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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. You're not serious are you . . . sure, just let your best lineman walk, that's how you build winners
  2. WOW! Exciting! Blown-away! A mediocre coach from a mediocre team, from a crap of a conference. They better get extra personnel in to handle the flood of new season ticket buyers in Orchard Park today! And I'm sure there will be a line of top O & D coordinators falling all over themselves to get on this guys staff.
  3. I surely hope this isn't true ... way to ruin a good nights sleep. The Buffalo Bills, a $#%#$#& gift that just keeps on giving!
  4. There has been a lot of clamoring on this board that the Bills should have drafted him. He is exhibit "B" - right behind Russell Wilson or Colin Kaepernick (you pick your favorite) of another miss draft opportunity. Unfortunately, the facts get in the way. Look at their stats this season, they are almost identical. Except for one thing . . . What Dalton has, that Fitz doesn't have, is a DEFENSE!
  5. Lovie Smith + Marc Trestman? now we're talking sense
  6. Taj Boyd fits the mold of the QBs of the future: athletic, big arm, smart, and can beat you running or throwing. If not him, someone like him is what Bills need to go after. Reality Bites! Please, just let us live in our fantasy football world where whomever we draft in the third round will become our BIlls savior . . . that is, until about the 3rd game he plays in.
  7. Speaking of Linebackers, I just saw that the Jones kid from Georgia is coming out . . . I know everyone thinks we should draft a QB in every round, but he is the kind of player that can make an immediate difference. And at the end of the day (or season), it was far more the let-down of the defense that hurt this team than the QB. Time to find our own group of great Linebackers, ignoring that position hasn't worked.
  8. so actually, Chan was better than him . . . and i would say that Arizona had more talent on their roster than the BIlls have had the past three years
  9. Someone else said it, I will second it: "Post of the year" (but then again, its only Jan. 2. Seriously, well said. Parallels my own perspective. The only thing I would disagree with, is Lovie and the SU Coach and QB. I know he is tremendous person, but for some reason I just don't get excited about Smith. He seems to have had much more talent in Chicago, that has consistently underachieved. As for the Orange combo, I just don't know much about them. But, if they were that good, why couldn't they win in the pathetic thing they call "Big East Football"? Although, Nassib does look like he has a rocket for an arm--that would be welcomed addition (then again, so did the legendary JP Losman). But, again, excellent summary of pure common sense and solid analysis. Thanks Derek in VA.
  10. Absolutely, by all accounts he's a decent man. What did he ever do to us? Why wouldn't you pull for him. Now Wanny, I hope he gets run over and flattened by a fullback pulling through the wide open hole in his d-line. He, or his defense, is why the Bills were such a disappointment this year.
  11. Sounds like that guy that coaches in New England, bring him in!
  12. Yeah, that Harbaugh guy in SF has been a complete flop! It's time to stop thinking like a 70 year old; oh, that's right, our owner is 95 and the GM is 74.
  13. You do realize, that Andy Dalton's stats are almost identical to Fitz's this year, right?
  14. I'm with you, look what "experience" has gotten us, time to get truly creative!
  15. Looks like he'd fit in in Buffalo: Slow, makes bad decisions, and inaccurate.
  16. And according to NFL.com, the winner is: Nobody! with 666 JETS Total Net Yards 332 Bills Total Net Yards 334 The world is coming to an end! Well, at least the season, maybe the Chan & Buddy show?
  17. Haven't the Bills been doing that all season?
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