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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. I'm with you on this. I think we are hoping that Merriman gets back somewhere close to his former self, but so far, not so much. I think its time to get Moats and Batton on the field, both have shown glimpses of promise, and I think its time to see what they can really do. Can it be any worse then the veteran guys in front of them?
  2. I think Wade is doing just fine, I doubt he has any need or interest in returning to Buffalo.
  3. Its a long season, and there is a lot of chess moves in the course of a season. Cincinnati didn't send extra rusher and dropped more people in coverage, especially against the short routes. The Bills needed to respond by hitting the longer routes, and a combination of inconsistency by Fitz on deep throws, receivers that don't have separation speed, and recievers who didn't make any big catches when needed, led to the demise. However, the real issue with them is the ability of teams to rack up yards. Although much blame should be placed on the secondary, I think some kind of pass rush, including this thing they call "a blitz," would help them. When a NFL QB has time, even a rookie, they will eventually find the open guy--and there will always be one open given enough running around time. One way or another, the Bills have to figure out how to generate a pass rush! The one lesson we have learned from the first four games, although improved, the front 3 or 4, are not capable of doing it alone. So the scheme has to change. Do something, figure out some way of putting at least a threat on the QB.That will help the secondary, which as we've seen, needs all the help it can get.
  4. It seems like he kept trying to force longer throws, and not taking what was given to him on the shorter routes . . . today at least, I think he just made too many bad decisions. This is not a deep route team, Jones does't get separation, and when trying to go long, although he was only sacked once, he was pressured and hurried quite a bit. Bad day for Ftiz, the offense just never got in rhythm.
  5. Why didn't he cradle it when he went down? Why did he need to put an arm down and hold it with one hand? . . . it's too big of a play to have any doubt on, get the first down, and go to the next series. Yes, it was bad call by the officials, but equally bad by him in not protecting the ball, it was an easy catch and first down, and his not securing it left it in the hands of the officials and that is never a good thing.
  6. totally agree, excellent points I really like what the Bills are doing with their kick-offs. Its a risk reward proposition, and as pointed out, the new rules, a capable kicker, and a solid ST coach all conspire to the Bills advantage in taking this risks. I can put up with a few that may go out of bounds, but the the real risk is in someone taking one to the house--and it may happen this season, but I still like the longterm rewards of this strategy.
  7. would you rather have Merriman or Maybin? Hmmm, let me think about it.
  8. Might be a good backup if we don't get anything in the draft, but I wouldn't spend too much for him. I like Tebow, but there is a lot to prove yet. The only negative, we already have a veteran version of him in Brad Smith, would they want a less proven duplicate?
  9. So far, I would say its hard to argue against it . . . the results and numbers tell it all: "Buffalo Bills: The leaders in pass blocking efficiency as a team this year so far are the Bills with a mark of 95.3. Their offensive line has just allowed 12 total QB Disruptions on 197 plays." source link And, personally I thought they had potential based on what we saw from last year, I think the continued growth of Bell, moving Wood to center, the Pears revelation, have been the biggest factors (directly related to he line itself).
  10. I like Cowherd, don't always agree with him, but he is usually entertaining--which by the way, is what he there to do
  11. Moore, Cousins, or the guy from Wisconsin, any would be good picks to learn as backups and get their chance in a few years. Moore, especially, almost looks like a clone of Fitz but with a little less arm strength but more accuracy.
  12. I would agee with all of this, it seems to be a combination of: 1 - The scheme, a creative approach that is taking advantage of the personnel. 2 - The perfect QB who can read the D and make quick decisions about where to throw it--thus making any rush inconsequential 3 - A running attach that prefers to go off the edges and create mismatches rather than trying to ran it down the middle 4 - Improved chemistry that comes with time and maturity for offensive lineman 5 - Upgrades of talent on the line: Wood to center--Hangman out, Pears a surprise big upgrade at RT, and the solid play of Urbik and Rhinehart 6 - Added to that, the fact that Levitre and Bell have moved to a new level 7 - And the consistency with which Fred jackson makes something out of nothing, his second effort is incredible, and his stats make the line look better than it is at times--and add Smith's production on 3rd downs here as well. 8 - A real tight end that linebackers must cover instead of creeping in and stuffing the run or rushing the passer (I think this has been vastly over-looked) Anything I'm missing gang?
  13. I think this is the week the BIlls commit to running the ball down their throats, and it would be good to see Brad Smith--and Spiller--be a part of that. Chanimal??? Hmmm, not working for me. Just saying.
  14. 3rdand12, my apologies for being a wise guy. I guess what frustrates me is the lack of contribution from him. I would love to see him be great. But it does say something when we're in the game of the decade and he doesn't see the field. I think two things factor in: (1) Its hard to justify taking Jackson out when he's been so hot, and (2) CJ has not been a consistent producer, especially when compared to Jackson. One poster mentioned his stats: 8.2 yards per carry. Well isn't the point that he only has 10 carries in three games? Anyhow, as I said, nothing personal against CJ Spiller, but for some reason he seems to get a pass on this board and its time for a top 10 draft pick to produce . . . maybe a move to a slot or WR type role would be good for him.
  15. my thoughts exactly which one? Bush sucks, Sproles is good, very good . . . personally, I'd like to see the Sproles option go into effect And do we really believe Spiller didn't see any action Sunday because Chan was trying to outsmart Belicheat by not playing him? Next thing we know Chan will be sitting Fitz because teams will start to game plan for him . . . he's a freaking mad genius.
  16. "Dan Dierdork is unwitting in most everything." He is just painful to listen to, just pure pain.
  17. Best move of the year??? We can only hope he plays 80% of the time when the play the BIlls.
  18. Right move, game out of hand, no need to risk injuries to key players. And, it gives the reserves a chance to prove themselves in real game action.
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