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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. <p> KRT88, on 21 October 2012 - 04:54 PM, said: CJ Graham was WIDE open underneath on the interception. Throw the ball to him and the game is just about over! Look at the coverage your Havard idiot! "While TJ Graham was open, it's not what makes your post so funny." I thought the same thing Quote MultiQuote
  2. yeah, they both were "If Wanny had any pride he'd resign." .... I was thinking the same thing. Do the right thing Dave, and resign. If you say Chan is your friend, do him a favor and resign so he doesn't have to can you
  3. You or I could call plays better than him, its obvious, for whatever reasons, that the front four cannot generate consistent pressure. So, hey, call a blitz once in a while, get aggressive! Passive defense has never worked in this league, and I think the evidence is over-whelming, its not working in Buffalo.
  4. Time to let Wanny go ... he obviously doesn't know how to lead this defense.
  5. The play calling needs to be taken away from Chan .... why do you call for two passes in a row with 3 minutes to go, and all you have to do is run the clock. And oh, by the way, you've been running it down their throats all day! Awful !!!! And would someone tell Dave that it is legal to blitz in the NFL. You know, just like the Titans did on that last play.
  6. Maybin is a product of Rex Ryan's enormous ego and imagination.
  7. However, I thought Potter would be consistently putting them through the end zone. If he can't, then I agree, use his roster spot for a bigger need.
  8. I like the Kyle Moore idea ... he played well in pre-season, time to step up! Or, what about Alex Carrington? I think he played better last year out on the edge, he has virtually disappeared at the tackle position.
  9. If he does play = a non-factor in the passing game, where you have to reach up and out on occasion ???
  10. What is most impressive about these statistics is the TD to Interception ratio - 75 TDs to 14 Interceptions. No matter what the system, those are incredible numbers. I would say, future franchise QB numbers.
  11. "Belicheck is the biggest manipulator of injury reports in the league." Yuuup! Watch how the mad-genius performs his medical miracles and these guys are up and ready to go at 1:00 PM on Sunday. Regardless, I like our chances on Sunday.
  12. This makes far too much common sense to ever happen. Good work!
  13. Jut read this from a Boston Globe article . . . "Cordy Glenn, a second-round pick, has done a surprisingly solid job at left tackle. Left guard Andy Levitre has had some struggles, while center Eric Wood and right guard Kraig Urbik are good. Very good right tackle Erik Pears has had increased playing time after dealing with a groin injury in the preseason." Really, "left guard Andy Livitre has had some struggles"??? Wow! Do your homework BG writers.
  14. If the Bills don't want to take that risk, you know someone else will, he's too good to let him walk
  15. sad to see him go, he has been the consummate professional, and for many years was the Bills best player. Well, let's hope Powell doesn't shank one this week . . .
  16. With the rash of RB injuries, and McKelvin's success as a return man (he is fast, and seems to know what to do with the ball in his hands) and his demotion on defense, is it time to get creative and give him a few looks on offense? Interestingly, this week's opponent, Belichick is the master mad scientist when it comes to this sort of thing--it seems he is always moving people around to unfamiliar positions, and getting good production from them. Is it time to give him a little bit of his own witches brew? I know McKelvin has hands of stone sometime of defense; but, like last week, he occasionally comes up with an interception and he has developed into a pretty reliable punt and kickoff catcher. Could he be utilized in a slot position, to then be an end-around threat? short pass and go type of receiver? some running plays that get him to the edge? etc. Your thoughts?
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