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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. This is the preseason to the preseason for TBD. You got until he 24th to get it right SDS! ..... Seriously, thanks for all the work you do here and for providing this platform for us. We all appreciate it.
  2. If I’m the NFL, I wait until about a week (or less) before the season starts, to screw over the Browns management just a little more. 🤪
  3. I have no doubt the NFL wants the Browns to hurt because of their brashness, arrogance, and stupidity. But can they? And if so, how? That will be the issue. Dishing out the hurt in the form of Watson’s punishment would kill two birds with one stone. But again, “will they be able to do that?” That is the question.
  4. I cannot disagree with the poll results (Allen, Diggs, Hyde, Poyer, White), with Oliver, Edmunds, Milano, and Morse all honorable mentions. BUT, I think we should add Von Miller, right????
  5. Agree. It was such a disappointment after all the pre-season hype. Let’s hope we don’t have a repeat this year.
  6. There's another factor here when it comes to a trade: Most players of significance are not going to want to go to Cleveland. Yes, they technically don't have a say, but they have ways to make that known and to make it very unattractive for the team to do (see Eli Manning notes above). Would a player of Anderson quality want to go to that dumpster fire? I highly doubt it.
  7. Who knew RJ ever threw that many touchdowns???
  8. Reports are that Aaron Rodgers is peeved the Packers didn't sign him when he became available yesterday.
  9. Having been a Bills fan all my life, it would be very hard to support them if this were the case. Winning is not everything. I would find it very hard to support him or the team if he signed with the Bills. At some point, you draw a line. I guess the closest we've been to this is OJ situation. I appreciate what he was for the Bills back in the day, but as an organization (and I think as a fan base) the Bills have distanced themselves from him, and that is the right move. Anyhow, by now I'd be looking for any small way I could to voice my displeasure. I would also be looking for another team to root for, but that would be hard after so many years of emotional investment in one team. As I said, at some point you draw a line. For the life of me I cannot understand why the Browns would do this to their team or fans. Greed (and latent stupidity) is blind. At least the Dolphins were smart enough to have some out-clauses built into their offer. Now we know why DW didn't take their offer.
  10. McCarthy = 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  11. Agree. The main thing for Miller, fresh for the play-offs where he’ll play as much as needed. They’ll be smart with him through the regular season, with the goal of playing him one more down than he is needed.
  12. I do hope he is suspended for the year, and that the NFL finds some way to make the Browns hurt financially.
  13. The Washington Walmart's has a nice ring to it.
  14. And good work weaving an "Ed Wang" reference into this thread. Well done!
  15. Or maybe to turn up the heat on Stevenson. It certainly adds serious competition for returning and the last receiver spot.
  16. From the "Punt Evaluator God."
  17. Elam is already a leader with this group.
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