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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. "Nothing is over until we decide it is!" and if you don't believe me, watch this: http://youtu.be/MsmybQKpmTw
  2. Good analysis by both of you. Well, we have to get to 10 wins to have any hope, and 11 might not get it done--depending on the variable of the other teams outcomes and who beats who. Those variables are uncontrollable, but what the BIlls can control are their games. Nevertheless, I like our chances if we take care of the games we should, and sneak one out at NY or NE. Bottom-line, we have to get one of them, and I would say it probably has to be the one that loses this week in their head-to-head match up. Of course, the best case is to beat both, but that will be extremely difficult. If I were a betting man, i would say we (the Bills) have better odds against the Pats then Jets. Regardless: Just Win!
  3. I have always wished we could see a bigger view, even end zone perspective would help. Hopefully someday they change their minds.
  4. yep, the D was good enough...actually better then the Pats, Raiders, or Eagles game. And, I think it is getting better. Washington was a start, showed some positives today, did what they could to keep us in the game--which we were until that last TD No offense is why we lost, but I think the good news is, that was an aberration. This offense is better, much better, than it showed today. Good things still to come.
  5. I'd say its pretty even . . . bottom-line, we have to beat the divisional opponents. We have four remaining, must beat the fish twice, and get at least one from NE or the Jets. I think if I had to choose, the Jets would be the one. But there are a lot of variable still left to play out. Win all four of them and we're really sitting pretty (assuming we take care of the others we should: Denver and Tenn.?)
  6. As I was watching the game, I think the beat us at our game: just enough running, short efficient passing game, and with an occasional deep route (which got them the interference calls) thrown in to keep the defense honest. 1) All-in-all, if we hold them to 132 yards on 39 carries, we should win. 2) In the end, our offense went away from itself. Do what you do, even if it plays to the strength of their defense. 3) Agree with the above statement about no-huddle 4) I think we should have run the ball more--but did it seem to me we kept running right up the middle (the acknowledge strength of this team), did we ever try to go of the edge??? It sure didn't seems so. And I know this kind of contradicts what I said above; yes, run it, but try some different directions once in a while. We get them next time!
  7. Ahh, The Little Three! The year the Bonnies and Niagara were both in the top 5 in the nation, I lived near Olean and those games were insane. I think it was the 1969-70 season? And the Bonnies would have stopped UCLA's streak that year if Buffalo Bob Lanier had not been hurt in the regional final at the Palestra. Those were great days for college basketball in WNY.
  8. "Agreed, well done! I've never been overly fond of numbers - statistics and averages can be so misleading." Mark Twain: "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."
  9. Yeah, it does have a strange brew about it . . . let's hope it all comes out to the Bills liking in the end. As for Norwood, this is long over due. He was always nothing but class, and lost in "wide right" is the fact he was one of the most reliable kickers in the NFL during his era. I'm sure the Bills fan will give him a moment to remember today.
  10. "I think Fitz should wear the over-sized "Kelso helmet," -- that would be funny
  11. lets hope, but I agree, this offense doesn't scare anyone
  12. run, run, run, and then some run some more . . . that's how you beat their cover guys
  13. the chances to hit him will be limited as he won't really be playing much, but as I said elsewhere, when he's on the field, run right at him--it's like giving us 10 yards
  14. My surprises: David Nelson (love that kid), Brad Smith--if there is any justice in the world, he scores a TD by running over Aaron Maybin, and McGee-pick 6. And, I think the 12th man does get to Sanchez
  15. Last week, Scott Chandler came back from vacation, or something? Marcell Dareus had a breakout game, and the Defense had the game of the season--for them. So, where do you think the unexpected contribution comes from this week?
  16. Good strategy: "I can't think of a better opportunity for Spiller to run between the tackles and past blitzing linebackers" Wrong personnel: let's try Fred Jackson?
  17. Well, that's my point, maybe I overstated it or it got lost in the rambling: I don't like Tebow as aQB, he's awful. So focus on that, many have crossed a line and taken it as open season on all. That's is not necessary, whether it be Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Italians, Western NY'ers, etc.
  18. As a Bills fan and as a committed follower of Jesus Christ - I've been a Youth Pastor for 14 years, and College Professor for the last 11 years, and I'm a lifelong Buffalo BIlls fan--I feel this thread has spun hopelessly out of bounds of what this DB is about. Unfortunately, this thread has gone on and has lasted into, now 20 pages worth of, what is now nothing but unnecessary verbal venom. Regardless of one thoughts about Time Tebow, is this really what this Discussion Board is to be about? Do we really have to go this low and seek to disparage an entire group of people, religious or not, on the back of not liking one person? I say this not because I'm a TT fan. But because the tone and direction of this thread has crossed a line that we don't need to cross in this format. And I would say that for any people group that was being slandered in the way Christians have been in this thread: except for the Jets of course--fire away on them . Granted, we Christains bring much of this on ourselves and I understand why people can look at Christians and think we're silly, obnoxious, arrogant, judgmental, even hateful, etc.-- and I make no excuses for such behavior or attitudes. This presentation of our faith is wrong, no matter where, or to whom, it happens. And, if you have personally been hurt or affected by such behavior, I apologize and ask for your forgiveness on behalf of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't undo or reverse anything they (I) have done, but I can try to represent our faith in a way that is honoring to it, and to you as a fellow human being. Nonetheless, that being said. I don't think it necessary, nor is this the best format, to have such a conversation. You, and I, have every right to express our opinions of Tim Tebow as a football player, and even on his public actions (that's the price of being a well paid entertainer in our society). [And by the way, I have great respect for Tim Tebow as a person, he has deep convictions, and he is brave in consistently living by those convictions in public--something all of us should strive for--but I also think he is a lousy NFL QB.] But is it helpful or constructive to allow this (and I know this is a strong word, but I think accurate), "hate" to be allowed to continue here. My point is: moderators, maybe it's time to shut this thread down. And in the future, whether it be about TT, Christians, or any person or group of people, I think we should be much more vigilant in not allowing this type of thing to be a part of what is otherwise a fun and entertaining forum to be a part of. My two cents. To those that lead this, thank you for your work with it. It's part of my daily routine to check this wall. I'm personally grateful for your leadership of this place, and for allowing us to exercise our fandom and love for the Bills with fellow Bills fans. It really is add to enjoyment of being a fan. So again, "Thank You!" Also, is there a way I can print or PDF this entire thread so I can use it in my ethics is Sports Ministry class? It would be a great discussion tools in that context, to help them, as future leaders, to have a complete perspective of what people think. GO BILLS!
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