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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Hard to imagine Hart at LT, but I guess we’ll go with it. …. And if so, what does that say about what the Coaches think about Bates or Doyle? Yikes.
  2. While I hate that any are out, I actually am not that worried about the WR position. Our back-ups are solid there. The bigger issue is Ford, if no Dawkins or Feliciano, our o-line is getting very thin. …. Bates, Doyle, opportunity and time to step up and produce.
  3. Merry Christmas, to all on TBD. What we need today is a Christmas miracle: News that Dawkins and Feliciano have been cleared and are off the COVID naughty list. Come on Santa, get it done!
  4. Alway love your positive perspective. And, Merry Christmas, Ebenezer.
  5. I see the Bills player and Mafia with a lot of complaints about the national media, and pro-bowl voters, disrespecting them. That may be true, but when you're 8-6, you have given those disrespectors all the evidence they need to do so. In all this, the only people to blame is ourselves. Lossing to Jacksonville, lossing three games (Tenn, NE, TB) where you had the ball inside the 10 yard line with a chance to win in the last minute of the game--and not doing it, laying an egg against the Steelers on opening day, and being blown-out by the Colts on your home field. I know we don't want to hear this, but we have earned that disrepsect. The bottom-line, the ONLY thing that will change their minds, WINS! Win on Sunday, and WIN the next 2 Sundays, and a few WINS after that, and all that will change. Just WIN baby, just WIN!
  6. Thanks for the detailed work Watkins. I like and generally agree with your "odds" list at the end. With so many of theses teams facing each other over the next three weeks, this could go is all kinds of directions. So, just win Bills, just win. Win 3 - Division champs, 2-1 probably a 7 seed in the playoffs, 1-2 nope!
  7. Well, he had severe symptoms last time. I hope not, but does that indicate he is more susceptible to it? Is he the teammate that Beasley was referring to being in the hospital? Again, I do hope not. But past performance (past reaction) is an indicator; he may be walloped by it again?
  8. How valiable is Lamar Jackson? His back-up is putting up even better numbers than him. Hmmmm? The entire system is bonkers: The first sign of lack on any credibility to it - It's done with almost 20% of the season still to be played. And for most teams, the most important games of the season. I would think the performance over the next tree weeks might be the most important measurement? Also, it may be before the last four games, when was the vote taken?
  9. Apparently he's a Pro-Bowl player now, so that is news. But somehow we missed that here at TBD, when did his play this season merit this recognition?
  10. I would say he is less targeted becasue he can't get open, other then when he finds holes in zone coverage, do you ever see him getting seperation?
  11. I think the David Nelson comparison is a good one. If he plays, I hope he produces like Nelson did. He was not spectacualer, but reliable and productive.
  12. I'm really not a Sanders hater, but I think the evidence suggest that Gabe Davis is the more productive reciever for the Bills. And, I think McKenzie is a far better option in the slot than Sanders. McKenzie is a reliable pass-cather, and he is a much bigger threat for YAC. Sanders can be a good situational #4 guy, but I think his days as a productive starter are behind him.
  13. Maybe just a glass of inexpensive wine to help us sleep better. Save the champagne for the really big moments, like after the win this coming Sunday.
  14. Well, this was such a big part of the news last game. From The Weather Channel, conditions look good for Sunday:
  15. As always, thanks Virgil. To the items above, many have said it and I think this game is Exhibit A, if we commit to the run, even with makeshift o-line, Singletary is capable. Great? No. Capable? Yes. He is good in traffice runner who alway seems to stretch 2-yard gains into 4-yard gains. And on occassion, will show a burst of quickness and speed to get c=some chunck plays. Like all backs, it seems the more carries he gets, the more effective he becomes. He need 15+ a game, not the ususal 8-10 they give him. We need more of that, with a dose of Breida or McKenzie on some jet or quick hitters off the edge. It is generally effective, it keeps the defense honest, and opens opportunities in the passing game. As for Phiiips, yes, his game has looked very good the past few weeks. I would say he is finally back from his injury. I would love to see more of him and Star on the field together, especially against run heavey teams (like NE). But that assumes Star is aviable. Doing that would force the BIlls to do something different with Oliver. Is it time to consider a three (or 5. with two DEs) man front? I think so. Again, and especially, against a run heavey team with at best an average passing game. GO BILLS!
  16. Well, McKenzie and Kumerow get ready, and send Stevenson on a few go routes: “go as far and as fast as you can run” and let Josh heave it. …. I would love to see that happen against the Pats.
  17. More importantly: What is the status of Dawkins and Feliciano?
  18. I have been beating this drum all season. There is nothing, I repeat “nothing” Sanders does better than Davis. The Bills have hurt themselves by sticking with Sanders too long.
  19. Have been to TBD on cold and windy days, I vote for all they can do to make it more comfortable.
  20. Sort of, check out Freds "Ford's Report" thread. But good news, we hold the tie-breaker over them 🤣
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