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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. 118 pages, and I have not contributed one post. But today is the day! Here it is . . . Have we signed him yet?
  2. Doug Collins is still a legend in Normal, Illinois.
  3. Because the Jets have an offensive-minded HC, right?
  4. Thank you, Chuck Pollock. I've read your work for all 50 of those years. Living in the nether region of upper PA, you were our window to the outside sports world (back before cable TV, ESPN radio, etc.). I am a loyal fan because of your coverage of St Bonaventure basketball and the Buffalo Bills. Moreover, your dedication to all the Big 30 High School sports in this region served the many athletes you have seen in 50 years--each one of us owes you a huge "Thank you!" Enjoy every day of a well-earned retirement.
  5. McDermott is one of the worse coaches in the league. Josh is a turnover machine. Dion is way overweight. Diggs is a no-show. The season is in the tank already. When is the 2024 draft?
  6. Hahaha. Let the meltdown in the NY media and their hysterical fans begin.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. I hope that means he's in better physical condition.
  8. It looks like we have our QB.
  9. Staggering! Astonishing? This reminded me of what my friend, Mr. Mark Twian (an NFL GM for the Canton Bulldogs, way back in the day) once said: "Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
  10. We end this nonsense in week 1 with a convincing win over the Jets.
  11. But they're still the Browns, and they still play in Cleveland, and they still have that clown of an owner.
  12. Fun stuff. Well done, Jags.
  13. I hope he can get back to the NFL, and I for one, would love to see him come back to Buffalo.
  14. Josh loses HR derby = the window has closed, the regression has begun. There goes all hope for a Super Bowl.
  15. Is he better than Morse? Bates?
  16. It's alive!!!! Someone resurrect the Ertz thread, there is still work to do in that thing.
  17. I think it's fair. But the Chiefs have not done much to help themselves in the off-season.
  18. My totally unbiased answers: Here are the five questions the article asks: 1. How does Rodgers change the balance of power in the division? .... NO! the Bills are still #1 2. Is this now the most QB-rich division in the league? ..... The Bills' #17 carries this by himself! 3. Which QB is surrounded by the best talent? ..... Bills! 4. Which team has the best defense to shut down an elite QB? ..... Bills! 5. Which team helped itself the most in the draft? .... Bills!
  19. And yet, somehow, last year, we won 13 games. Yeah, let the media hype everyone else. Just go win, baby.
  20. My grade: Very Good = A- Two potential starters, and all the rest of them have a decent shot at making the team, if not the Practice Squad. And gaining some draft capital for next season is an under appreciated bonus. All-in-all, considering our draft position, a very good weekend.
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