn't bad. He was just not worth a high #1 pick.
  12. When you are winning by 2-3 scores, you probably aren't going to need the T.O.'s except for challenges.
  13. The refs let them play last night. What a more enjoyable game when you don't have to scan the field for yellow after every play.
  14. I think you can claim losses against winnings.
  15. Maybe you can learn them how to speech.
  16. Did you notice that all had great QB's. So, are they great coaches or did they just ride their great QB's into the sunset?
  17. Perhaps we sometimes forget that this was only his 6th game in his career.
  18. Mario is good but not even close to great. However, he is being paid for great. After the season, he will either be traded, let go, or his contract will be renegotiated. Just my opinion.
  19. Thomas is over rated - see his play against Hughes. Cleveland would be happy to get a 2nd. Mack is a terrific OL.
  20. I got back from London Monday & I'm still tired.
  21. Some of these teams will trade back to QB needy teams.
  22. Is there any evidence that Ryan & Whaley disagreed on Cassel ? Or is it just Bflo News reporters surmising that there is a rift???
  23. Anything new on Harvin ????
  24. RG111 is a disaster, We will see, but he is toast imo.
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