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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. The fastest fix for the o-line = Quicker passing designs by the OC and shorter dropbacks by the QB.
  2. Hmmm? MarkKelso'sHelmet ??? ... Is that you Will Grier?
  3. That’s worth a 3rd, maybe 2nd, round mom pick in the Little League draft.
  4. Exhibit A of why RBs don’t get huge contracts. The slide can be fast and fatal.
  5. He looked pretty good last week—one of the lone bright spots in the Bills offense against Pittsburg.
  6. Another morning that I woke up wondering, "Is this the day?"
  7. His fumbles worry me more. He can be scary and careless with the ball when he’s moving. But, yes, given a choice, we all would prefer he has less turnovers, fumbles or interceptions.
  8. Now where have I heard that before? 🤷‍♂️ Well, he does have some great moves. Worth a look.
  9. Unfortunately, a "sign' of the apocalypse from the book of Revelation, not a future blessing.
  10. Speaking of Edwards, hasn't he played OT? Maybe time to consider him at RT ?????
  11. There are way too many words in these posts for my 7th-grade reading and paying-attention level.
  12. Dodson reminded me of Edmunds on that play, biting on something that took him to the wrong side. If we're going to suck there, maybe it is time to give the rookie a look. At least he seems like a hitter and has good instincts--at this point, I'll take that over total incompetence.
  13. Okay, I'll go with "accountability" over panic. Either way, it's time for some serious reconsideration at RT. And probably left as well, but that is asking too much. And while we are holding people's feet to the fire, what about our guru o-line coach?
  14. What was most concerning to me: Josh's last play. It looked like rookie year Josh, running all over--because the line sucks and the receivers couldn't get open--trying to make a play out of nothing. Then it was cute. Now is disappointing on many levels. 1 - Some disappointment is directed towards him. Josh still has not tamed his default instincts to play backyard football when things go wrong ("throw it away." it's a meaningless preseason game!). 2 - And the rest of the disappointment is directed toward the . . . o-line -- still sucking receivers -- why do our guys seem to have such a hard time getting open? Coaching -- after last night, everything is questioned, and management --- for the personnel moves or lack thereof. Every "worst fear" we have showed up in that one play.
  15. I won't bother to read the entire thread, so I'm sure others have said this: BUT AFTER LAST NIGHT, they better have him in Buffalo today! Yes, it is time to panic about our o-line.
  16. If they have any pride, they ask their coach for at least one series to prove themselves. And If I'm the coach, I'm listening to them. Words cannot express how awful both sides of the ball were last evening. Don't forget the Special teams; that sucked too. It was like seeing a car wreck; I can't get the horror of it out of my head.
  17. Watching this on tape delay. How God-awful can it be? 🤮
  18. In effect, Klein is the experienced Middle Linebacker for which the Bills made a late-camp trade. A star? No. But an available and serviceable ML who the Bills know what they are getting and who knows the system well enough, yes! McDermott trusts his veteran players, I can't see him going outside the organization this late in the process.
  19. “Hope is the cruelest of all virtues.” (Harlan Coben).
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