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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. Oh, we have a better strategy, help them develop, and then let them walk so we can replace the with cheaper, but less predictable, draft picks.
  2. " . . . he struggled somewhat throwing deep balls. " Don't they all ????
  3. Well, as many have said, there are so many variables--mainly, who's there and who is not. It's a dangerous thing to just draft for a need. Realistically, it's a combination of need and what is there. Yes, each team will have positions targeted, and then they have to determine is the position pick worth it when it's their turn to pick. If not, then go to plan be, best player available that will help their team get better?
  4. would be worth giving him a shot--someone is going to. The kind of kid we'd all root for.
  5. "They could literally fix every weak" what?
  6. If he's still available at #8, DRAFT HIM! Oh, but you don't know our strategy .... let productive players walk (i.e., Nelson), so we can create more needs and make drafting much easier--we know exactly what we need: a WR, a LG, a FS, etc.. It's been working for years, why change now?
  7. :thumbsup: Yeah, you know the NFL is lining up to grab those 'cuse boys
  8. Why is Doug Marrone starting to smell like Greg Williams to me? You know, the guy that was smarter than everyone else, or at least he thought he was. Truly disappointed in this one. FYI, from his Twitter: David Nelson ‏@DavidNelson86 Team called my agent this morning. No tender coming. "I don't know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future!" #Jesus
  9. Why is Doug Marrone starting to smell like Greg Williams to me? You know, the guy that was smarter than everyone else, or at least he thought he was. Truly disappointed in this one.
  10. Well, I truly hope not. He is the kind of player that we fans love, high character, productive, and exemplified what you want in effort and community involvement. Moreover, letting him walk, with Jones, means the need to address this position in the draft is hightened--and that only produces reaching for guys. I really have a bad taste about this one. And apparently, so do many of you--11 pages in two days.
  11. Maybe we should get this Brady Quinn guy ????
  12. As said above "because he sucks" You can draft a player much like him later in the draft
  13. The Bills need a productive receiver! Tall and fast do not necessarily translate into production (see TJ Graham). Austin is dynamic, if we have a chance to get him, I say yes! With creativity, he could be a deadly weapon. Much like Jackson in Philly.
  14. I haven't looked at numbers like this since my Research Stats class in grad school; thanks for the effort, and good work--I think (I didn't do well in the class)
  15. what is the point of this thread ?????
  16. makes sense, but would love to keep both. However, if Levitre goes, Rhinehart will be our starting LG next season.
  17. Not a need for the Bills, FA money could be - will be - better spent elsewhere. But, as with all major name releases, just like you can count on the sun coming up in the east every morning, you can be assured there will be a new thread on TBD asking if we should sign him. And I hear someone typing Charles Woodson as I speak . . .
  18. I totally agree with this, although I did question some things he did (pass happy at time, under-use of CJ Spiller, relying too much on Fitz), the real problem of this team over the past few years has been the defense. The offense has been relatively successful. By the way, notice that the early moves of the new regime have been more on the defensive side of the ball--addition by subtraction, but moves nonetheless.
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