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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I think Eli Ankou has played well. He has earned more PT.
  2. Wow! And to think the highlight of his NFL coaching career was a freak'n win over the Bills! How depressing that memory is.
  3. I was just thinking the other day: if it weren’t for those four loses in a row, we’d be unbeaten in the Super Bowl. Wow!
  4. Well, he went out last night, donuts and a show with some friends. ... I think on Twitter it was reported he had a N95 mask on his big toe and he had no limp, so it must be working?
  5. Yes, the officials did not like it and there was clearly a conspiracy to not overturn any calls. So the league dropped it. I hope there is enough push-back after this season to do it again, with a serious intent. Especially as the general quality of officiating goes down (maybe a better way to say it: "as the difficulty of officiating goes up") the need for an Eye-In-the-Sky official that can quickly respond to any egregious error should be seriously considered? One can hope.
  6. Who doesn't, and how could you not, like Gabe Davis? .... I know I'm not as smart as the coaches, but based on the results I've seen on the field over the last 2 years, I'd play him over Sanders any day, every day!
  7. He played well; especially when you consider the level of competition--probably the best receiving core in the league, and certainly against the smartest QB he will ever face. He did what he should. No, he's not Tre, but he did not hurt us. And that is what I expect the rest of the season.
  8. But the Pats still have a "do nothing" at QB. Sooner or later, that will catch up to them. And this looks like the kind of game where that may be an issue.
  9. Confirms what we all have seen. I wonder, is a part of this that collectively, the Bills WRs are not fast and are not that big, and thus make it easy for DBs to stay with them? Would more size and speed make this different. By the way, Sanders is "Exhibit A" for, not fast or big. And besides the fact that he is just better than Sanders at this point in their respective careers, this is another reason Davis should be getting more reps over Sanders. He is bigger, tougher, and faster. Why is he not WR#2? Back to my point: being average in speed and on the small side, contributes to the lack of penalties against you.
  10. Okay, time to move on. Win game 1 of the beginning of our four game winning streak and AFCE Division championship run!
  11. Good! Sorry he’s hurt, but really, as I’ve been saying all season: the only thing he has done is take time away from Gabe Davis. Davis is a better player than Sanders in every way.
  12. To your thoughtful perspective at the top = Yes. We all need to keep it in perspective. A few breaks here and there and we're competing for the #1 seed. Last year we got the breaks, this year, so far, not-so-much. Here's the good news, we still have games to play and team is more than capable of winning every one the next four games. Do that, we're in, and probably AFC East champs (NE will lose to someone else, their QB cannot carry them when needed). To your points, Shaw: 1 - Josh: Yes. He cemented his status last night by carrying this team on his back, and legs. 2 - Daboll: Agree. He somehow found his senses again in the 2nd half .... I get the feeling he out-thinks himself with game planning some times. Just do what we do best, Brian. 3 - Harry: Yes. He has been the best D-Lineman the last two games. If he keeps playing like this, the next Kyle Williams has arrived. 4 - Termaine: He seems to play more on confussed side than not. That one cost big time, but not sure it was all on him. Surely someone else has to be on that side of the field--what was remarkable on that play is how wide open it was once he got past Edmunds 7 yards beyond the line-of-scrimmage. How does that happen? 5 - Dane: Yes. He played well and I'm confident in his ability going forward. The only critique is the interception he should have had, twice. Those are the kind of big plays need to turn games like this. 6 - Davis: YES! YES! YES! I am convinced that having Sanders has hurt this team more than helped by taking time away from Davis. Davis did have one crucial drop in Jacksonville, but after that, he has been "Big Play Gabe" since the day he arrived last year--his fourth down play yesterday may have been the "effort play of the year" for this team. He needs to be the full-time #2 receiver. 7 - Fake Punt: Yuuup! That was so obvious (no one who watches football would believe Breida was there to block, have you seen his futile efforts in the backfield?). A bad idea, that was only topped it's badness in the execution of it. But, I come away from these last two weeks encouraged; frustrated with the results, yes, but encourage about the potential. The Bills can win out, and if they do, they will most likely win the Division. If they win 3/4, they'll make the play-offs. And no other team wants to draw this team in the play-offs.
  13. Well, if we have to, I have confidence in him. At least we have a capable backup.
  14. Yes! The Bucs were completely gassed at the end (as were our receivers). When it goes well, it is a huge advantage. And we have the QB for it, they need to give him play calling authority. And as mentioned above, it does play to our strengths.
  15. After some reflection time about this game, and the season (by the way, this "tale of two half's" game, is a perfect metaphor for the entire Bills season): I think this team's problem of inconsistency boils down to one big inconsistency, the offensive line. .... I know, the D-line is a close second .... but all-in-all, a better o-line that gives your all-world QB time to throw and to not be running for his life most of the time, and one that can at least make your running game respectable, makes all the difference for this team. .... Where do we invest in the off-season = the O-line!
  16. 3 - Running backs in the first half - I see what you did there.
  17. Davis should have had a starting role a long time ago. I like Sanders, but he has taken time from Davis. Davis is better.
  18. We had a chance as long as we didn’t let our defense back on the field.
  19. OMG …. Matriculate the ball down the field and score a TD here!
  20. I wonder what it would be like to blitz Brady? He certainly knothole to carve up this bend and then break defensive scheme we are running.
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