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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. One thing these play-off's have shown, if you want to win, you need a pass rush - you need to put preasure on the QB! Somehow, someway, make him nervous. This is the number one priority of the Bills this off-seaon, figure out a way to create pressure: through the draft, change defense, key free agents, all of the above, etc
  2. Georgia Tech - It's a lock, he will become a Bill one way or the other!
  3. No matter what you think of him as a football player, he is a tremendous human being. His football days will end someday, the other stuff, he'll be that for a lifetime.
  4. BB's crusade will not be slowed . . . Tannehill for President! " you 'Took the words right out of my mouth' . . . it must have been while you were kissing me." BB singing to Tanneyhill.
  5. Interesting, I was in the Miami area all week, and Tuesday evening heard Chad P. on a local sports talk show. That question was asked of him: his response, he has no interest in coaching. It would have to be a very unique situation, and he would only do it to help someone he knew well. Don't thin he will be coming to Buffalo soon.
  6. NO! Draft players from big-time programs, kids who don't have to put on weight, and kids who have already been battle-tested against the best-of-the-best.
  7. Bottom line: The Bills need SJ more than he needs them . . . if they don't resign him, it will be a huge set-back for whatever progress was made this season. If they can't come to a longterm deal, I say Franchise him, and give yourself a year to work out a new deal.
  8. And throw in Fisher to Coach the Fins, we're doomed to the basement of the AFC East for another 10 years. Seriously, It would be funny to see him go to NY opposite his little brother.
  9. And throw in Drew Brees or Aaron Rodgers and we're all set Get a grip! I'm with you Kevin. Tannehill should warn the local police there may be a Barbarian looking stalker showing up in the neighborhood soon.
  10. I lived in Lima, OH at the time, so I got to see the whole thing. What I remember most was sitting on my couch in the first half, and intentionally switching to another chair for the second half because the couch wasn't giving us any luck - it was obvious what the problem was, and thankfully for Bills nation, I fixed it that day.
  11. Another North Carolina player considered a first round pick. Why haven't they won like the last three national championships?
  12. Only Haitian player in the NFL. I remember after the earthquake two years ago, he spent quite a bit of time there. I believe he still has family there--at the time anyways. Once Jeff Fisher gets there, he'll want to stay.
  13. At some point, I have moved through the stages of grief over Aaron Maybin, and my anger has now just turned to pity and feeling sorry for the poor guy. He seems like a good kid, it wasn't his fault the BIlls were just stupid. For him, I hope he sticks somewhere and has a productive NFL career--he will unfortunately always carry the stigma of being a 1st round bust. But the point is, he should not have been labeled, or selected, as a 1st round pick. He will forever (on this board at least) be the poster child for "One HIt Wonder" (accept of course, he never had any hits in Buffalo).
  14. If the Rams wanted to trade Bradford, I'd do that. Would rather start fresh with RG3, but yeah, if they want to trade him, even better to get someone just as talented and with a few years experience now.
  15. Biggest Positive Surprises: Offensive Line Chandler Fiiz's Production George Wilson Big Wins Early in the Season Fred Jackson David Nelson, class act Biggest Disappointments: Defensive Execution "I'm in favor of it" Throup - thought He'd have a breakout season Batton, and to some degree Moats (role players at best) Easley missing the season - was hoping for big things Maybin - everything about his demise The lack of offensive creativeness as the season went on
  16. looks like a good prospect 2nd or 3rd round option, I'm sure one variable will be what defense Wanny wants to run . . . But it appears he would be a good fit for a 4-3 end. However, if Upshaw is there in the 1st, draft him! Draft the best players, figure out how to use them next. They can adjust to different schemes with proper coaching. Draft the best players! Not people for certain schemes (exhibit A = Aaron Maybin).
  17. Yeah, the Bills are so loaded they can afford to bury one of their best players. Get a grip people, how many top tier WRs are there in this league? And Johnson has risen to that level--he's certainly top 20 in the league, maybe top 10. Sure, let him go, and spend the next five years lamenting that we let another good player go, as we go dumpsters-diving in other teams practice squads trying to get lucky in finding a replacement for him. Some of us mature a little slower than others, give him time. The Bills would be foolish to let him walk.
  18. What about Heard? I would put him ahead of everyone except Dareus and Williams
  19. Wow, glad you're not the GM! You want to let go of two of the hardest to replace positions in the NFL, and two of your better players on the team = Johnson and Bell. And please keep in mind, free agents are not falling all over themselves trying to sun with Buffalo. When you have top players, no matter how mercurial or injury-bitten they may be, you keep them and figure out ways to keep them in the game (that is much easier than just letting them walk and picking up a replacement in the draft). You went thought the hassle of setting up a TBD account to say that?
  20. Should we resign Stevie? Well, did you recognize any of the receivers on the field on the second half? Oh yeah, I think I saw a throw go near David Nelson once. As said above, if we don't resign him, it's just another big pot hole, that will just get bigger without him.
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