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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. The Defense has to get a stop this drive. Cannot let them drive and score again.
  2. That last drive showed what we have to do, push the ball down the field.
  3. Okay, here we go. Drive it down their behind. BTW: Time for deep shot.
  4. Did that last week on the “Almost TD Throw to Knox” in the 4th quarter. But I agree, I think it’s there for one play a game.
  5. After 22 years, Brady finally gets a flag for mouthing off like he does every game. 🤪
  6. I believe we are seeing Tom Brady’s last game. They’re not going to win today. Because of salary cap issues, the Bucs will be disassembled after the season. I don’t see him starting over anywhere else. Yeah, it’s over.
  7. We’ll, the JV game is about to start. I’ll kill some time watching that.
  8. Good "Divisional" Game Day Morning, TBD and Bills Mafia! I hope you have a great day preping for and watching our Bills defeat the Chiefs in front of a national audience = part 2 of the 4 part Validation! And the start time of the game fits perfecting into a Bills inspired evening meal (wings, beef on weck, etc., all washed down with your favorite beverage), so enjoy as you watch our Bills march into the AFC championship game to be played next week in Orchard Park, NY. GO BILLS!
  9. Yeah, it might be COVID, you can’t take the chance of infecting a team of 4th graders. That sounds like a superspreader potential. Do the right thing!
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