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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. He has the right size and physical tools, the scouts will need to judge the abilities and mental capacity, but I like him in the middle rounds.
  2. But I think the under-appreciated value of Ryan Bates is his ability, and intelligence, to fill in at any time in any of the o-line positions. Back to the "protect Josh" line of thought: if that is important--and we all know it is, and o-linemen get hurt--and we know that happens, then having someone you can trust to know what to do and to be able and go out and do it--to the level that it seems like there is never a dip--is HUGE. Whether Bates starts or not, I think he is a very important part of this team. I would hate to see him go. But to your big point Gunner, it will come down to the money. Do the Bills have enough to keep him without having to overspend?
  3. The Browns won the off-season last year ???? 🤪 A classic moment.
  4. I am mildly concerned about the o-line, more than CB. It we retain Bates and Ike, with Ford, we have three experienced players (and some have suggested Doyle?). Bates is the best of them, but right now none are considered full-time NFL starters and Bates may not be here. "IF" we go into the season with the three of them battling it out for the RG spot, I'm okay with that but not thrilled. They are serviceable. ..... It does not appear there are any FA starters available at price the Bills can pay right now. Thus, drafting someone in round 1 or 2 becomes a priority. Unfortunately, our last 2nd round interior lineman draftee has not worked out, so even that is no guarantee. So yeah, I'm concerned.
  5. Yeah, I thought/think that as well. Like I said, "interesting thought," not sure I buy it, but maybe it's worth a look. I will put my trust in the Bills coaches and front-office on this one, I assume they know way more than we do. And I also have to think they have a Plan B beyond Bates, why else would they even let him go shopping? Is Doyle a part of that?
  6. Interesting thought on Doyle. Yes, he was the extra lineman/TE at the end of the season, so we can assume he has the mobility you'd like to see in a guard.
  7. Keenum has too high of a character and morals rating for the Browns QB room, he had to go.
  8. Good work BB. Thank You. As for free agent priority - the Beane way is to fill holes with value priced veterans - I would go: Corner, Guard, QB, WR.
  9. A lot of great tributes here, I have nothing to add to those, but, WOW! surprising and sad news. It says much about a person when everyone was their friend. A true professional who was also a genuinely good human being. He will be missed.
  10. Exactly. The idiots here are the Browns organization and leadership (sorry, that's a misuse of the word leadership: correction, "anti-leadership"). I'm not a Baker Mayfield fan, but he is not the problem here. And after watching all this play-out, what QB in his right mind would want to go there? . . . Contrast that with what we are seeing in Buffalo now; HOF players maneuvering to come here. Cleveland Browns = Joke
  11. I will be very disappointed if we lose Bates.
  12. Sign them all !!!! ..... Get it done Mr. Beane!
  13. I sure hope we do not lose him. He is one of the best values on the team.
  14. Really, you sure about heaven? Do they really let you talk like that there?
  15. Gas wells, keep drilling Terry and Kim, keep drilling!
  16. I bet he's asking his agent that now.
  17. I do hope he comes back. Love his work ethic and hustle, and I think he has been very productive. .... I would love to see him in the bruiser TE role like Baltimore uses.
  18. A good low risk high reward signing. And it's an upgrade at our TE2 spot.
  19. "Remember the days when free agents didn't want to come to Buffalo, that my friend is LONG, LONG, LONG, gone!" The Josh Allen effect in full force.
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