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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I think they lose their next two, at the least. And, that last game is setting up to be a "win, or go home" game for both teams.
  2. Thanks, @Shaw66 It really was a fun day of football yesterday. I was able to watch most of the three key games (for the Bills: Fish,/49rs Jets/Vikings ending, and Bengals/Chiefs) and enjoyed being invested, but not on the emotional edge I'm usually at when watching a Bills game. And we could not have asked for better results. Its now a five game regular season. LETS GO BUFFALO!
  3. The main thing the Bengals do against the Chiefs that most other teams somehow forget to do: They cover Kelce. Take him out of the mix and Mahomes and their offense is average.
  4. . And this is why I failed my "Intro to Stats" class.
  5. Concerning their Defense: I watched the entire game, and after Jimmy G went out, it seems like the Fish blitzed on almost every play thereafter. If that is there main strategy, they are digressing--and wait until they have to play a 1st string QB.
  6. And all was right with the world again.
  7. No, we control our situation with Fish. We need all the help we can get with the Chiefs. But I’m greedy, I’ll take both 🤪
  8. Yeah, after the Hamlin ejection the other night, this is totally baffling? Why is the guy who led with his shoulder and hit the shoulder of his opponent, ejected? But the guy who leads with his helmet and hits the opponent squarely in the head, not ejected? For this rule, the NCAA has it all-over the NFL. Any hit is reviewed by the Replay Booth and they make call, and a Head-to-head hit is an automatic rejection. It is consistent and, while severe, clear and fair. And it puts the emphasis of player safety. Everything the NFL does not accomplish.
  9. As mentioned, both, but we control the Miami situation and we needs help to overtake the Chiefs.
  10. Any word on Elam? Very curious that he was not active.
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