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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Running all over them, and three straight passes. Stupid play calling! To go with three straight dumb decisions by our QB. Take the easy ones please #17!
  2. And I think every time it is that underhand toss to a crossing receiver. You would think teams would be on to it by now?
  3. Happy Game Day TBD, and Merry Christmas! . . . Get that last minute Christmas shopping done this morning and then settle in for a cozy warm day watching the Bills clinch the AFC East. Here's to not letting the Bears play Scrooge on us, and to Josh Allen being Tiny-Tim-like in spreading joy and happiness to Bills fans everywhere. . . . To all, I hope you have a special weekend celebrating Christmas and a Bills win with family and friends! LET'S GO BUFFALO!
  4. Nice work @GunnerBill, thanks. I have zero knowledge of the top college prospects, but I do agree that in some form or another, we need some upgrades on the online. I am a big believer in just getting the five best people out there. I do understand that some people are better suited for a particular oline position, but I also believe if the guy is good, he will have position flexibility. If we can get a top LT prospect, I'm all for moving Dion to LG, or RT. Or, just a top interior lineman (Center?) would help as well. Concerning our current people, for next year: Dawkins - Is a solid LT, but could also move inside if a top LT prospect was drafted. Saffold - This position needs to be upgraded. I would not mind them trying Quessenbery there now--he played well at RG this past game. Morse - I hope I'm wrong, but he may be done. Bates - Is not spectacular, but his great value is he can, and has, played every oline position, and usually pretty well. His intelligence is his strength. I suspect he'll be our starting center next season. If a Center is drafted, we are fine with him at RG. Brown - I want him to be good, but he is inconsistent at best. I think Gunner is right, he needs a real challenge at RT. Hopefully he improves, but another year of his inconsistency will not be acceptable. He either improves or gets replaced. While there are other needs, if the Bills can build an elite line, no matter what else is needed, with our QB we would be set for a long time. I would be very happy drafting at least 3 new o-lineman, and adding a good FA or two, next year. And one person to keep an eye on, I thought Tommy Doyle was coming along nicely for the Bills. Hopefully he comes back strong. He could be a serious tackle candidate next year--unfortunately, hope if a poor strategy.
  5. What Seminary? I went to a Who concert there several years ago, be careful, it was a rough crowd.
  6. True on all counts. ... It is just plain bad.
  7. The only other stadium I've been to is Miami. They were cool, no issues. The last time we were there the Bills lost. On the walk out of the stadium we were getting some good natured ribbing. So a young (guy, early 20s) Miami fan came up to my wife and took off his cheap imitation Fish jersey t-shirt and gave it to her to wear over her Bills gear. It was funny, we had a good laugh with them, and she wore it the rest of the way. And she kept it.
  8. What is this “screen game” thing you speak of?
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