HAPPY FIRST PLAYOFF GAME DAY, TBD! Usually, in these game morning posts, I encourage you to be a productive and decent human being in some way or some manner (always trying to promote good Karma). To be a good example, I will go on a morning hike with my wife and do church online today--all before game time. The hike to walk off nervous energy and be right with the Mrs., and church, well, for the obvious, and the Karma thing--A theological question: Is Karma appropriate and compatible with the Christian faith? Regardless, I don't want to take any chances and tempt fate--another theological conundrum: Fate vs. Christianity? (Who is that TBD member teaching Sunday School today at 1:00 PM? I need your hermeneutical help here, bro.)
So, for our beloved Bills: You be bad today! Buffalo Bills, be bad in the best way possible. And for TBD: In cheering on our beloved Bills, you be bad today as well! Be bad in the best way possible.