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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I’m confident that will not be an issue this week. The stadium will be swaying.
  2. I always like him.
  3. Well, I think ours is pretty good.
  4. You know you’ve arrived when the lead official comes to your bench to explain and apologize.
  5. Okay, someone tell our Defense the game has started.
  6. Okay, that’s not a good start.
  7. Are the Bills playing today? Watching the CBS pregame and it’s all Broncos. This is unfair, the Broncos are so great. Do we even have a chance today?
  8. Do you ever have any positive thoughts about the Buffalo Bills and their chances to win?
  9. HAPPY FIRST PLAYOFF GAME DAY, TBD! Usually, in these game morning posts, I encourage you to be a productive and decent human being in some way or some manner (always trying to promote good Karma). To be a good example, I will go on a morning hike with my wife and do church online today--all before game time. The hike to walk off nervous energy and be right with the Mrs., and church, well, for the obvious, and the Karma thing--A theological question: Is Karma appropriate and compatible with the Christian faith? Regardless, I don't want to take any chances and tempt fate--another theological conundrum: Fate vs. Christianity? (Who is that TBD member teaching Sunday School today at 1:00 PM? I need your hermeneutical help here, bro.) So, for our beloved Bills: You be bad today! Buffalo Bills, be bad in the best way possible. And for TBD: In cheering on our beloved Bills, you be bad today as well! Be bad in the best way possible. GO BILLS!
  10. I hope not; that means the Ravens beat us first to get to the Chiefs. If you had Russ as your QB, you'd act like that too.
  11. Henry is the real MVP of the Ravens.
  12. Whoever we are playing next.
  13. It sounds cruel, and I hate that I can think and say this, but "Good!" There is no team or player who deserves this more. Forgive me.
  14. Thank you, Debbie Downer
  15. And Tampa Bay was not good when that game was played early in the season.
  16. So basically, they were good against bad teams/QBs, and lost to good teams/QBs.
  17. When you get to the T in the road, go straight.
  18. Who has Sunday School at 1 PM in the afternoon?
  19. I knew it was a lot, but WOW! This many???? He deserves a special award or bonus for his perseverance and team loyalty.
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