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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. What des PSU have to do with this ?????
  2. In the words of Dave Hester .... YUUUPP!
  3. I watched the last two minutes, and wanted to choke that Arizona back, and why do you call a pitch-out on the play to begin with? Anyhow, p[oetic justice when he shanked it .... a good day for the Bills, would get better if the Steelers would wake up.
  4. I'm not a huge Jerry Sullivan fan, but he nailed it with this one: Pressure Growing on Gailey to produce wins As I watched the game last week, and saw the Bills get out-coached and out-played, I sat their wondering: "Does our coaching staff have a clue?" I hope they do, I want to believe they do, but today's game will be a huge test: time to do something different . . . let's see if they do. Your thoughts?
  5. I think the soft coverage--keep them in front of you philosophy--is all predicated on the assumption that you are going to generate a pass rush and cause the QB to hurry and force things. The whole plan/strategy goes out the door when there is no rush! no pressure! and that is exactly what happened last week. Until there is a legitimate pass rsh and pressure on the QB, it really doesn't matter what scheme the DBs and LBs are playing. To me, the lack of meaningful production by the highly touted D-Line was by far the most disappointing outcome of this game. The blame is being placed in the wrong place . . . yes, better play out of the LBs and DBs is certainly needed, but it all starts up front, and the "up front" guys didn't get it done last week."
  6. have fun, you might even get a cameo on national TV . . . of course, no one will no its you because your head will be covered with a bag -- hmmm? the logic of sporting a bag at a professional sporting event ????
  7. I'll have to say, this is really the first time I have been terribly frustrated with Fitz. We've always known what we had, a good game manager when he's at his best . . . yesterday, he was a game changer, in the worst possible way. HOWEVER, that only masked what we have chosen to ignore, the signs were there in the preseason, and it really showed under the bright lights yesterday -- for all the hype, the defense is still not that good. Its hard to figure, they were decent against the run, but generated no pass rush at all, and the d-backs were almost non-existent in pass coverage. Hard to figure what's going on there ????
  8. I'm sure he traded for Kurt Cousins as soon as the 1:00 games were over.
  9. no, not at all!
  10. yeap! fumble at the most inopportune times . . . but he did look good running the ball today: that's a positive
  11. Yes, Fitz was bad . . . but the biggest disappointment to me was the defense. In the end, we did score 28 points, even with the turnovers, that should keep you in the game. No pressure, no creativity, and receivers running wide-open all day long.
  12. Lost in the three turnovers by the offense, is the fact the defense has been terrible--not one threat of the Jets QB's .... and thus, the DB's have been getting roasted!
  13. great first half: 2 interceptions, no semblance of a pass rush, a fumble, put return for a TD, Fred X out with injury ..... can it get any worse? Oh, yeah it can, still got the 2nd half .... are you kidding me
  14. It's always sunny, 80 degrees, an easyl breeze, every day the Bills win. I believe they're calling for perfect weather in NYC this Sunday!
  15. Last Saturday I was in the mad chaos they call an airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our group was in the bag check-in area, and across the crowded room of wall-to-wall people, I looked up and saw a guy with a Jets t-shirt on. Both of us were clearly out of place, most everyone else the was probably Haitian. My first impulse, I yelled at him, "Jets Suck!" He looked up, and we both got a good laugh. It was a great moment, one of my proudest as a Buffalo Bills fan.
  16. All of the above
  17. My choices from our cuts: WR Kamar Aiken OL Mark Asper OL James Carmon WR Marcus Easley DT Jarron Gilbert And try to find a fast WR, and developmental QB from somewhere else
  18. Agreed, I thank Edwards will be missed around midseason.
  19. He was a good story, seemed fan friendly, but I don't think he was better than what we have
  20. Well, one time it was so cold at Ralph Wilson Stadium that a froze my A$$ off, can I sue?
  21. ugly, awful, cheap looking, really? . . . whoever thought they were a good idea, or looked good, should be fired! Are these the unies for the season? Can we start a petition or something?
  22. yeah, those collars make it look like some sore of cheap midget league knock-off left over from the 80s. Why??? Who looked at that and "said, yeap, that's what these uniforms need, fake collar to accent the bright royal blue" ????
  23. The tone of the whole piece is skeptical. As was mentioned, at times he seems like he knows what he is talking about, and then on other issues he is baseless. As we were all taught in College Writing 101, nothing replaces the primary source. I get the feeling everything he writes is from secondary sources: TBD, the Bills website, some NFL Network watching, a few national publications, etc. I'd bet anyone he never set foot at the BIlls training camp in the past two weeks.
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